What would you tell young people (your children?) about this insane world & how to deal w/ it?


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
Well, conservatives want their children to be conservative.. but there are the teen years... sigh

Anyhow... knowing that teens don't listen well to cantankerous oldsters..

what can we say?

Well, since they don't listen well, we probably should teach them to listen to both sides of an argument.. but also listen to what their gut may be telling them... I mean, if a human being feels strongly that something aint right here... something probably aint right here... I think of transgenderism... homosexuality..

so anyhow, this is the thread for Advice to Young People (Don't Make the Same Mistakes I and Others Have Made)
Well, conservatives want their children to be conservative.. but there are the teen years... sigh

Anyhow... knowing that teens don't listen well to cantankerous oldsters..

what can we say?

Well, since they don't listen well, we probably should teach them to listen to both sides of an argument.. but also listen to what their gut may be telling them... I mean, if a human being feels strongly that something aint right here... something probably aint right here... I think of transgenderism... homosexuality..

so anyhow, this is the thread for Advice to Young People (Don't Make the Same Mistakes I and Others Have Made)

First off advice alone ain't gonna cut it. Not when kids are essentially growing up in a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Our children are still young. That being said, we have decided to forbid them use of any and all personal smart devices. When they reach public school age, we will very likely either homeschool them or send them to school online, depending on whether or not we can find an online school curriculum free of Gender Ideology and Critical Race Theory and revisionist history. Additionally, their computer access will be strictly limited and software parental controls will be active at all times. We will limit their exposure to the psycho circus our modern world has become, while they are young, and when the time comes, as they get older, we will begin to explain the evils of prevailing insane ideologies.

As for older "children" I think of my twenty-one year-old niece who moved in with us a few months back. She's a hard worker, recently and rapidly promoted to a management position at her job. She's going to university online (largely to avoid the jab), and we're backing her up in all her endeavors because both her parents are toxic. I have been handing down words of wisdom and anecdotes from her great and great-great grandparents, as well as sharing their first hand accounts of the Great Depression, World War I and World War II. My wife and I are doing everything we can to help her understand what life was like in "saner" times, before cell phones and the internet and the invasion of radical leftist Cultural Marxism. So far it seems to be working. She's a level-headed, responsible young woman and we're very proud of her.
Well, conservatives want their children to be conservative.. but there are the teen years... sigh

Anyhow... knowing that teens don't listen well to cantankerous oldsters..

what can we say?

Well, since they don't listen well, we probably should teach them to listen to both sides of an argument.. but also listen to what their gut may be telling them... I mean, if a human being feels strongly that something aint right here... something probably aint right here... I think of transgenderism... homosexuality..

so anyhow, this is the thread for Advice to Young People (Don't Make the Same Mistakes I and Others Have Made)
A friend of mine moved to Greenland and told his children to befriend polar bears to ease their loneliness.

Problem was, the Left had already infiltrated the polar bear population and was ready. The polar bears not only convinced them that they were not really human but were polar bears, they convinced them they were the other sex as well. And being a white polar bear they convinced them they were also all racist so they ended up hating themselves.
The future is the kids, not yours...They will decide..
In the future the kids will have more power. But it is clear that the adults today are not in charge. many have been brainwashed to approve of their children getting raped.

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