What will "taxing the rich" actually fix? Or accomplish?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
So lets say we raise taxes, for example, 20% on all rich people, by Obama's definition over 250K, including all businesses that had 250K total worth.

What will it fix? So that money is taken out of the private sector, and put into the pockets of government. Then what? It's dispersed out to poor people? Put into infrastructure? Simply put towards the debt? Used to hire even more bureaucrats? That money would have ended up somewhere anyway. So why even insert a middle man (government) to take it, then dispense it, rather than let the private citizens disperse it themselves?

What will "tax the rich" fix? Poor people will still be poor. Hungry people still hungry. Ugly people still ugly. Crazy Arabs are still gonna want to bomb us. Our borders will stay open. People are still gonna bitch about inequality.

What is it truly gonna fix?

The only way we'll "fix" our country is:

1- Stop acting like damn victims all the time
2- Realize globalism won out, so we'll have to work as hard as foreigners do now, for less money and benefits. Reality is here.
3- Spending more than taken in is bad math.
4- No one owes you or I anything. Only our individual efforts will give us hope.
5- There is a place for morality in America. Tolerance of all things isn't good. We need norms and standards for society.

So, go ahead Obama. Tax the rich. And it wont do anything.
So lets say we raise taxes, for example, 20% on all rich people, by Obama's definition over 250K, including all businesses that had 250K total worth.

What will it fix? So that money is taken out of the private sector, and put into the pockets of government. Then what? It's dispersed out to poor people? Put into infrastructure? Simply put towards the debt? Used to hire even more bureaucrats? That money would have ended up somewhere anyway. So why even insert a middle man (government) to take it, then dispense it, rather than let the private citizens disperse it themselves?

What will "tax the rich" fix? Poor people will still be poor. Hungry people still hungry. Ugly people still ugly. Crazy Arabs are still gonna want to bomb us. Our borders will stay open. People are still gonna bitch about inequality.

What is it truly gonna fix?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwNWtWLSyYE]Obama says NO to recession tax hikes - YouTube[/ame]
So lets say we raise taxes, for example, 20% on all rich people, by Obama's definition over 250K, including all businesses that had 250K total worth.

What will it fix? So that money is taken out of the private sector, and put into the pockets of government. Then what? It's dispersed out to poor people? Put into infrastructure? Simply put towards the debt? Used to hire even more bureaucrats? That money would have ended up somewhere anyway. So why even insert a middle man (government) to take it, then dispense it, rather than let the private citizens disperse it themselves?

What will "tax the rich" fix? Poor people will still be poor. Hungry people still hungry. Ugly people still ugly. Crazy Arabs are still gonna want to bomb us. Our borders will stay open. People are still gonna bitch about inequality.

What is it truly gonna fix?

The only way we'll "fix" our country is:

1- Stop acting like damn victims all the time
2- Realize globalism won out, so we'll have to work as hard as foreigners do now, for less money and benefits. Reality is here.
3- Spending more than taken in is bad math.
4- No one owes you or I anything. Only our individual efforts will give us hope.
5- There is a place for morality in America. Tolerance of all things isn't good. We need norms and standards for society.

So, go ahead Obama. Tax the rich. And it wont do anything.

The only thing it will accomplish is to INCREASE unemployment. The rich won't buy the Yacht, the yacht builder goes out of business and lays off all of his employees.It's that simple, but that's how it works, the more money that government takes from ANYONE, the less they will SPEND, SAVE AND INVEST in the private sector, and the private sector is the bill payer for the nation.

It's also socialism from the ( Socialist in Chief) Obama.

" Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, the gospel of envy, it's only virtue is the shared equality of misery." Winston Churchill

" The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of OTHER people's money." Margaret Thatcher.
The WB, the IMB, and everyone else expert says Obama wants to do all the right things. Thank god A-hole Pubs are here to do the politically corrupt thing...much like global warming: the new Luddites...
Firstly, I don't think Obama is proposing exactly the tax you pose. However, he is proposing raising taxes on people with high incomes. What will it accomplish?

-- In the absence of increased spending, the higher tax revenues will decrease the deficit. This will decrease the amount we need to pay in the future, and lower interest costs.

-- Higher taxes will reduce the amount of money people have now. That's bad, but there's no way to immediately increase the amount of wealth people have without increasing the deficit. That does seem to be part of the reason Obama wants to schedule tax increases in advance, giving the economy more time to improve.

No, of course higher taxes on the wealthy aren't a panacea. They are a hard tradeoff, but one that we need to make eventually. To address the original poster point by point:

1) I don't know how to translate this into economic policy
2) This seems overly pessimistic. American per capita GDP seems destined to stay dramatically above the world average for the foreseeable future.
3) Deficits are bad in the long term, but can make sense in the short term. Just as the farmer spends continuously year round even though his or her income comes during harvest time, the government can run deficits during lean years if it commits to generating surpluses during the fat ones, like it once did.
4) I disagree. We all have moral responsibilities to others. And this leads us to...
5) I agree. Morality is a necessary part of society, now as ever.
It will make everyone poor.

Well, everyone except the policitians who already have their money and can make more of it through corruption.

And since everyone else will be poor, they will have alot easier time keeping their power won't they?
They will accomplish energizing his leftist base. They will accomplish framing the tax debate as a matter of class warfare. They will accomplish paying off the unions for their support. They will accomplish helping him get re-elected.
As for actual policy? It won't do shit. It will be yet another failed program in a long series of failures. High income people have the means and motivation to shield their income. Watch if this goes through how many millionaires suddenly disappear into the woodwork.
So lets say we raise taxes, for example, 20% on all rich people, by Obama's definition over 250K, including all businesses that had 250K total worth.

What will it fix? So that money is taken out of the private sector, and put into the pockets of government. Then what? It's dispersed out to poor people? Put into infrastructure? Simply put towards the debt? Used to hire even more bureaucrats? That money would have ended up somewhere anyway. So why even insert a middle man (government) to take it, then dispense it, rather than let the private citizens disperse it themselves?

What will "tax the rich" fix? Poor people will still be poor. Hungry people still hungry. Ugly people still ugly. Crazy Arabs are still gonna want to bomb us. Our borders will stay open. People are still gonna bitch about inequality.

What is it truly gonna fix?

The only way we'll "fix" our country is:

1- Stop acting like damn victims all the time
2- Realize globalism won out, so we'll have to work as hard as foreigners do now, for less money and benefits. Reality is here.
3- Spending more than taken in is bad math.
4- No one owes you or I anything. Only our individual efforts will give us hope.
5- There is a place for morality in America. Tolerance of all things isn't good. We need norms and standards for society.

So, go ahead Obama. Tax the rich. And it wont do anything.

Why do you care? You're not rich. In fact, we all know that you have to pay your electric bill in installments.
Why do you care? You're not rich. In fact, we all know that you have to pay your electric bill in installments.

Like we've mentioned on the thread you started on this very topic and then immediately ignored, we don't believe in burdening our fellow Americans so that greedy policians and special interest groups can screw and enslave us.
What will "taxing the rich" actually fix? Or accomplish?

Heck if it just gets Bill O'Reiley off the air it will be well worth it.
So lets say we raise taxes, for example, 20% on all rich people, by Obama's definition over 250K, including all businesses that had 250K total worth.

What will it fix? So that money is taken out of the private sector, and put into the pockets of government. Then what? It's dispersed out to poor people? Put into infrastructure? Simply put towards the debt? Used to hire even more bureaucrats? That money would have ended up somewhere anyway. So why even insert a middle man (government) to take it, then dispense it, rather than let the private citizens disperse it themselves?

What will "tax the rich" fix? Poor people will still be poor. Hungry people still hungry. Ugly people still ugly. Crazy Arabs are still gonna want to bomb us. Our borders will stay open. People are still gonna bitch about inequality.

What is it truly gonna fix?

The only way we'll "fix" our country is:

1- Stop acting like damn victims all the time
2- Realize globalism won out, so we'll have to work as hard as foreigners do now, for less money and benefits. Reality is here.
3- Spending more than taken in is bad math.
4- No one owes you or I anything. Only our individual efforts will give us hope.
5- There is a place for morality in America. Tolerance of all things isn't good. We need norms and standards for society.

So, go ahead Obama. Tax the rich. And it wont do anything.

Why do you care? You're not rich. In fact, we all know that you have to pay your electric bill in installments.

I care because I'd rather our government find things that are actually gonna help our society. Instead, they are going after feel-good red meat for left wingers, like taxing rich people even more. It'll accomplish nothing, but is President Obama's #1 core value for his 2012 run. What a waste.

Plus I, unlike you, believe in the right of people to keep their property. That means the right for ALL people to keep their property, poor, middle and rich.

"Equal rights", ya know? You lefties USED to be into equal rights. Guess not anymore.
Hmmm. So let me get this right. The only way it'll solve ANYTHING is if the government cuts spending a whole lot. And we trust them to do that?

In the end, taxing the rich more is nothing but a feel good theory of the left, much like global warming, but they'll be fanatic in defending the effectiveness of both.
While moron provincial Pubs make Obama fail (at intelligent economics), the BBC is saying USA disfunction is ruining the WORLD ECONOMY...what A-holes and silly brainwashed TOOLS. tyvm
While moron provincial Pubs make Obama fail (at intelligent economics), the BBC is saying USA disfunction is ruining the WORLD ECONOMY...what A-holes and silly brainwashed TOOLS. tyvm

No one has made Obama fail. In fact, it's his very success that is causing our problems.
It will give the left base a piece of red meat to tear apart and make them feel like they have gotten a little more 'retribution' against those that have so obviously 'stolen' their prosperity.

It is interesting that a left winger has not come to bear on this yet. I already know what they are going to say but... where are they?

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