What will be the major Fear Topic for the GOP this election cycle?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
With Zika on our shores, it is hard to say. Ebola is gone. But I think they will hang on to the tried and try ISIS Boogie Man. It has worked for them before. It is a great excuse to send thousands of US men and women to die in the middle east.

What will be the GOP Fear Topic in 2016?
With Zika on our shores, it is hard to say. Ebola is gone. But I think they will hang on to the tried and try ISIS Boogie Man. It has worked for them before. It is a great excuse to send thousands of US men and women to die in the middle east.

What will be the GOP Fear Topic in 2016?

I totally agree. We shouldn't be afraid of these things at all. We should inject oursleves with them. Embrace your fear. Jump off a building. DOn't be afraid.
With Zika on our shores, it is hard to say. Ebola is gone. But I think they will hang on to the tried and try ISIS Boogie Man. It has worked for them before. It is a great excuse to send thousands of US men and women to die in the middle east.

What will be the GOP Fear Topic in 2016?

I totally agree. We shouldn't be afraid of these things at all. We should inject oursleves with them. Embrace your fear. Jump off a building. DOn't be afraid.

Really, what's there to be afraid of that Corrupted lying old lady Hillary?

she's only under investigation by the FBI, lied to us and the parents of dead military men and women with Benghazi, and blamed her and Obama's screw up on some American citizen and their video. Has raked in money from Foreign Governments while serving in a position that was Bestowed on her, SOS.

sheesh, what the hell should her SHOWLLOW base of voters care about any of that. as long as they can go around and dump on the people in the Gop. just wow
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We should fear a brain damaged woman whose is spreading the fear that Republicans will stop the progress that she and Obama have made. PROGRESS? In what, destroying the country? There is something really wrong with Mrs. Bosnia Clinton, the fact she has gotten this fair should put the fear in all of us.
the only Progress they have made is in Transforming us into a third world hellhole by bringing in hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants and dispersing them around our country. you idiots still sit here and worry over the gawddam GOP
The fear topic for me that rises above all others is the prospect of Hillary Clinton becoming the next president.
With Zika on our shores, it is hard to say. Ebola is gone. But I think they will hang on to the tried and try ISIS Boogie Man. It has worked for them before. It is a great excuse to send thousands of US men and women to die in the middle east.

What will be the GOP Fear Topic in 2016?
That Hillary takes the presidency and gives herself clemency of all outstanding charges.
With Zika on our shores, it is hard to say. Ebola is gone. But I think they will hang on to the tried and try ISIS Boogie Man. It has worked for them before. It is a great excuse to send thousands of US men and women to die in the middle east.

What will be the GOP Fear Topic in 2016?
That Hillary takes the presidency and gives herself clemency of all outstanding charges.

I wouldn't put it past the lowlife witch
Most people pushing agendas, use fear as a tool to gain support. The Republicans certainly didn't invent that tactic, and they're not alone in using the fear tool. The OP for instance, is using fear as a tool to get folks worked up over the Republicans supposedly using fear to push their agendas.

The OP is just pushing an agenda too. They're employing the same tactics they accuse the Republicans of employing. But hey, fear does work. It's been proven so. Most human beings are susceptible to it.
the only Progress they have made is in Transforming us into a third world hellhole by bringing in hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants and dispersing them around our country. you idiots still sit here and worry over the gawddam GOP

How dare people worry about one of the two parties that dominate our political system!? The nerve!

Face it, you just don't like anyone criticizing the GOP. Anytime anyone starts a thread that doesn't shower them with praise you come clomping in whining and deflecting.
It's going to be war on women, blacks, Hispanics, the poor, Muslims, gays oh wait those are the Democrats fear mongering topics along with income inequality and the rich are evil.
Hillary's role as a Fashion Icon



Hillary Clinton's 20 WORST fashion faux pas from the past 50 years

the only Progress they have made is in Transforming us into a third world hellhole by bringing in hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants and dispersing them around our country. you idiots still sit here and worry over the gawddam GOP
link Staphie?

Our proud, TWO-TERM, Democrat President has deported more illegals than his Repub predecessor

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