When a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
When a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol
Forgotten in the wake of January 6.
When a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol | Frontpagemag
3 Feb 2021 ~~ By Lloyd Billingsley

In the furor over the January 6 riot, which Sen. Mitt Romney called an “insurrection incited by the president of the United States,” a more serious assault on the Capitol has been overlooked. For those who weren’t around or may have forgotten, here’s what went down on the evening of November 7, 1983.
“Listen carefully, I’m only going to tell you this one time,” a caller from the “Armed Resistance Unit,” told the operator at the Capitol switchboard. “There is a bomb in the Capitol building. It will go off in five minutes. Evacuate the building.” A Senate document, “Bomb Explodes in Capitol,” describes what happened.
The terrorist group’s bombings claimed no victims but “they really at least debated amongst themselves quite intensely the assassination of police officers, of prosecutors, of military officers.” Their inventory of weapons included dynamite, detonation cord and Uzi machine guns, fully automatic with sawed-off barrels.”
Marilyn Buck attended UC Berkeley, joined Students for a Democratic Society, and later lent her services to the Black Liberation Army (BLA). Susan Rosenberg, daughter of progressive parents, saw herself as part of the struggle against U.S. imperialism.
As it happens, Mitt Romney also supports Black Lives Matter. The 2012 presidential loser calls the January 6 riot an insurrection, but like other politicians he kept rather quiet during the violent, riotous summer of 2020.
What Sen. Romney thinks of the 1983 Capitol bombing by left-wing terrorists has not come to light. William Rosenau knows what the deal is.
The violence of Antifa and right-wing extremists, he explains, “hardly rises to the level of the left-wing political violence of the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s.” As the author wrote in Politico, “the 1970s and 80s were a time of political derangement and violent upheaval, and May 19th was in the thick of it.”

Just as the attack by Puerto Rican terrorists in 1954 in which 5 congresscritters were shot, this isn't terrorism since it's a Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie left. Really just an idea. And yes, the Susan Rosenberg pardoned by Clinton now associated with Thousand Currents which does global fundraising and administration for BLM.
Then there's Barack Obama's close friend Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn...The Weather Underground are unrepentant for their crimes against The United States. They were employed in University to teach their poison to our youth. Bill Ayers is thought to be the Ghost Writer of BHO‘s AUTObiography!
Meanwhile Jerry Nadler pushed for Rosenberg's release. In fact, Clinton was partially to blame for Timothy McVeigh by the FBI killing 3 people in Ruby Ridge not only the white supremist but his son and dog. Also, Waco could have not ended in the death of several people. McVeigh sought revenge for Ruby Ridge and Waco. The recent domestic terrorist act by the PM/DSA Dems from May 2020 to the present were just prelude to the false flag operation by Antifa/BLM on Jan 6th.
When a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol
Forgotten in the wake of January 6.
When a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol | Frontpagemag
3 Feb 2021 ~~ By Lloyd Billingsley

In the furor over the January 6 riot, which Sen. Mitt Romney called an “insurrection incited by the president of the United States,” a more serious assault on the Capitol has been overlooked. For those who weren’t around or may have forgotten, here’s what went down on the evening of November 7, 1983.
“Listen carefully, I’m only going to tell you this one time,” a caller from the “Armed Resistance Unit,” told the operator at the Capitol switchboard. “There is a bomb in the Capitol building. It will go off in five minutes. Evacuate the building.” A Senate document, “Bomb Explodes in Capitol,” describes what happened.
The terrorist group’s bombings claimed no victims but “they really at least debated amongst themselves quite intensely the assassination of police officers, of prosecutors, of military officers.” Their inventory of weapons included dynamite, detonation cord and Uzi machine guns, fully automatic with sawed-off barrels.”
Marilyn Buck attended UC Berkeley, joined Students for a Democratic Society, and later lent her services to the Black Liberation Army (BLA). Susan Rosenberg, daughter of progressive parents, saw herself as part of the struggle against U.S. imperialism.
As it happens, Mitt Romney also supports Black Lives Matter. The 2012 presidential loser calls the January 6 riot an insurrection, but like other politicians he kept rather quiet during the violent, riotous summer of 2020.
What Sen. Romney thinks of the 1983 Capitol bombing by left-wing terrorists has not come to light. William Rosenau knows what the deal is.
The violence of Antifa and right-wing extremists, he explains, “hardly rises to the level of the left-wing political violence of the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s.” As the author wrote in Politico, “the 1970s and 80s were a time of political derangement and violent upheaval, and May 19th was in the thick of it.”

Just as the attack by Puerto Rican terrorists in 1954 in which 5 congresscritters were shot, this isn't terrorism since it's a Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie left. Really just an idea. And yes, the Susan Rosenberg pardoned by Clinton now associated with Thousand Currents which does global fundraising and administration for BLM.
Then there's Barack Obama's close friend Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn...The Weather Underground are unrepentant for their crimes against The United States. They were employed in University to teach their poison to our youth. Bill Ayers is thought to be the Ghost Writer of BHO‘s AUTObiography!
Meanwhile Jerry Nadler pushed for Rosenberg's release. In fact, Clinton was partially to blame for Timothy McVeigh by the FBI killing 3 people in Ruby Ridge not only the white supremist but his son and dog. Also, Waco could have not ended in the death of several people. McVeigh sought revenge for Ruby Ridge and Waco. The recent domestic terrorist act by the PM/DSA Dems from May 2020 to the present were just prelude to the false flag operation by Antifa/BLM on Jan 6th.
Rewriting history I see... Ruby Ridge incident happened under George H.W. Bush and not William Jefferson Clinton...

So maybe you should correct your OP but my bet you will not!
Was Jan 6th just a party?

I have realized that dealing with those that believe the election was stolen and that January 6th 2021 was not a insurrection in their mind is not even worth it any longer.

The OP attempts to tie Ruby Ridge to Bill Clinton when the incident happened in 1992 and Clinton did not become President until January 1993, and they also wrote the White Supremacist was killed and my question is are they writing about U.S. Marshal that was killed?

If they are writing about those that were killed then it was the Marshal, Sammy Weaver, Vicki Weaver and the dog and not the Father...

The fact is the OP need to make sure they have their facts correct when posting because it ruins their rant but then again they believe Trump had the election stolen from them and most likely believe Democrats rip the faces off monkeys and drink lizard blood from outer space...
When a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol
Forgotten in the wake of January 6.
When a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol | Frontpagemag
3 Feb 2021 ~~ By Lloyd Billingsley

In the furor over the January 6 riot, which Sen. Mitt Romney called an “insurrection incited by the president of the United States,” a more serious assault on the Capitol has been overlooked. For those who weren’t around or may have forgotten, here’s what went down on the evening of November 7, 1983.
“Listen carefully, I’m only going to tell you this one time,” a caller from the “Armed Resistance Unit,” told the operator at the Capitol switchboard. “There is a bomb in the Capitol building. It will go off in five minutes. Evacuate the building.” A Senate document, “Bomb Explodes in Capitol,” describes what happened.
The terrorist group’s bombings claimed no victims but “they really at least debated amongst themselves quite intensely the assassination of police officers, of prosecutors, of military officers.” Their inventory of weapons included dynamite, detonation cord and Uzi machine guns, fully automatic with sawed-off barrels.”
Marilyn Buck attended UC Berkeley, joined Students for a Democratic Society, and later lent her services to the Black Liberation Army (BLA). Susan Rosenberg, daughter of progressive parents, saw herself as part of the struggle against U.S. imperialism.
As it happens, Mitt Romney also supports Black Lives Matter. The 2012 presidential loser calls the January 6 riot an insurrection, but like other politicians he kept rather quiet during the violent, riotous summer of 2020.
What Sen. Romney thinks of the 1983 Capitol bombing by left-wing terrorists has not come to light. William Rosenau knows what the deal is.
The violence of Antifa and right-wing extremists, he explains, “hardly rises to the level of the left-wing political violence of the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s.” As the author wrote in Politico, “the 1970s and 80s were a time of political derangement and violent upheaval, and May 19th was in the thick of it.”

Just as the attack by Puerto Rican terrorists in 1954 in which 5 congresscritters were shot, this isn't terrorism since it's a Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie left. Really just an idea. And yes, the Susan Rosenberg pardoned by Clinton now associated with Thousand Currents which does global fundraising and administration for BLM.
Then there's Barack Obama's close friend Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn...The Weather Underground are unrepentant for their crimes against The United States. They were employed in University to teach their poison to our youth. Bill Ayers is thought to be the Ghost Writer of BHO‘s AUTObiography!
Meanwhile Jerry Nadler pushed for Rosenberg's release. In fact, Clinton was partially to blame for Timothy McVeigh by the FBI killing 3 people in Ruby Ridge not only the white supremist but his son and dog. Also, Waco could have not ended in the death of several people. McVeigh sought revenge for Ruby Ridge and Waco. The recent domestic terrorist act by the PM/DSA Dems from May 2020 to the present were just prelude to the false flag operation by Antifa/BLM on Jan 6th.
Rewriting history I see... Ruby Ridge incident happened under George H.W. Bush and not William Jefferson Clinton...

So maybe you should correct your OP but my bet you will not!

I did a mediafact check on the source.



A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence
Just as the attack by Puerto Rican terrorists in 1954 in which 5 congresscritters were shot, this isn't terrorism since it's a Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie left. Really just an idea. And yes, the Susan Rosenberg pardoned by Clinton now associated with Thousand Currents which does global fundraising and administration for BLM.

She wasn't pardoned by Clinton, her sentence was commuted because she got a 54 year sentence for a charge that normally only gets you five years.

In fact, Clinton was partially to blame for Timothy McVeigh by the FBI killing 3 people in Ruby Ridge not only the white supremist but his son and dog.

Wow, a whole bunch of factual errors here. First, Ruby Ridge happened in 1992, when Poppy Bush was still president. Secondly, Randy Weaver wasn't killed, but one of his friends was. (Along with is wife because she held a door open for him after he shot at Federal Agents.) You also left out the part where Weaver killed a Federal Marshall, which is why the FBI was involved.

Also, Waco could have not ended in the death of several people. McVeigh sought revenge for Ruby Ridge and Waco.

The idiots at Waco killed themselves.

The recent domestic terrorist act by the PM/DSA Dems from May 2020 to the present were just prelude to the false flag operation by Antifa/BLM on Jan 6th.

The Right Wing Mentality

Pre- Jan 6 - "Let's all go to Washington and protest the election."
Jan 6 - "Let's storm the Capitol. Kill Pelosi. Hang Pence!"
Post Jan. 6 " Hey, that totally wasn't us, guys!!! That was BLM and Antifa! No, really!"
When a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol
Forgotten in the wake of January 6.
When a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol | Frontpagemag
3 Feb 2021 ~~ By Lloyd Billingsley

In the furor over the January 6 riot, which Sen. Mitt Romney called an “insurrection incited by the president of the United States,” a more serious assault on the Capitol has been overlooked. For those who weren’t around or may have forgotten, here’s what went down on the evening of November 7, 1983.
“Listen carefully, I’m only going to tell you this one time,” a caller from the “Armed Resistance Unit,” told the operator at the Capitol switchboard. “There is a bomb in the Capitol building. It will go off in five minutes. Evacuate the building.” A Senate document, “Bomb Explodes in Capitol,” describes what happened.
The terrorist group’s bombings claimed no victims but “they really at least debated amongst themselves quite intensely the assassination of police officers, of prosecutors, of military officers.” Their inventory of weapons included dynamite, detonation cord and Uzi machine guns, fully automatic with sawed-off barrels.”
Marilyn Buck attended UC Berkeley, joined Students for a Democratic Society, and later lent her services to the Black Liberation Army (BLA). Susan Rosenberg, daughter of progressive parents, saw herself as part of the struggle against U.S. imperialism.
As it happens, Mitt Romney also supports Black Lives Matter. The 2012 presidential loser calls the January 6 riot an insurrection, but like other politicians he kept rather quiet during the violent, riotous summer of 2020.
What Sen. Romney thinks of the 1983 Capitol bombing by left-wing terrorists has not come to light. William Rosenau knows what the deal is.
The violence of Antifa and right-wing extremists, he explains, “hardly rises to the level of the left-wing political violence of the 1960s, ’70s and ’80s.” As the author wrote in Politico, “the 1970s and 80s were a time of political derangement and violent upheaval, and May 19th was in the thick of it.”

Just as the attack by Puerto Rican terrorists in 1954 in which 5 congresscritters were shot, this isn't terrorism since it's a Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commie left. Really just an idea. And yes, the Susan Rosenberg pardoned by Clinton now associated with Thousand Currents which does global fundraising and administration for BLM.
Then there's Barack Obama's close friend Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn...The Weather Underground are unrepentant for their crimes against The United States. They were employed in University to teach their poison to our youth. Bill Ayers is thought to be the Ghost Writer of BHO‘s AUTObiography!
Meanwhile Jerry Nadler pushed for Rosenberg's release. In fact, Clinton was partially to blame for Timothy McVeigh by the FBI killing 3 people in Ruby Ridge not only the white supremist but his son and dog. Also, Waco could have not ended in the death of several people. McVeigh sought revenge for Ruby Ridge and Waco. The recent domestic terrorist act by the PM/DSA Dems from May 2020 to the present were just prelude to the false flag operation by Antifa/BLM on Jan 6th.
3 more members of the proud boys were hunted down like dogs by the FBI and arrested yesterday.

I'm sure they'd be thrilled to hear you calling them part of BLM.

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