What would MLK say?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
As the King holiday is upon us, it is once again time to reflect on Dr. Kings life and what it meant. What it really meant, not the one sentence those on the right haves made his life out to mean. Some on the right would claim that King would oppose BLM based on the government propaganda they chose to believe about them.

But King's main point was-



Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Speech - American Rhetoric

We have not seen that flood from the mighty stream yet. And no matter what a few sellouts think, this is the reality in which blacks and ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR live in. We are now into the third decade of the 21st century, it is time for us in America to stop pretending and stop lying to ourselves about reality in order to make a specific group of people feel good or comfortable. Either we all feel comfortable or no one does until this mess ends. America has not reached the point of judging people of color by the content of our character. When you read whites complaining about affirmative action while always making claims about the less qualified person of color, that is an example of how the contwnt of character is ignored.

When people talk about blacks being on a democrat plantation, this claim is not based on content of character. When blacks echo white racist beliefs and defends white supremacy it is an example of immoral character and not a black person living the belief in content of character.

I was alive when King lived and saw how he was hated by whites. To hear white “conservative” republicans tell it, King was widely accepted and loved by the white community. King was called everything whites call blacks who oppose white racism continuing today. I know because I heard them saying it. King was loved so much for his dignity, non-violence and responsibility that “conservative” whites claim to champion that a white man ended his life using ultimate violence. And now whites want to try telling us what King stood for. Ain't that about a.........

This type of lunacy believed by a section of the white community created a fictional, docile, sellout King. King took bullets and gave his life fighting to end white racism. A great man once said,” No man has a greater love than is, that he lay down his life for his friends.” King did that. That was the content of his character.
I was very much alive when MLK was alive. I never met anyone who hated him. sellout????? because he would have advised against the filth of BLM loot, burn,
and assault policy?????
He got murdered. So somebody hated him. He got death threats, so somebody hated him. King was BLM.You're a white racist who thinks BLM did all the drioting, when the records show that it was white supremacists doing it. Just like they dif on 1-6. And you probably fell for the BLM did it story about that too.
I was very much alive when MLK was alive. I never met anyone who hated him. sellout????? because he would have advised against the filth of BLM loot, burn,
and assault policy?????
He got murdered. So somebody hated him. He got death threats, so somebody hated him. King was BLM.You're a white racist who thinks BLM did all the drioting, when the records show that it was white supremacists doing it. Just like they dif on 1-6. And you probably fell for the BLM did it story about that too.

yeah ---I FELL FOR IT-----"It's white supremacist "doing it" " I have a few decades of experience in DEATH in my diverse
community-----HANDS ON. Nope---its BLM now----and before that it was young black males---killing young black males and robberies and burglaries and rapes 'gone bad'
Try to cope with reality

I was alive then too. I was very much into the "AMERICAN PUBLIC" being both a State college
student and also doing a part time Job in a state
hospital In the years before his assassination and
at the time of his assassination----I never came across
a person IN THE USA who disliked MLK. I came across lots of hatred at that time-----I was reading some of the really IDIOTIC stuff written by "black sociologists" Your quotation refers to a single issue---which is opposition to USA policy in Viet Nam which---back them was considered traitorous by lots of people
First, Happy MLK Day.

Second, of course, I do not know what Dr. King would say.

Third, I would guess that he would be very disappointed by today's behavior of many young gentlemen of his ethnicity.

Fourth, I do not see much improvement in their behavior in the coming decades, regardless of what policies are followed by Mr. Biden and whom he appoints to various positions.
First, Happy MLK Day.

Second, of course, I do not know what Dr. King would say.

Third, I would guess that he would be very disappointed by today's behavior of many young gentlemen of his ethnicity.

Fourth, I do not see much improvement in their behavior in the coming decades, regardless of what policies are followed by Mr. Biden and whom he appoints to various positions.

I am more pessimistic. Short term, I believe that things are going to get worse. There seems to be some sort of MASSIVE EXPECTATION of the Utopia
for "persons of color" promised by "biden/kamala"
The reaction to the fact that the duo will not be able
to DELIVER-----might be violent
First, Happy MLK Day.

Second, of course, I do not know what Dr. King would say.

Third, I would guess that he would be very disappointed by today's behavior of many young gentlemen of his ethnicity.

Fourth, I do not see much improvement in their behavior in the coming decades, regardless of what policies are followed by Mr. Biden and whom he appoints to various positions.
And this is the problem with whites trying to provide opinions on this matter. You say things as if white behavior has no bearing on matters. King would probably be out of patience with whites by now. He was getting there by the end of his life when he stated that his dream had become a nightnare. So the things here is, WILL WHITES EVER CHANGE THEIR BEHAVIOR?

Judging from what I 've seen in nearly 60 years, no. Whites will continue holding racist attitudes then make claim about us like you just did.
First, Happy MLK Day.

Second, of course, I do not know what Dr. King would say.

Third, I would guess that he would be very disappointed by today's behavior of many young gentlemen of his ethnicity.

Fourth, I do not see much improvement in their behavior in the coming decades, regardless of what policies are followed by Mr. Biden and whom he appoints to various positions.

I am more pessimistic. Short term, I believe that things are going to get worse. There seems to be some sort of MASSIVE EXPECTATION of the Utopia
for "persons of color" promised by "biden/kamala"
The reaction to the fact that the duo will not be able
to DELIVER-----might be violent
We don't expect that and whites like you need to shut up considering we just saw whiteys rebellion over some shit whites made up that didn't happen.
First, Happy MLK Day.

Second, of course, I do not know what Dr. King would say.

Third, I would guess that he would be very disappointed by today's behavior of many young gentlemen of his ethnicity.

Fourth, I do not see much improvement in their behavior in the coming decades, regardless of what policies are followed by Mr. Biden and whom he appoints to various positions.

I am more pessimistic. Short term, I believe that things are going to get worse. There seems to be some sort of MASSIVE EXPECTATION of the Utopia
for "persons of color" promised by "biden/kamala"
The reaction to the fact that the duo will not be able
to DELIVER-----might be violent

This is a hot potato, especially since Big Tech has introduced censorship to stop all debate.

So I will just say that I agree 100% with you that the situation will definitely get worse in the coming decades.

Some people (of all ethnicities) sincerely feel that everything is going to be great once the Caucasian majority is gone.

IMHO, that is wishful thinking.
I was very much alive when MLK was alive. I never met anyone who hated him. sellout????? because he would have advised against the filth of BLM loot, burn,
and assault policy?????
He got murdered. So somebody hated him. He got death threats, so somebody hated him. King was BLM.You're a white racist who thinks BLM did all the drioting, when the records show that it was white supremacists doing it. Just like they dif on 1-6. And you probably fell for the BLM did it story about that too.
LBJ hated him
As the King holiday is upon us, it is once again time to reflect on Dr. Kings life and what it meant. What it really meant, not the one sentence those on the right haves made his life out to mean. Some on the right would claim that King would oppose BLM based on the government propaganda they chose to believe about them.

But King's main point was-


View attachment 444059

Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Speech - American Rhetoric

We have not seen that flood from the mighty stream yet. And no matter what a few sellouts think, this is the reality in which blacks and ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR live in. We are now into the third decade of the 21st century, it is time for us in America to stop pretending and stop lying to ourselves about reality in order to make a specific group of people feel good or comfortable. Either we all feel comfortable or no one does until this mess ends. America has not reached the point of judging people of color by the content of our character. When you read whites complaining about affirmative action while always making claims about the less qualified person of color, that is an example of how the contwnt of character is ignored.

When people talk about blacks being on a democrat plantation, this claim is not based on content of character. When blacks echo white racist beliefs and defends white supremacy it is an example of immoral character and not a black person living the belief in content of character.

I was alive when King lived and saw how he was hated by whites. To hear white “conservative” republicans tell it, King was widely accepted and loved by the white community. King was called everything whites call blacks who oppose white racism continuing today. I know because I heard them saying it. King was loved so much for his dignity, non-violence and responsibility that “conservative” whites claim to champion that a white man ended his life using ultimate violence. And now whites want to try telling us what King stood for. Ain't that about a.........

This type of lunacy believed by a section of the white community created a fictional, docile, sellout King. King took bullets and gave his life fighting to end white racism. A great man once said,” No man has a greater love than is, that he lay down his life for his friends.” King did that. That was the content of his character.
I thought MLK's dream was that people be judged by the content of their character not the color if their skin.

It seems to me that all that matters today is the color of one's skin
As the King holiday is upon us, it is once again time to reflect on Dr. Kings life and what it meant. What it really meant, not the one sentence those on the right haves made his life out to mean. Some on the right would claim that King would oppose BLM based on the government propaganda they chose to believe about them.

But King's main point was-


View attachment 444059

Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Speech - American Rhetoric

We have not seen that flood from the mighty stream yet. And no matter what a few sellouts think, this is the reality in which blacks and ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR live in. We are now into the third decade of the 21st century, it is time for us in America to stop pretending and stop lying to ourselves about reality in order to make a specific group of people feel good or comfortable. Either we all feel comfortable or no one does until this mess ends. America has not reached the point of judging people of color by the content of our character. When you read whites complaining about affirmative action while always making claims about the less qualified person of color, that is an example of how the contwnt of character is ignored.

When people talk about blacks being on a democrat plantation, this claim is not based on content of character. When blacks echo white racist beliefs and defends white supremacy it is an example of immoral character and not a black person living the belief in content of character.

I was alive when King lived and saw how he was hated by whites. To hear white “conservative” republicans tell it, King was widely accepted and loved by the white community. King was called everything whites call blacks who oppose white racism continuing today. I know because I heard them saying it. King was loved so much for his dignity, non-violence and responsibility that “conservative” whites claim to champion that a white man ended his life using ultimate violence. And now whites want to try telling us what King stood for. Ain't that about a.........

This type of lunacy believed by a section of the white community created a fictional, docile, sellout King. King took bullets and gave his life fighting to end white racism. A great man once said,” No man has a greater love than is, that he lay down his life for his friends.” King did that. That was the content of his character.
I thought MLK's dream was that people be judged by the content of their character not the color if their skin.

It seems to me that all that matters today is the color of one's skin
That's all that ever mattered. It's why whitres have 15 times the wealth of everybody else.

Kings dream was the end of white racism. Whites like you love trotting out that line when whites get held accountable for the racism they continue to exhibit.
As the King holiday is upon us, it is once again time to reflect on Dr. Kings life and what it meant. What it really meant, not the one sentence those on the right haves made his life out to mean. Some on the right would claim that King would oppose BLM based on the government propaganda they chose to believe about them.

But King's main point was-


View attachment 444059

Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Speech - American Rhetoric

We have not seen that flood from the mighty stream yet. And no matter what a few sellouts think, this is the reality in which blacks and ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR live in. We are now into the third decade of the 21st century, it is time for us in America to stop pretending and stop lying to ourselves about reality in order to make a specific group of people feel good or comfortable. Either we all feel comfortable or no one does until this mess ends. America has not reached the point of judging people of color by the content of our character. When you read whites complaining about affirmative action while always making claims about the less qualified person of color, that is an example of how the contwnt of character is ignored.

When people talk about blacks being on a democrat plantation, this claim is not based on content of character. When blacks echo white racist beliefs and defends white supremacy it is an example of immoral character and not a black person living the belief in content of character.

I was alive when King lived and saw how he was hated by whites. To hear white “conservative” republicans tell it, King was widely accepted and loved by the white community. King was called everything whites call blacks who oppose white racism continuing today. I know because I heard them saying it. King was loved so much for his dignity, non-violence and responsibility that “conservative” whites claim to champion that a white man ended his life using ultimate violence. And now whites want to try telling us what King stood for. Ain't that about a.........

This type of lunacy believed by a section of the white community created a fictional, docile, sellout King. King took bullets and gave his life fighting to end white racism. A great man once said,” No man has a greater love than is, that he lay down his life for his friends.” King did that. That was the content of his character.
I thought MLK's dream was that people be judged by the content of their character not the color if their skin.

It seems to me that all that matters today is the color of one's skin
That's all that ever mattered. It's why whitres have 15 times the wealth of everybody else.

Kings dream was the end of white racism. Whites like you love trotting out that line when whites get held accountable for the racism they continue to exhibit.

There is no scientific basis for the concept of race the fact that people still cling to the idea that races are anything but a man made concept we will never progress towards a society where race doesn't matter
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As the King holiday is upon us, it is once again time to reflect on Dr. Kings life and what it meant. What it really meant, not the one sentence those on the right haves made his life out to mean. Some on the right would claim that King would oppose BLM based on the government propaganda they chose to believe about them.

But King's main point was-


View attachment 444059

Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Speech - American Rhetoric

We have not seen that flood from the mighty stream yet. And no matter what a few sellouts think, this is the reality in which blacks and ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR live in. We are now into the third decade of the 21st century, it is time for us in America to stop pretending and stop lying to ourselves about reality in order to make a specific group of people feel good or comfortable. Either we all feel comfortable or no one does until this mess ends. America has not reached the point of judging people of color by the content of our character. When you read whites complaining about affirmative action while always making claims about the less qualified person of color, that is an example of how the contwnt of character is ignored.

When people talk about blacks being on a democrat plantation, this claim is not based on content of character. When blacks echo white racist beliefs and defends white supremacy it is an example of immoral character and not a black person living the belief in content of character.

I was alive when King lived and saw how he was hated by whites. To hear white “conservative” republicans tell it, King was widely accepted and loved by the white community. King was called everything whites call blacks who oppose white racism continuing today. I know because I heard them saying it. King was loved so much for his dignity, non-violence and responsibility that “conservative” whites claim to champion that a white man ended his life using ultimate violence. And now whites want to try telling us what King stood for. Ain't that about a.........

This type of lunacy believed by a section of the white community created a fictional, docile, sellout King. King took bullets and gave his life fighting to end white racism. A great man once said,” No man has a greater love than is, that he lay down his life for his friends.” King did that. That was the content of his character.
He had a dream, but you wouldn't move off the plantation.
As the King holiday is upon us, it is once again time to reflect on Dr. Kings life and what it meant. What it really meant, not the one sentence those on the right haves made his life out to mean. Some on the right would claim that King would oppose BLM based on the government propaganda they chose to believe about them.

But King's main point was-


View attachment 444059

Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Speech - American Rhetoric

We have not seen that flood from the mighty stream yet. And no matter what a few sellouts think, this is the reality in which blacks and ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR live in. We are now into the third decade of the 21st century, it is time for us in America to stop pretending and stop lying to ourselves about reality in order to make a specific group of people feel good or comfortable. Either we all feel comfortable or no one does until this mess ends. America has not reached the point of judging people of color by the content of our character. When you read whites complaining about affirmative action while always making claims about the less qualified person of color, that is an example of how the contwnt of character is ignored.

When people talk about blacks being on a democrat plantation, this claim is not based on content of character. When blacks echo white racist beliefs and defends white supremacy it is an example of immoral character and not a black person living the belief in content of character.

I was alive when King lived and saw how he was hated by whites. To hear white “conservative” republicans tell it, King was widely accepted and loved by the white community. King was called everything whites call blacks who oppose white racism continuing today. I know because I heard them saying it. King was loved so much for his dignity, non-violence and responsibility that “conservative” whites claim to champion that a white man ended his life using ultimate violence. And now whites want to try telling us what King stood for. Ain't that about a.........

This type of lunacy believed by a section of the white community created a fictional, docile, sellout King. King took bullets and gave his life fighting to end white racism. A great man once said,” No man has a greater love than is, that he lay down his life for his friends.” King did that. That was the content of his character.
I thought MLK's dream was that people be judged by the content of their character not the color if their skin.

It seems to me that all that matters today is the color of one's skin
That's all that ever mattered. It's why whitres have 15 times the wealth of everybody else.

Kings dream was the end of white racism. Whites like you love trotting out that line when whites get held accountable for the racism they continue to exhibit.

There is no scientific basis for the concept of race the fact that people still cling to the idea that races are anything but a man made concept we will never progress towards a society where race doesn't matter

Sorry but that's ridiculous. There are biological differences between the races. Not only is it obvious even to a small child, It is in your DNA and in your bone structure.
As the King holiday is upon us, it is once again time to reflect on Dr. Kings life and what it meant. What it really meant, not the one sentence those on the right haves made his life out to mean. Some on the right would claim that King would oppose BLM based on the government propaganda they chose to believe about them.

But King's main point was-


View attachment 444059

Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Speech - American Rhetoric

We have not seen that flood from the mighty stream yet. And no matter what a few sellouts think, this is the reality in which blacks and ALL PEOPLE OF COLOR live in. We are now into the third decade of the 21st century, it is time for us in America to stop pretending and stop lying to ourselves about reality in order to make a specific group of people feel good or comfortable. Either we all feel comfortable or no one does until this mess ends. America has not reached the point of judging people of color by the content of our character. When you read whites complaining about affirmative action while always making claims about the less qualified person of color, that is an example of how the contwnt of character is ignored.

When people talk about blacks being on a democrat plantation, this claim is not based on content of character. When blacks echo white racist beliefs and defends white supremacy it is an example of immoral character and not a black person living the belief in content of character.

I was alive when King lived and saw how he was hated by whites. To hear white “conservative” republicans tell it, King was widely accepted and loved by the white community. King was called everything whites call blacks who oppose white racism continuing today. I know because I heard them saying it. King was loved so much for his dignity, non-violence and responsibility that “conservative” whites claim to champion that a white man ended his life using ultimate violence. And now whites want to try telling us what King stood for. Ain't that about a.........

This type of lunacy believed by a section of the white community created a fictional, docile, sellout King. King took bullets and gave his life fighting to end white racism. A great man once said,” No man has a greater love than is, that he lay down his life for his friends.” King did that. That was the content of his character.
I thought MLK's dream was that people be judged by the content of their character not the color if their skin.

It seems to me that all that matters today is the color of one's skin
That's all that ever mattered. It's why whitres have 15 times the wealth of everybody else.

Kings dream was the end of white racism. Whites like you love trotting out that line when whites get held accountable for the racism they continue to exhibit.

There is no scientific basis for the concept of race the fact that people still cling to the idea that races are anything but a man made concept we will never progress towards a society where race doesn't matter

Sorry but that's ridiculous. There are biological differences between the races. Not only is it obvious even to a small child, It is in your DNA and in your bone structure.

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