What's next after this 2 trillion dollar pork bill, how about 3 trillion more?

Ray From Cleveland

Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2015
WASHINGTON (AP) — Looking beyond the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill, President Joe Biden and lawmakers are laying the groundwork for another top legislative priority — a long-sought boost to the nation’s roads, bridges and other infrastructure that could run into Republican resistance to a hefty price tag.

Biden and his team have begun discussions on the possible outlines of an infrastructure package with members of Congress, particularly mindful that Texas’ recent struggles with power outages and water shortages after a brutal winter storm present an opportunity for agreement on sustained spending on infrastructure.

Democrats passed a $1.5 trillion package in the House last year, but it went nowhere with the Trump administration and the Republican-led Senate. A Senate panel approved narrower bipartisan legislation in 2019 focused on reauthorizing federal transportation programs. It, too, flamed out as the U.S. turned its focus to elections and COVID-19.

Biden has talked bigger numbers, and some Democrats are now urging him to bypass Republicans in the closely divided Congress to address a broader range of priorities urged by interest groups.

During the presidential campaign, Biden pledged to deploy $2 trillion on infrastructure and clean energy, but the White House has not ruled out an even higher price tag. McCarthy said Biden’s upcoming plan will specifically aim at job creation, such as with investments to boost “workers that have been left behind” by closed coal mines or power plants, as well as communities located near polluting refineries and other hazards.

DeFazio said General Motors’ recently announced goal of going largely electric by 2035 demonstrates the need for massive spending on charging stations across the country. Biden campaigned on a plan to install 500,000 charging stations by the end of 2030.

It's been written about that the Covid bill is around 90% pork that has nothing to do with the actual virus itself. Billions of dollars for nonsense like mass transit in Piglosi's state as well as a bridge to Canada in Shoemakers state. Now it's time to spend more money catering to their construction union supporters.

With the Republicans virtually helpless to control spending, we could very well find ourselves with a 4 to 5 trillion dollar additional debt within the first few months under this administration, mostly pandering to unions, environmentalists, and a host of Democrat loyalists. 500,000 charging stations by 2030? At this rate, the US will be Venezuela by then.
However much is necessary to destroy the US dollar and everyone’s savings.
Wouldn’t have been necessary if Trump had come through on his promise to reinvest in infrastructure.

I guess tax cuts for wealthy Americans was just more important than helping out average Americans.
Pork! It's what's for dinner!

I wonder what kind of crap the democrats will try to pass in this one, stuff that has nothing to do with infrastructure. The Senate parliamentarian will be working overtime for the next couple of years. Might get fired too, if the democrats don't get their way.
Why not? No one has cared about the debt for years so why start now?
total bullshit---yes, people have cared..I've been saying it for years

You say people care but yet the debt continues to grow no matter who is in charge.
1. you don't refute my claim at all
2. that's why the Capitol protest was legit!!! for many reasons--they WON'T stop spending

The protest was to overturn an election. The guy who lost oversaw 8 trillion in new debt over 4 years.
Why not? No one has cared about the debt for years so why start now?
total bullshit---yes, people have cared..I've been saying it for years

You say people care but yet the debt continues to grow no matter who is in charge.
1. you don't refute my claim at all
2. that's why the Capitol protest was legit!!! for many reasons--they WON'T stop spending

The protest was to overturn an election. The guy who lost oversaw 8 trillion in new debt over 4 years.
no--it was for more than that
Why not? No one has cared about the debt for years so why start now?
total bullshit---yes, people have cared..I've been saying it for years

You say people care but yet the debt continues to grow no matter who is in charge.
1. you don't refute my claim at all
2. that's why the Capitol protest was legit!!! for many reasons--they WON'T stop spending

The protest was to overturn an election. The guy who lost oversaw 8 trillion in new debt over 4 years.
so, EVERYONE knows they are over spending --on bullshit--your answer is:
they did it before!!!!!!!
However much is necessary to destroy the US dollar and everyone’s savings.
Wouldn’t have been necessary if Trump had come through on his promise to reinvest in infrastructure.

I guess tax cuts for wealthy Americans was just more important than helping out average Americans.
He provided Americans with the lowest unemployment we had ever seen. That’s how you “help out” Americans.
Why not? No one has cared about the debt for years so why start now?
Not sure what you are talking about....we have been trying to get a second covid relief package passed for sometime....the left refused over and over again to compromise on their massive spending bill, mitch and the gop were concerned at the massive bill and offered packages that were focused just on covid offering much less..so they were certainly concerned.

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