What Will Replace Our Current Economy?


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
America & the world in general are going ever deeper into debt. Inflation is growing & the buying power of the dollar is shrinking. Run away hyper inflation is more a possibility than not. Class envy is rampant. The global C-19 virus has devastated millions upon millions of people with no end in sight due to mutations of the C-19 virus. It is now more than ever so obvious that the global economic/financial situation is worsening for folks globally despite rosy predictions of economic recovery by printing endless paper money to stimulate our economy. To add to this problem is the robotics situation where robots are relegating ever more folks into the unemployment lines. What avenue is the best way to stop a global economic melt down, or does an avenue of escape no longer exist?

The role of "money" will definitely have to evolve. The production of wealth without labor costs will necessitate total revision of goods are consumed. Humanity has to confront a future that has no relation to what functioned in the past.
In an automated world where the plutocracy needs consumers far more than workers there will have to be some form of universal basic income for western society to continue. The other alternatives are almost too horrible to contemplate.
This current Covid bill has $19 billion in it to bail out the filthy incompetent failed Democrat leadership of the New York City Socialist shithole. Failed because of Leftest policies.

The Democrats goal is to make all of the US a Socialist shithole.

Who is going to bail out the US then?
America & the world in general are going ever deeper into debt. Inflation is growing & the buying power of the dollar is shrinking. Run away hyper inflation is more a possibility than not. Class envy is rampant. The global C-19 virus has devastated millions upon millions of people with no end in sight due to mutations of the C-19 virus. It is now more than ever so obvious that the global economic/financial situation is worsening for folks globally despite rosy predictions of economic recovery by printing endless paper money to stimulate our economy. To add to this problem is the robotics situation where robots are relegating ever more folks into the unemployment lines. What avenue is the best way to stop a global economic melt down, or does an avenue of escape no longer exist?

Well pretty soon our consumption economy will be replaced by a burying dead boomers economy, but beyond that, I don't expect much fundamental change at least in my life time.
In an automated world where the plutocracy needs consumers far more than workers there will have to be some form of universal basic income for western society to continue. The other alternatives are almost too horrible to contemplate.
Or you could just cut the bullshit and embrace Capitalism....because it's the only economic system that actually works.
Maybe we could change the name like Democrats always do and make it sound more friendly......like HappyTime economics.

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