What would a Sanders Presidency look like?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
What would a Sander's Presidency look like?
What has the US come to when the two choices are Sanders and Trump? God help us.

The core supporters of both are similar; angry people who feel the US has not been good to them.

Sanders would pull most Trump policies to the left. He will not implement his most radical policies

We could end up with balanced policies we had when Trump came into office.

The two wackos and the supporters will provide great reading in the history books.
What would a Sander's Presidency look like?
What has the US come to when the two choices are Sanders and Trump? God help us.

The core supporters of both are similar; angry people who feel the US has not been good to them.

Sanders would pull most Trump policies to the left. He will not implement his most radical policies

We could end up with balanced policies we had when Trump came into office.

The two wackos and the supporters will provide great reading in the history books.
What I'm wondering is who he'd pick for veep.

On one hand, he's a True Believer, so if he holds to his principles he'll pick a similar running mate.

But if he gives in to the party, he'll pick someone to "balance" the ticket - but at his age, that would be dangerous with his base.

That would be a pretty interesting pick.
What would a Sander's Presidency look like?
What has the US come to when the two choices are Sanders and Trump? God help us.

The core supporters of both are similar; angry people who feel the US has not been good to them.

Sanders would pull most Trump policies to the left. He will not implement his most radical policies

We could end up with balanced policies we had when Trump came into office.

The two wackos and the supporters will provide great reading in the history books.

Core supporters of both may have similarities in a general sense. Certainly one of the significant differences is Trump supporters are angry that things they work very hard for are being taken away. While Bernie supporters are angry that life is not fair and they want more things they don't have to work for.
What would a Sander's Presidency look like?
What has the US come to when the two choices are Sanders and Trump? God help us.

The core supporters of both are similar; angry people who feel the US has not been good to them.

Sanders would pull most Trump policies to the left. He will not implement his most radical policies

We could end up with balanced policies we had when Trump came into office.

The two wackos and the supporters will provide great reading in the history books.

Bernie staffers have opinions about that.

Gulags, guillotines and burning cities for those who did not vote for him.
Pretty sure it would NOT involve whiny 3am tweets about how his predecessor tapppppppppppppped his wires, delusionary hallucinations about six trillion people coming to the inauguration, outright lies about how his father was born in a very wonderful place in Germany, tributizing Nazis and skinheads as "very fine people", paying off porn stars to stay mum just before the election, shaking down foreign heads of state to influence elections, exhorting rally attendees to "beat the crap out of" each other, calling for NFL players to be "fired", mocking the congenital disabilities of reporters who wouldn't lie for him, having to settle a FRAUD case just before the Electoral College voted, inventing "three million illegals", excluding entire religions from entering the country, slamming the free press, or hiding in the hotel while the rest of Europe's heads of state go out to pay tribute at a WWI memorial because it's raining.

So that's umpteen improvements right there.
What would a Sander's Presidency look like?
What has the US come to when the two choices are Sanders and Trump? God help us.

The core supporters of both are similar; angry people who feel the US has not been good to them.

Sanders would pull most Trump policies to the left. He will not implement his most radical policies

We could end up with balanced policies we had when Trump came into office.

The two wackos and the supporters will provide great reading in the history books.
Pedophiles and Beastiality would be legalized.
What would a Sander's Presidency look like?
What has the US come to when the two choices are Sanders and Trump? God help us.

The core supporters of both are similar; angry people who feel the US has not been good to them.

Sanders would pull most Trump policies to the left. He will not implement his most radical policies

We could end up with balanced policies we had when Trump came into office.

The two wackos and the supporters will provide great reading in the history books.
What I'm wondering is who he'd pick for veep.

On one hand, he's a True Believer, so if he holds to his principles he'll pick a similar running mate.

But if he gives in to the party, he'll pick someone to "balance" the ticket - but at his age, that would be dangerous with his base.

That would be a pretty interesting pick.

Gavin Newsome...
What would a Sander's Presidency look like?
What has the US come to when the two choices are Sanders and Trump? God help us.

The core supporters of both are similar; angry people who feel the US has not been good to them.

Sanders would pull most Trump policies to the left. He will not implement his most radical policies

We could end up with balanced policies we had when Trump came into office.

The two wackos and the supporters will provide great reading in the history books.
What’s not balanced? Blacks working? Secured Borders? More respect world wide.. Over 1 million people are going to try to fit into 100,000 person Stadium tomorrow in India to hear the great president speak
What would a Sanders Presidency look like?

Outside of chaos and division?
Much like Venezuela did in 1992 I would say, with many demanding free stuff and a large divide in wealth....the pre-Chavez era.
What America would like following his Presidency is probably just as important a question.

But if this trend continues.....sooner or later....
if you have accumulated assets, property, stock portfolio gains.....good pension from your hard work etc etc etc.....
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What would a Sander's Presidency look like?
What has the US come to when the two choices are Sanders and Trump? God help us.

The core supporters of both are similar; angry people who feel the US has not been good to them.

Sanders would pull most Trump policies to the left. He will not implement his most radical policies

We could end up with balanced policies we had when Trump came into office.

The two wackos and the supporters will provide great reading in the history books.
Pedophiles and Beastiality would be legalized.
My god you idiots really will believe anything.
What would a Sander's Presidency look like?
What has the US come to when the two choices are Sanders and Trump? God help us.

The core supporters of both are similar; angry people who feel the US has not been good to them.

Sanders would pull most Trump policies to the left. He will not implement his most radical policies

We could end up with balanced policies we had when Trump came into office.

The two wackos and the supporters will provide great reading in the history books.
What I'm wondering is who he'd pick for veep.

On one hand, he's a True Believer, so if he holds to his principles he'll pick a similar running mate.

But if he gives in to the party, he'll pick someone to "balance" the ticket - but at his age, that would be dangerous with his base.

That would be a pretty interesting pick.
I agree, as a moderate I would hope he would pick a moderate.
What would a Sander's Presidency look like?
What has the US come to when the two choices are Sanders and Trump? God help us.

The core supporters of both are similar; angry people who feel the US has not been good to them.

Sanders would pull most Trump policies to the left. He will not implement his most radical policies

We could end up with balanced policies we had when Trump came into office.

The two wackos and the supporters will provide great reading in the history books.

I suspect that Bernie will propose a bunch of stuff that he won't get through Congress because the Moderate Democrats will team up with Republicans and defeat them.

I also suspect we'll see a huge shift back to the GOP in 2022.

That said, as awful as the choices are, I'd probably vote for Bernie because Trump's racism is corrosive to our nation's soul.
What would a Sander's Presidency look like?
What has the US come to when the two choices are Sanders and Trump? God help us.

The core supporters of both are similar; angry people who feel the US has not been good to them.

Sanders would pull most Trump policies to the left. He will not implement his most radical policies

We could end up with balanced policies we had when Trump came into office.

The two wackos and the supporters will provide great reading in the history books.
What’s not balanced? Blacks working? Secured Borders? More respect world wide.. Over 1 million people are going to try to fit into 100,000 person Stadium tomorrow in India to hear the great president speak
Balance is a government with separation of powers, not a dictatorship. Allowing the judiciary and legislative branch put a check on the executive branch.
You allow a President have this power, a Democratic President will do things you do not like unchecked.
Sanders may win the Democrat nomination......I still have doubts the DNC will allow that ultimately.
But he will NOT win the Presidential election in any case in 2020.

We are still at least one more election cycle away from Socialists having the numbers to pull it off in 2020.

2024 ? A Socialist president may be possible by then or certainly by 2028. The old guard is dying off, young people have no value on their freedom and demand a change. Even if it means sacrificing individuality, liberty and success through hard work.
Balance is a government with separation of powers, not a dictatorship. Allowing the judiciary and legislative branch put a check on the executive branch.
You allow a President have this power, a Democratic President will do things you do not like unchecked.

I dunno.
If we MUST have a dictator.....I would prefer one who has THIS nations best interests at heart. Democrats were just fine with Obama as a dictator with his "Pen and Phone" to circumvent Congress. That was just fine by Socialists and Communists.

Obama certainly had the best interests of certain nations at heart.....Iran for example. Oh, and he most definitely showed favor towards the Nation of Islam. If I was Muslim, I'm sure I would have approved.
What would a Sander's Presidency look like?
What has the US come to when the two choices are Sanders and Trump? God help us.

The core supporters of both are similar; angry people who feel the US has not been good to them.

Sanders would pull most Trump policies to the left. He will not implement his most radical policies

We could end up with balanced policies we had when Trump came into office.

The two wackos and the supporters will provide great reading in the history books.
What’s not balanced? Blacks working? Secured Borders? More respect world wide.. Over 1 million people are going to try to fit into 100,000 person Stadium tomorrow in India to hear the great president speak
Balance is a government with separation of powers, not a dictatorship. Allowing the judiciary and legislative branch put a check on the executive branch.
You allow a President have this power, a Democratic President will do things you do not like unchecked.
Your delusional Trump is doing nothing different than any other president in the history of our country.. democrats have hundreds of investigations on Trump and people that supported Trump they are bankrupting Trump supporters with these investigations they are putting people in jail this is called domestic terrorism.

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