What will Obama do if he's reelected?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
One thing is for certain he will
-Keep spending uncontrolable

If he's going to do that I don't want another cent removed from Nasa or the rest of the tech sector of this country. I can support green renewables, but won't be happy about giving up our lead to China. These are high paid jobs that we need more of.

Infrastructure. Well, if you're going to spend big bucks...Why not do some nation building of our own? Makes some sense and works for many nations around the world. Growing our economy and providing jobs can only lessen the blow of the spending. Let's stop spending into thin air.

I can expect more downgrades and more problems than you can shake a stick at. But if he has to be reelected. Well, those two area's are the two important area's we compete on.
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One thing is for certain he will
-Keep spending uncontrolable

If he's going to do that I don't want another cent removed from Nasa or the rest of the tech sector of this country. I can support green renewables, but won't be happy about giving up our lead to China. These are high paid jobs that we need more of.

Infrastructure. Well, if you're going to spend big bucks...Why not do some nation building of our own? Makes some sense and works for many nations around the world. Growing our economy and providing jobs can only lessen the blow of the spending. Let's stop spending into thin air.

I can expect more downgrades and more problems than you can shake a stick at. But if he has to be reelected. Well, those two area's are the two important area's we compete on.

Putting money into our infrastructure makes good sense. It needs to be done, and we all know it. It's just a matter of how we will pay for it. Things like that mean raising taxes to some degree. The thing is that the money gets put right back into the economy. It is estimated that we need close to $3 trillion in infrastructure spending to get us up to date. That works out to $300 billion per year for ten years. The plug to the economy would be felt as that money would move through the system many times. I really wish this is what had been done when they decided to spend money on the stimulus package. Instead of tax cuts and a bunch of wasted spending, it all should have gone into infrastructure spending. The thing about infrastructure spending is that once it's paid for, we actually have something tangible in return for the money spent as well as economic growth.
If a president gets a second term, they are likely to reveal their real intentions and do more than they did in the first term. I think most things will continue, but some of the more unpopular things, like cap and trade, will be implemented much faster. We will also find out exactly what he meant by that comment about being more flexible. Haven't heard anyone ask him what he meant exactly.
One thing is for certain he will
-Keep spending uncontrolable

If he's going to do that I don't want another cent removed from Nasa or the rest of the tech sector of this country. I can support green renewables, but won't be happy about giving up our lead to China. These are high paid jobs that we need more of.

Infrastructure. Well, if you're going to spend big bucks...Why not do some nation building of our own? Makes some sense and works for many nations around the world. Growing our economy and providing jobs can only lessen the blow of the spending. Let's stop spending into thin air.

I can expect more downgrades and more problems than you can shake a stick at. But if he has to be reelected. Well, those two area's are the two important area's we compete on.

Putting money into our infrastructure makes good sense. It needs to be done, and we all know it. It's just a matter of how we will pay for it. Things like that mean raising taxes to some degree. The thing is that the money gets put right back into the economy. It is estimated that we need close to $3 trillion in infrastructure spending to get us up to date. That works out to $300 billion per year for ten years. The plug to the economy would be felt as that money would move through the system many times. I really wish this is what had been done when they decided to spend money on the stimulus package. Instead of tax cuts and a bunch of wasted spending, it all should have gone into infrastructure spending. The thing about infrastructure spending is that once it's paid for, we actually have something tangible in return for the money spent as well as economic growth.

Infastructure should be done privately.....it's better and faster.....government employees are inefficient and sloooow

the only thing they are good at is killing people....so keep the military and hang murderers (rope is sooooo much cheaper)
Buckeye, what private firm is going to repave the interstates and replace rotting bridges?

Dude. Seriously. Private firms don't do that.
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I think we should have a capitalist vision of China's rapid economic growth within building and science. The question is how do we do that without growing government.

I'd remove all troops from the middle east and redirect that towards this...At least we would be building our own nation.
This is so funny.

We elect a president, not a monarch.

What will Obama do ?

Not a freaking thing.

The house comes back more hard right.

The senate comes back with the likes of Lugar and Nelson replaced with Tea Party members.....

Obama's got nothing to work with unless he takes their terms because their constituents sent them to Washington D.C. to shut him down.

He'll be a lame duck for four years.
One thing is for certain he will
-Keep spending uncontrolable

If he's going to do that I don't want another cent removed from Nasa or the rest of the tech sector of this country. I can support green renewables, but won't be happy about giving up our lead to China. These are high paid jobs that we need more of.

Infrastructure. Well, if you're going to spend big bucks...Why not do some nation building of our own? Makes some sense and works for many nations around the world. Growing our economy and providing jobs can only lessen the blow of the spending. Let's stop spending into thin air.

I can expect more downgrades and more problems than you can shake a stick at. But if he has to be reelected. Well, those two area's are the two important area's we compete on.

Putting money into our infrastructure makes good sense. It needs to be done, and we all know it. It's just a matter of how we will pay for it. Things like that mean raising taxes to some degree. The thing is that the money gets put right back into the economy. It is estimated that we need close to $3 trillion in infrastructure spending to get us up to date. That works out to $300 billion per year for ten years. The plug to the economy would be felt as that money would move through the system many times. I really wish this is what had been done when they decided to spend money on the stimulus package. Instead of tax cuts and a bunch of wasted spending, it all should have gone into infrastructure spending. The thing about infrastructure spending is that once it's paid for, we actually have something tangible in return for the money spent as well as economic growth.

Infastructure should be done privately.....it's better and faster.....government employees are inefficient and sloooow

the only thing they are good at is killing people....so keep the military and hang murderers (rope is sooooo much cheaper)

Good Lord, you do know how to show your lack of knowledge on how things work, don't you? Do you know of any recent infrastructure work that has been done by the government lately?

The government takes in the money and then doles it out to private companies to do the work. This is why construction companies that work on roads love government spending. The people who own those companies get rich off of government contracts, but they deserve to get rich. The do a job that needs to be done, and they employ a lot of workers in good paying jobs. Those guys working construction on the Interstate are not government employees.
One thing is for certain he will
-Keep spending uncontrolable

If he's going to do that I don't want another cent removed from Nasa or the rest of the tech sector of this country. I can support green renewables, but won't be happy about giving up our lead to China. These are high paid jobs that we need more of.

Infrastructure. Well, if you're going to spend big bucks...Why not do some nation building of our own? Makes some sense and works for many nations around the world. Growing our economy and providing jobs can only lessen the blow of the spending. Let's stop spending into thin air.

I can expect more downgrades and more problems than you can shake a stick at. But if he has to be reelected. Well, those two area's are the two important area's we compete on.

Obama will continue to do a good job after he is re-elected.

The fiscal cliff will force Congress to tackle the deficit problem, and the increase in home construction will continue to bring down unemployment.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9m3GyDh6M8]shankapotomus President Barack Obama Golfer Golfing Golf Swing Hawaii e-trade baby ShankaPOTUS - YouTube[/ame]
I can hardly wait until November 6th.

I will record FoxNews just to see Karl Rove's face.

Hundreds of millions of dollars wasted, Karl.

How are you going to explain it to the Koch brothers and Sheldon Adelson?
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I want to see this country regain number one again. From space, education, science, infrastructure, etc.

We are still number one in all of those things except for infrastructure.

Republicans have been blocking infrastructure spending for years.

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