What would you platform look like if you ran for president?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Here is mine

1. Move about 150 billion we spend on our military to science, r&d and education. We'd still have the most powerful military on the planet and with the reforms I'd make there'd not be too much of a difference at the end of the day...More would be spent on r&d and having the most advanced military. One thing I'd do is to cancel the f-35 but instead I'd spend the money on 30-50 more f-22's.
-I'd reduce our navy to 8 battle groups from 10, but all of our ships would get some upgrades...
-Our nation would give up the policies of global police and focus more on American interest and that would mean that there'd be no war unless congress declared it.
-A new generation of laser and rail-gun based weapon systems would be put into place.(Yes, I am a futurist!)
-A new generation of a flying fortress would be developed and put into service.

-Also I'd close the loop holes as i will say in 2. below and I'd use this increase in funding for the "-" areas below of about 150 billion...So about 300 billion in total would be the increase in spending but with the reduction in military and the closed loop holes I think we could do it.

-Nasa would get 35 billion per year with the goal of sealing off a cave/lava tube on the moon for a long term outpost. I'd let the private sector have a large role in this of course and probably use half or more of the space to develop some kind of a tourist economy to help in paying for most of the cost.

-Nasa would then use some money to build telescopes directed towards the understanding of extrasolar planets.

-Maybe a robotic mission to europa.

-Infrastructure/energy infrastructure would get the majority of the funding...Pretty much I'd go back to 1970's levels of infrastructure spending.

-Noaa would get a few billion more to make sure we have the best meteorological set- up on earth.

-Possibly a few billion towards cancer research and other areas of research that would benefit humanities health.

2. Close the loop holes on the rich. Taxes on income would remain about the same but they wouldn't be able to hide in other countries. Corporate taxes would of course be reduced to 24%.

3. Hold a full investigation into where all the money is going towards. This would also allow me a chance to look into efficiency and demand better. No more 150 buck hammers! Massive fines would be instituted on government officials that attempted to rip off the tax payers.

4. Reform education...I'd simply pick one of the top 3 educational systems on earth and use it as our own. I'd reinstitute harsh punishment for trouble makers and demand respect of others within our schools. Parents would be expected to parent.

5. For kids that want to learn I'd give them free college for degrees that we need. No, not woman studies or ethics!!! But Math, physics, engineering, computer science, etc. For people that can't do that I'd also give them the choice of trade schools.

6. I'd end the h1b program and greatly limit immigration to about 80 thousand per year. We wouldn't need workers as we'd educate our own!

7. End free trade and replace it with fair trade...I'd raise a massive tariff on outside goods to favor our businesses.

8. Work to reduce welfare and to get people back to work.
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G5000's take on tax deductions, including home mortgages.

A simpler tax rate, with the lowest paying not fed income tax, and no more that two more rates. 3% added revenues.

Raise the retirement age, and end the payroll tax cap. (see 3% revenues above)

End corporate taxes, but shift the burden to cap gains and passive income

Cut domestic spending 3% and index all increases for ten years to less than increase in gnp ... unless the potus certifies there's a recession.

Caveat: except higher education and healthcare. "Give" students who earned specified degrees loan forgiveness if they demonstrate employment over 4 years.

Repeal Obamacare for tax credits to all non-govt workers.

Cut all military spending in Europe by 15% over ten years.

Enact school choice for any sch dist not teaching kids to read and do math.

and I wouldn't need to be pushed, I'd jump, for coming up with such a ridiculous idea
I'd increase fraud units in every department . People or business's caught scamming will be prosecuted tonthe fullest . Got to get the word out that stealing won't be tolerated .
Here is mine

1. Move about 150 billion we spend on our military to science, r&d and education. We'd still have the most powerful military on the planet and with the reforms I'd make there'd not be too much of a difference at the end of the day...More would be spent on r&d and having the most advanced military. One thing I'd do is to cancel the f-35 but instead I'd spend the money on 30-50 more f-22's.
-I'd reduce our navy to 8 battle groups from 10, but all of our ships would get some upgrades...
-Our nation would give up the policies of global police and focus more on American interest and that would mean that there'd be no war unless congress declared it.
-A new generation of laser and rail-gun based weapon systems would be put into place.(Yes, I am a futurist!)
-A new generation of a flying fortress would be developed and put into service.

-Also I'd close the loop holes as i will say in 2. below and I'd use this increase in funding for the "-" areas below of about 150 billion...So about 300 billion in total would be the increase in spending but with the reduction in military and the closed loop holes I think we could do it.

-Nasa would get 35 billion per year with the goal of sealing off a cave/lava tube on the moon for a long term outpost. I'd let the private sector have a large role in this of course and probably use half or more of the space to develop some kind of a tourist economy to help in paying for most of the cost.

-Nasa would then use some money to build telescopes directed towards the understanding of extrasolar planets.

-Maybe a robotic mission to europa.

-Infrastructure/energy infrastructure would get the majority of the funding...Pretty much I'd go back to 1970's levels of infrastructure spending.

-Noaa would get a few billion more to make sure we have the best meteorological set- up on earth.

-Possibly a few billion towards cancer research and other areas of research that would benefit humanities health.

2. Close the loop holes on the rich. Taxes on income would remain about the same but they wouldn't be able to hide in other countries. Corporate taxes would of course be reduced to 24%.

3. Hold a full investigation into where all the money is going towards. This would also allow me a chance to look into efficiency and demand better. No more 150 buck hammers! Massive fines would be instituted on government officials that attempted to rip off the tax payers.

4. Reform education...I'd simply pick one of the top 3 educational systems on earth and use it as our own. I'd reinstitute harsh punishment for trouble makers and demand respect of others within our schools. Parents would be expected to parent.

5. For kids that want to learn I'd give them free college for degrees that we need. No, not woman studies or ethics!!! But Math, physics, engineering, computer science, etc. For people that can't do that I'd also give them the choice of trade schools.

6. I'd end the h1b program and greatly limit immigration to about 80 thousand per year. We wouldn't need workers as we'd educate our own!

7. End free trade and replace it with fair trade...I'd raise a massive tariff on outside goods to favor our businesses.

8. Work to reduce welfare and to get people back to work.

He agrees...
Here is mine

1. Move about 150 billion we spend on our military to science, r&d and education. We'd still have the most powerful military on the planet and with the reforms I'd make there'd not be too much of a difference at the end of the day...More would be spent on r&d and having the most advanced military. One thing I'd do is to cancel the f-35 but instead I'd spend the money on 30-50 more f-22's.
-I'd reduce our navy to 8 battle groups from 10, but all of our ships would get some upgrades...
-Our nation would give up the policies of global police and focus more on American interest and that would mean that there'd be no war unless congress declared it.
-A new generation of laser and rail-gun based weapon systems would be put into place.(Yes, I am a futurist!)
-A new generation of a flying fortress would be developed and put into service.

-Also I'd close the loop holes as i will say in 2. below and I'd use this increase in funding for the "-" areas below of about 150 billion...So about 300 billion in total would be the increase in spending but with the reduction in military and the closed loop holes I think we could do it.

-Nasa would get 35 billion per year with the goal of sealing off a cave/lava tube on the moon for a long term outpost. I'd let the private sector have a large role in this of course and probably use half or more of the space to develop some kind of a tourist economy to help in paying for most of the cost.

-Nasa would then use some money to build telescopes directed towards the understanding of extrasolar planets.

-Maybe a robotic mission to europa.

-Infrastructure/energy infrastructure would get the majority of the funding...Pretty much I'd go back to 1970's levels of infrastructure spending.

-Noaa would get a few billion more to make sure we have the best meteorological set- up on earth.

-Possibly a few billion towards cancer research and other areas of research that would benefit humanities health.

2. Close the loop holes on the rich. Taxes on income would remain about the same but they wouldn't be able to hide in other countries. Corporate taxes would of course be reduced to 24%.

3. Hold a full investigation into where all the money is going towards. This would also allow me a chance to look into efficiency and demand better. No more 150 buck hammers! Massive fines would be instituted on government officials that attempted to rip off the tax payers.

4. Reform education...I'd simply pick one of the top 3 educational systems on earth and use it as our own. I'd reinstitute harsh punishment for trouble makers and demand respect of others within our schools. Parents would be expected to parent.

5. For kids that want to learn I'd give them free college for degrees that we need. No, not woman studies or ethics!!! But Math, physics, engineering, computer science, etc. For people that can't do that I'd also give them the choice of trade schools.

6. I'd end the h1b program and greatly limit immigration to about 80 thousand per year. We wouldn't need workers as we'd educate our own!

7. End free trade and replace it with fair trade...I'd raise a massive tariff on outside goods to favor our businesses.

8. Work to reduce welfare and to get people back to work.

150 billionaires n for NASA?

You are surely joking....
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Here is mine

1. Move about 150 billion we spend on our military to science, r&d and education. We'd still have the most powerful military on the planet and with the reforms I'd make there'd not be too much of a difference at the end of the day...More would be spent on r&d and having the most advanced military. One thing I'd do is to cancel the f-35 but instead I'd spend the money on 30-50 more f-22's.
-I'd reduce our navy to 8 battle groups from 10, but all of our ships would get some upgrades...
-Our nation would give up the policies of global police and focus more on American interest and that would mean that there'd be no war unless congress declared it.
-A new generation of laser and rail-gun based weapon systems would be put into place.(Yes, I am a futurist!)
-A new generation of a flying fortress would be developed and put into service.

-Also I'd close the loop holes as i will say in 2. below and I'd use this increase in funding for the "-" areas below of about 150 billion...So about 300 billion in total would be the increase in spending but with the reduction in military and the closed loop holes I think we could do it.

-Nasa would get 35 billion per year with the goal of sealing off a cave/lava tube on the moon for a long term outpost. I'd let the private sector have a large role in this of course and probably use half or more of the space to develop some kind of a tourist economy to help in paying for most of the cost.

-Nasa would then use some money to build telescopes directed towards the understanding of extrasolar planets.

-Maybe a robotic mission to europa.

-Infrastructure/energy infrastructure would get the majority of the funding...Pretty much I'd go back to 1970's levels of infrastructure spending.

-Noaa would get a few billion more to make sure we have the best meteorological set- up on earth.

-Possibly a few billion towards cancer research and other areas of research that would benefit humanities health.

2. Close the loop holes on the rich. Taxes on income would remain about the same but they wouldn't be able to hide in other countries. Corporate taxes would of course be reduced to 24%.

3. Hold a full investigation into where all the money is going towards. This would also allow me a chance to look into efficiency and demand better. No more 150 buck hammers! Massive fines would be instituted on government officials that attempted to rip off the tax payers.

4. Reform education...I'd simply pick one of the top 3 educational systems on earth and use it as our own. I'd reinstitute harsh punishment for trouble makers and demand respect of others within our schools. Parents would be expected to parent.

5. For kids that want to learn I'd give them free college for degrees that we need. No, not woman studies or ethics!!! But Math, physics, engineering, computer science, etc. For people that can't do that I'd also give them the choice of trade schools.

6. I'd end the h1b program and greatly limit immigration to about 80 thousand per year. We wouldn't need workers as we'd educate our own!

7. End free trade and replace it with fair trade...I'd raise a massive tariff on outside goods to favor our businesses.

8. Work to reduce welfare and to get people back to work.

150 billionaires n for NASA?

You are surely joking....

35 billion. I'd love to see 150 billion for nasa but that is only a dream.
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Here is mine

1. Move about 150 billion we spend on our military to science, r&d and education. We'd still have the most powerful military on the planet and with the reforms I'd make there'd not be too much of a difference at the end of the day...More would be spent on r&d and having the most advanced military. One thing I'd do is to cancel the f-35 but instead I'd spend the money on 30-50 more f-22's.
-I'd reduce our navy to 8 battle groups from 10, but all of our ships would get some upgrades...
-Our nation would give up the policies of global police and focus more on American interest and that would mean that there'd be no war unless congress declared it.
-A new generation of laser and rail-gun based weapon systems would be put into place.(Yes, I am a futurist!)
-A new generation of a flying fortress would be developed and put into service.

-Also I'd close the loop holes as i will say in 2. below and I'd use this increase in funding for the "-" areas below of about 150 billion...So about 300 billion in total would be the increase in spending but with the reduction in military and the closed loop holes I think we could do it.

-Nasa would get 35 billion per year with the goal of sealing off a cave/lava tube on the moon for a long term outpost. I'd let the private sector have a large role in this of course and probably use half or more of the space to develop some kind of a tourist economy to help in paying for most of the cost.

-Nasa would then use some money to build telescopes directed towards the understanding of extrasolar planets.

-Maybe a robotic mission to europa.

-Infrastructure/energy infrastructure would get the majority of the funding...Pretty much I'd go back to 1970's levels of infrastructure spending.

-Noaa would get a few billion more to make sure we have the best meteorological set- up on earth.

-Possibly a few billion towards cancer research and other areas of research that would benefit humanities health.

2. Close the loop holes on the rich. Taxes on income would remain about the same but they wouldn't be able to hide in other countries. Corporate taxes would of course be reduced to 24%.

3. Hold a full investigation into where all the money is going towards. This would also allow me a chance to look into efficiency and demand better. No more 150 buck hammers! Massive fines would be instituted on government officials that attempted to rip off the tax payers.

4. Reform education...I'd simply pick one of the top 3 educational systems on earth and use it as our own. I'd reinstitute harsh punishment for trouble makers and demand respect of others within our schools. Parents would be expected to parent.

5. For kids that want to learn I'd give them free college for degrees that we need. No, not woman studies or ethics!!! But Math, physics, engineering, computer science, etc. For people that can't do that I'd also give them the choice of trade schools.

6. I'd end the h1b program and greatly limit immigration to about 80 thousand per year. We wouldn't need workers as we'd educate our own!

7. End free trade and replace it with fair trade...I'd raise a massive tariff on outside goods to favor our businesses.

8. Work to reduce welfare and to get people back to work.

He agrees...

Well, a lot of people including me disagree with your idea of going back to the 18th century.
I would trade the whole northeast for British Columbia with Canada...
I'd increase fraud units in every department . People or business's caught scamming will be prosecuted tonthe fullest . Got to get the word out that stealing won't be tolerated .

Let's just say that government officials and fraudulent bankers would serve prison time for ripping off the tax payer. It is time for a president that fights to restore the public trust in government!
I'll never understand why so many people aren't interested in investing a lot more money into science. Our understanding of science and the progress/comfort of humanity are inextricably linked.
I'll never understand why so many people aren't interested in investing a lot more money into science. Our understanding of science and the progress/comfort of humanity are inextricably linked.

If we don't get the debt under control people will be living in tents and eating insects.
Here is mine

1. Move about 150 billion we spend on our military to science, r&d and education. We'd still have the most powerful military on the planet and with the reforms I'd make there'd not be too much of a difference at the end of the day...More would be spent on r&d and having the most advanced military. One thing I'd do is to cancel the f-35 but instead I'd spend the money on 30-50 more f-22's.
-I'd reduce our navy to 8 battle groups from 10, but all of our ships would get some upgrades...
-Our nation would give up the policies of global police and focus more on American interest and that would mean that there'd be no war unless congress declared it.
-A new generation of laser and rail-gun based weapon systems would be put into place.(Yes, I am a futurist!)
-A new generation of a flying fortress would be developed and put into service.

-Also I'd close the loop holes as i will say in 2. below and I'd use this increase in funding for the "-" areas below of about 150 billion...So about 300 billion in total would be the increase in spending but with the reduction in military and the closed loop holes I think we could do it.

-Nasa would get 35 billion per year with the goal of sealing off a cave/lava tube on the moon for a long term outpost. I'd let the private sector have a large role in this of course and probably use half or more of the space to develop some kind of a tourist economy to help in paying for most of the cost.

-Nasa would then use some money to build telescopes directed towards the understanding of extrasolar planets.

-Maybe a robotic mission to europa.

-Infrastructure/energy infrastructure would get the majority of the funding...Pretty much I'd go back to 1970's levels of infrastructure spending.

-Noaa would get a few billion more to make sure we have the best meteorological set- up on earth.

-Possibly a few billion towards cancer research and other areas of research that would benefit humanities health.

2. Close the loop holes on the rich. Taxes on income would remain about the same but they wouldn't be able to hide in other countries. Corporate taxes would of course be reduced to 24%.

3. Hold a full investigation into where all the money is going towards. This would also allow me a chance to look into efficiency and demand better. No more 150 buck hammers! Massive fines would be instituted on government officials that attempted to rip off the tax payers.

4. Reform education...I'd simply pick one of the top 3 educational systems on earth and use it as our own. I'd reinstitute harsh punishment for trouble makers and demand respect of others within our schools. Parents would be expected to parent.

5. For kids that want to learn I'd give them free college for degrees that we need. No, not woman studies or ethics!!! But Math, physics, engineering, computer science, etc. For people that can't do that I'd also give them the choice of trade schools.

6. I'd end the h1b program and greatly limit immigration to about 80 thousand per year. We wouldn't need workers as we'd educate our own!

7. End free trade and replace it with fair trade...I'd raise a massive tariff on outside goods to favor our businesses.

8. Work to reduce welfare and to get people back to work.

He agrees...

Well, a lot of people including me disagree with your idea of going back to the 18th century.
Here is mine

1. Move about 150 billion we spend on our military to science, r&d and education. We'd still have the most powerful military on the planet and with the reforms I'd make there'd not be too much of a difference at the end of the day...More would be spent on r&d and having the most advanced military. One thing I'd do is to cancel the f-35 but instead I'd spend the money on 30-50 more f-22's.
-I'd reduce our navy to 8 battle groups from 10, but all of our ships would get some upgrades...
-Our nation would give up the policies of global police and focus more on American interest and that would mean that there'd be no war unless congress declared it.
-A new generation of laser and rail-gun based weapon systems would be put into place.(Yes, I am a futurist!)
-A new generation of a flying fortress would be developed and put into service.

-Also I'd close the loop holes as i will say in 2. below and I'd use this increase in funding for the "-" areas below of about 150 billion...So about 300 billion in total would be the increase in spending but with the reduction in military and the closed loop holes I think we could do it.

-Nasa would get 35 billion per year with the goal of sealing off a cave/lava tube on the moon for a long term outpost. I'd let the private sector have a large role in this of course and probably use half or more of the space to develop some kind of a tourist economy to help in paying for most of the cost.

-Nasa would then use some money to build telescopes directed towards the understanding of extrasolar planets.

-Maybe a robotic mission to europa.

-Infrastructure/energy infrastructure would get the majority of the funding...Pretty much I'd go back to 1970's levels of infrastructure spending.

-Noaa would get a few billion more to make sure we have the best meteorological set- up on earth.

-Possibly a few billion towards cancer research and other areas of research that would benefit humanities health.

2. Close the loop holes on the rich. Taxes on income would remain about the same but they wouldn't be able to hide in other countries. Corporate taxes would of course be reduced to 24%.

3. Hold a full investigation into where all the money is going towards. This would also allow me a chance to look into efficiency and demand better. No more 150 buck hammers! Massive fines would be instituted on government officials that attempted to rip off the tax payers.

4. Reform education...I'd simply pick one of the top 3 educational systems on earth and use it as our own. I'd reinstitute harsh punishment for trouble makers and demand respect of others within our schools. Parents would be expected to parent.

5. For kids that want to learn I'd give them free college for degrees that we need. No, not woman studies or ethics!!! But Math, physics, engineering, computer science, etc. For people that can't do that I'd also give them the choice of trade schools.

6. I'd end the h1b program and greatly limit immigration to about 80 thousand per year. We wouldn't need workers as we'd educate our own!

7. End free trade and replace it with fair trade...I'd raise a massive tariff on outside goods to favor our businesses.

8. Work to reduce welfare and to get people back to work.

He agrees...

Well, a lot of people including me disagree with your idea of going back to the 18th century.
1. Repeal the Third Amendment
2. No taxes on beer
3. Ban smoking

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