When America was American...were there cries for socialism like there is today?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
No, back then America consisted of Americans. Americans love freedom over free shit, the defining characteristic.
The looking the other way while millions of illegal aliens poured across our southern border was initially driven by the ruling elite and globalists, they wanted the cheap labor while touting diversity.

Then the democrats figured out that hey, they had a permanent underclass in illegal aliens, and all they had to do was demonize anyone that advocated for enforcing our laws and securing the border as racists and bigots, and they could get all those illegal alien VOTES.

Yes, this certainly has effected America, for the worse.
Back then there was a thing called assimilation and immigrants worked hard to conform to the American culture and government. Now there's more a sense of entitlement than responsibility. Arrogant, uncivilized and uneducated immigrants today think that we should adapt to them and their backward ways instead of the other way around. That's what makes so many of todays immigrants undesirable.
There have always been Ultraliberal extremists out there in America, and sometimes quite a few. Eugene V. Debs got as much as 6% of the Popular vote as a admitted socialist in 1912.

The difference is that Debs knew he was a piece of trash. Modern extremists actually condemn people with normative views.
Yup, there's nothing at all socialistic about 90% tax brackets.

You know, back in the '50s when America was American and foreigners and negroes knew their place.
Yup, there's nothing at all socialistic about 90% tax brackets.

You know, back in the '50s when America was American and foreigners and negroes knew their place.
Redistribution via of the federal government is a fuck up always will be always has been so shut the fuck up

Redistribution is a fairytale of fucked up control freaks... fact
Redistribution via of the federal government is a fuck up always will be always has been so shut the fuck up

Redistribution is a fairytale of fucked up control freaks... fact

You're a fuck up.
Yup, there's nothing at all socialistic about 90% tax brackets.

You know, back in the '50s when America was American and foreigners and negroes knew their place.

The 50s when Americans paid a lot less taxes. Back when you could deduce a fart out of your taxes.


Yes, we should get back to the low taxes.
John O. Brennan was a lackey for American Communist strongman Gus Hall 40 years ago.

Hall was the American Stalin, Brennan's hope was to become the American Yezhov.

But the country changed. These beliefs became so mainstream that Brennan is actually made Obama's chief of secret police. Hall never reached his dream of Dictatorship, but his proteges continued on
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
You know the Republicans cried that Social Security was Socialism and was bad....the Republicans cried that Medicare was socialism and was bad.
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
Another goofy history lecture from someone who doesn't know the history of America.
Did politicians build entire foundations and campaign platforms on TAKING from others to fund our worse, our least productive, Mexico’s worse an least productive?
Has the injection of tens of millions of thirdworld foreigners into American society changed and influenced the traditional American perspective on matters such as socialism? Isn’t traditional American perspective part of what built the greatest nation on earth? Are we sure we want that gone?
You know the Republicans cried that Social Security was Socialism and was bad....the Republicans cried that Medicare was socialism and was bad.
Socialist entitlement programs would be OK if they were 100% voluntary, the fact that they are mandatory means they are an absolute fuck up. Fact

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