What's wrong with our leading Democrats?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
What's wrong with Democrats?

Will Pelosi’s hate ever end?

In a bit of news that received almost no news coverage last week, Republicans picked up another seat in the US House of Representatives. Let that sink in for just a moment. It took until February 5, 2021—three full months after the November election—for a House race to conclude in the courts. Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) had to appeal the election results up to the New York Supreme Court, which finally ruled that she was the winner over incumbent Democrat Rep. Anthony Brindisi. The outcome of that election was only decided because there was an audit of the votes in Tenney’s district. Just sayin’!

So, Rep. Tenney was sworn in as the newest member of Congress last Thursday.

Members of Congress are typically allowed to bring family members to watch when they take their oath of office. But the number of guests inside the Capitol is limited right now, with coronavirus being the excuse. Anyway, Rep. Tenney chose to have her son come and watch her being sworn in.

House Speaker Nancy Piglosi (D-CA) denied that request. She refused to allow Rep. Tenney’s adult son to attend the ceremony, on the grounds that he is a dangerous security threat.

Wait, what?

Who is Rep. Tenney’s son? Is he some QAnon blogger or a member of the Proud Boys? Does he read Breitbart News (or this website)? Does he have an NRA card? Does he own a hat with buffalo horns on it?!

Actually, Congresswoman Tenney’s adult son is an officer in the US Navy. The guy attended the US Naval Academy and received one of the finest military educations still available in America. He’s served his country since roughly 2013.

Right before he deployed to Iraq in 2017, President Donald Trump personally called him to wish him well.

Tenney’s son likely has a fairly high-level security clearance at this point in his career. He’s also been vetted by the military to a level of much more scrutiny than the average person will ever go through. Yet Nancy Pelosi has branded this US Naval Officer a security threat to the very same Congress that Tenney’s son has a sworn oath to defend.

This goes far beyond the normal political pettiness that we’ve all come to expect from the Democrat Party. This is ominous.

If a US naval officer is being branded a security threat and is not allowed to enter Congress just to watch his own mother’s swearing-in ceremony, what do you suppose the people in charge think about you?
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Its been taken over by an extreme but vocal and well funded anti democratic group. Who know how to organize and effect and win elections. So to win the leadership will cater to them. Other factions need to come together and push against them. They also need get together and come to agreement as to who the party is and what they stand for and who they represent.
Why do you think PROGS stick with them considering they can't defend them?
What's wrong with Democrats?

Will Pelosi’s hate ever end?

In a bit of news that received almost no news coverage last week, Republicans picked up another seat in the US House of Representatives. Let that sink in for just a moment. It took until February 5, 2021—three full months after the November election—for a House race to conclude in the courts. Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) had to appeal the election results up to the New York Supreme Court, which finally ruled that she was the winner over incumbent Democrat Rep. Anthony Brindisi. The outcome of that election was only decided because there was an audit of the votes in Tenney’s district. Just sayin’!

So, Rep. Tenney was sworn in as the newest member of Congress last Thursday.

Members of Congress are typically allowed to bring family members to watch when they take their oath of office. But the number of guests inside the Capitol is limited right now, with coronavirus being the excuse. Anyway, Rep. Tenney chose to have her son come and watch her being sworn in.

House Speaker Nancy Piglosi (D-CA) denied that request. She refused to allow Rep. Tenney’s adult son to attend the ceremony, on the grounds that he is a dangerous security threat.

Wait, what?

Who is Rep. Tenney’s son? Is he some QAnon blogger or a member of the Proud Boys? Does he read Breitbart News (or this website)? Does he have an NRA card? Does he own a hat with buffalo horns on it?!

Actually, Congresswoman Tenney’s adult son is an officer in the US Navy. The guy attended the US Naval Academy and received one of the finest military educations still available in America. He’s served his country since roughly 2013.

Right before he deployed to Iraq in 2017, President Donald Trump personally called him to wish him well.

Tenney’s son likely has a fairly high-level security clearance at this point in his career. He’s also been vetted by the military to a level of much more scrutiny than the average person will ever go through. Yet Nancy Pelosi has branded this US Naval Officer a security threat to the very same Congress that Tenney’s son has a sworn oath to defend.

This goes far beyond the normal political pettiness that we’ve all come to expect from the Democrat Party. This is ominous.

If a US naval officer is being branded a security threat and is not allowed to enter Congress just to watch his own mother’s swearing-in ceremony, what do you suppose the people in charge think about you?
he is a member of the USA military, do naturally Pelosi and democrats hate him. When will our military step in and get rid of these threats to our constitution and our country? They certainly know what is going on!
Why do you think PROGS stick with them considering they can't defend them?
They have to stick with them because they have gotten them selves elected inside party elections from precinct captains on up and are in powerful seats inside the party. So there is no choice but to deal with them until they can get un elected from party post. In side party politics is rough. The name of the game is Hard Ball when it comes to party politics.

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