"What will I tell my daughters?"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I have heard this meme in a couple of different places today. The thinking - I suppose - is that people have been telling their daughters that HRC's candidacy and Presidency are the proof that little girls can grow up to be anything they want, and if HRC has lost (which I believe she has), then What can "we" tell our daughters?


HRC is not now, and has never been any sort of a "role model" for girls or women. Her very existence in the political arena has been made possible BECAUSE OF HER HUSBAND! She has an odious personality that only could have won any election in an odious state. She does not "deserve" to be President, and in fact has very little actual accomplishment in her history that one can point to.

There is no political reason why "a woman" cannot be President of the U.S. The votes that a generic woman candidate would lose due to misogyny would be quite small in comparison to the undeserved votes she would get from women (and Phil Donahue-types) who would vote for her simply because she is a woman.

The next/first woman President is probably a governor now, and she will show that she has "the right stuff" by being a successful executive, so that no honest critic or opponent can question her capabilities because of her vagina.

Tell your daughters that Hillary Clinton lost because she was a terrible candidate, despite having the good wishes from every woman in the country, as well as a mountain of paid and un-paid support from her political party, the mainstream media, all of academe, organized labor, the LGBTQ community, the entire entertainment community, etc., etc., etc.

Truly, she was a deplorable candidate from the word, "Go," propped up by an inevitability myth that exploded when it counted. Your daughters should read anything into this about their own value or potential.
They should tell their daughters, and sons, that life is filled with opportunities and disappointments. Keep the faith and fight for what you believe in and you'll never have to feel despondent for long.
You tell your daughters that the United States has not produced a woman that is the caliber of a national leader. There are women who lead countries and who have led countries in the past. Hillary Clinton is not and never was a Golda Mier, Indira Ghandi, Margaret Thatcher, Queen Victoria or even Queen Elizabeth I. Hillary Clinton just wasn't good enough. If she was a man she would not have been good enough either. Many men weren't good enough.
I have heard this meme in a couple of different places today. The thinking - I suppose - is that people have been telling their daughters that HRC's candidacy and Presidency are the proof that little girls can grow up to be anything they want, and if HRC has lost (which I believe she has), then What can "we" tell our daughters?


HRC is not now, and has never been any sort of a "role model" for girls or women. Her very existence in the political arena has been made possible BECAUSE OF HER HUSBAND! She has an odious personality that only could have won any election in an odious state. She does not "deserve" to be President, and in fact has very little actual accomplishment in her history that one can point to.

There is no political reason why "a woman" cannot be President of the U.S. The votes that a generic woman candidate would lose due to misogyny would be quite small in comparison to the undeserved votes she would get from women (and Phil Donahue-types) who would vote for her simply because she is a woman.

The next/first woman President is probably a governor now, and she will show that she has "the right stuff" by being a successful executive, so that no honest critic or opponent can question her capabilities because of her vagina.

Tell your daughters that Hillary Clinton lost because she was a terrible candidate, despite having the good wishes from every woman in the country, as well as a mountain of paid and un-paid support from her political party, the mainstream media, all of academe, organized labor, the LGBTQ community, the entire entertainment community, etc., etc., etc.

Truly, she was a deplorable candidate from the word, "Go," propped up by an inevitability myth that exploded when it counted. Your daughters should read anything into this about their own value or potential.
Um. My oldest daughter HATED Clinton. She is almost 10. She wanted her to lose so the Mexicans would stop coming here to our white nation. :)
Politics is completely out of control in this country. Parties and the 'preferred / supported candidates are elitist millionaires who have completely lost touch with Americans, bought and paid for by foreign nations, corporations, and donors. The elections themselves have become so nasty that no one 'descent' wants to run for office because of the disgusting 'politics of personal destruction'. This election demonstrates / demonstrated everything, in party, I believe our Founding Fathers detested and would not have wanted.

In a small way the American people 'won' yesterday by rejecting the elitist, millionaire, sold-out, self-serving, career politician AND chose someone who was NOT a Washington Establishment, corrupt, self-serving non-representative politicians.....even though they were not left with the best of choices.
1. Hillary may look like a woman but she is no lady.

2. Don't EVER let any man grab you by the pussy. Unless of course you like it, but then I don't want to hear about it.
I have heard this meme in a couple of different places today. The thinking - I suppose - is that people have been telling their daughters that HRC's candidacy and Presidency are the proof that little girls can grow up to be anything they want, and if HRC has lost (which I believe she has), then What can "we" tell our daughters?


HRC is not now, and has never been any sort of a "role model" for girls or women. Her very existence in the political arena has been made possible BECAUSE OF HER HUSBAND! She has an odious personality that only could have won any election in an odious state. She does not "deserve" to be President, and in fact has very little actual accomplishment in her history that one can point to.

There is no political reason why "a woman" cannot be President of the U.S. The votes that a generic woman candidate would lose due to misogyny would be quite small in comparison to the undeserved votes she would get from women (and Phil Donahue-types) who would vote for her simply because she is a woman.

The next/first woman President is probably a governor now, and she will show that she has "the right stuff" by being a successful executive, so that no honest critic or opponent can question her capabilities because of her vagina.

Tell your daughters that Hillary Clinton lost because she was a terrible candidate, despite having the good wishes from every woman in the country, as well as a mountain of paid and un-paid support from her political party, the mainstream media, all of academe, organized labor, the LGBTQ community, the entire entertainment community, etc., etc., etc.

Truly, she was a deplorable candidate from the word, "Go," propped up by an inevitability myth that exploded when it counted. Your daughters should read anything into this about their own value or potential.
Um. My oldest daughter HATED Clinton. She is almost 10. She wanted her to lose so the Mexicans would stop coming here to our white nation. :)

That's because she has a really stupid daddy who overhears the lies he tells to himself' - you know, like the US being a "white nation".

Now THAT is stupid.

Oh wait. Its Odious saying it. That makes it a really very intellectual statement with lots of really amazing and tremendous words. :anj_stfu:
Ahem...regarding Hillary's list of "accomplishments,"...

Anyone who has spent any time doing Executive recruitment knows that having held positions is less than half of the story. More important is what one has accomplished in those previous positions.

Many times, I have heard people recommend someone by saying, "He was president of that company, so he can do it here.
And it turned out that, although he was President, he accomplished absolutely nothing when he was in that positon (0r worse yet, he was a lousy president).

And so we come to the Hillary person. In spite of that long list of positions and committees, there is a striking absence of actual accomplishments. Indeed, what is most striking is the number of things done by others or done by committees, that the creator of the list credits to HRC. And creating a committee or working group (which is nonsense on its face - such things are done by groups of people, not one individual) is NOT the same as actually doing something.

What are the most poignant things in her background? HillaryCare? A colossal failure. Getting elected to the Senate in New York? Says more about the idiots who vote there than it does about her. Her work as Secretary of State? A veritable cornucopia of failure, mismanagement, and delusional policy-making.

Looking a little below the surface, the biggest "accomplishments" in her career are getting other people to pay for, or do, something, and taking credit for it. Consider her loudly pushing "parental leave," and a higher minimum wage, for example. (ignore the fact that these are both unconstitutional and bad policy). Who is going to pay for the compensation paid to people who are not working for many weeks at a stretch? Who is going to pay those higher wages?

She doesn't know, and she doesn't care. All she cares about is that she can take credit for something that she never actually did (pay for a benefit for someone else).

Having worked for 8 years in the public sector (Federal) and 40 or so years in the private sector, I would be happy to expand on how private sector experience is extremely valuable in a public sector executive position, but this forum is about HRC, so I will just say, much of her exalted experience is stuff and nonsense, not worth a bucket of warm spit. Give me someone who ran a successful landscaping company over any politician, anywhere. I know what I'm talking about.
I have heard this meme in a couple of different places today. The thinking - I suppose - is that people have been telling their daughters that HRC's candidacy and Presidency are the proof that little girls can grow up to be anything they want, and if HRC has lost (which I believe she has), then What can "we" tell our daughters?


HRC is not now, and has never been any sort of a "role model" for girls or women. Her very existence in the political arena has been made possible BECAUSE OF HER HUSBAND! She has an odious personality that only could have won any election in an odious state. She does not "deserve" to be President, and in fact has very little actual accomplishment in her history that one can point to.

There is no political reason why "a woman" cannot be President of the U.S. The votes that a generic woman candidate would lose due to misogyny would be quite small in comparison to the undeserved votes she would get from women (and Phil Donahue-types) who would vote for her simply because she is a woman.

The next/first woman President is probably a governor now, and she will show that she has "the right stuff" by being a successful executive, so that no honest critic or opponent can question her capabilities because of her vagina.

Tell your daughters that Hillary Clinton lost because she was a terrible candidate, despite having the good wishes from every woman in the country, as well as a mountain of paid and un-paid support from her political party, the mainstream media, all of academe, organized labor, the LGBTQ community, the entire entertainment community, etc., etc., etc.

Truly, she was a deplorable candidate from the word, "Go," propped up by an inevitability myth that exploded when it counted. Your daughters should read anything into this about their own value or potential.
Um. My oldest daughter HATED Clinton. She is almost 10. She wanted her to lose so the Mexicans would stop coming here to our white nation. :)

That's because she has a really stupid daddy who overhears the lies he tells to himself' - you know, like the US being a "white nation".

Now THAT is stupid.

Oh wait. Its Odious saying it. That makes it a really very intellectual statement with lots of really amazing and tremendous words. :anj_stfu:
Bigly words.
I have heard this meme in a couple of different places today. The thinking - I suppose - is that people have been telling their daughters that HRC's candidacy and Presidency are the proof that little girls can grow up to be anything they want, and if HRC has lost (which I believe she has), then What can "we" tell our daughters?


HRC is not now, and has never been any sort of a "role model" for girls or women. Her very existence in the political arena has been made possible BECAUSE OF HER HUSBAND! She has an odious personality that only could have won any election in an odious state. She does not "deserve" to be President, and in fact has very little actual accomplishment in her history that one can point to.

There is no political reason why "a woman" cannot be President of the U.S. The votes that a generic woman candidate would lose due to misogyny would be quite small in comparison to the undeserved votes she would get from women (and Phil Donahue-types) who would vote for her simply because she is a woman.

The next/first woman President is probably a governor now, and she will show that she has "the right stuff" by being a successful executive, so that no honest critic or opponent can question her capabilities because of her vagina.

Tell your daughters that Hillary Clinton lost because she was a terrible candidate, despite having the good wishes from every woman in the country, as well as a mountain of paid and un-paid support from her political party, the mainstream media, all of academe, organized labor, the LGBTQ community, the entire entertainment community, etc., etc., etc.

Truly, she was a deplorable candidate from the word, "Go," propped up by an inevitability myth that exploded when it counted. Your daughters should read anything into this about their own value or potential.
Tell them not to set up their own private server to avoid detection if they work for Uncle Sam.
I have 5 daughters, the oldest never votes, the 2nd voted Trump as did the 4th and 5th, the 3rd daughter I think voted for Hillary. They are all smart and I don't have to explain things to them. They know bull shit when they see it. Well, perhaps except for the Hillary voter.
I have 5 daughters, the oldest never votes, the 2nd voted Trump as did the 4th and 5th, the 3rd daughter I think voted for Hillary. They are all smart and I don't have to explain things to them. They know bull shit when they see it. Well, perhaps except for the Hillary voter.
You mean they know not to tell you.......
Tell your daughters that if you're a hopelessly corrupt, powerlusting, fucking psychotic bitch on wheels, then they probably won't be president.
I have 5 daughters, the oldest never votes, the 2nd voted Trump as did the 4th and 5th, the 3rd daughter I think voted for Hillary. They are all smart and I don't have to explain things to them. They know bull shit when they see it. Well, perhaps except for the Hillary voter.
You mean they know not to tell you.......

No idiot, I think I know my own daughters.

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