What was that? Derek Chauvin makes cryptic message before sentencing...


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Well this is interesting wonder what he is talking about?
Looking and addressing Floyd's family he states" there will be some information released soon that hopefully will address that (their sadness)... and states "due to upcoming legal matters at hand I cannot openly say what I should"...


My guess is he was told to do what he done as it's standard practice and he wants to blow the lid right off the corrupt hierarchy that's stitched him up, despite him only doing his job.

He's a sacrificial Lamb to the elites and their hard left agenda.
My guess is he was told to do what he done as it's standard practice and he wants to blow the lid right off the corrupt hierarchy that's stitched him up, despite him only doing his job.

He's a sacrificial Lamb to the elites and their hard left agenda.
Every life is precious, sending prayers and happy thoughts.
Well this is interesting wonder what he is talking about?
Looking and addressing Floyd's family he states" there will be some information released soon that hopefully will address that (their sadness)... and states "due to upcoming legal matters at hand I cannot openly say what I should"...


What he meant....Because of me you hit the Ghetto Lotto. 25 mil payout for a dead pos.

I know you are thanking me now. I know you wouldn't change a thing if you could you sleazy scum
Suits for mistrial and outright acquittal are in the works....He has to zip it.

Shouldn't have been tried in Hennepin County....Jurors outright lied to get on the jury...Jury wasn't sequestered...The Mpls City Clowncil made a financial settlement before a verdict was reached...Autopsy wasn't allowed to be entered into evidence.

Chauvin will eventually walk or get a greatly reduced sentence.
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He will announce this right after OJ finds the real killers and Donald gets put back into the White House.
Rubbish again.
The autopsy was presented but the cause of death was not it.
Why can't you dickheads accept he was choked to death by the racist pig?
Why are you protecting him? Surely you couldn't be happy with how the police do their job when they deliberately kill a handcuffed unarmed man.

It must be racism. It can't be anything else. You bastards.
That's weird.

How can you convict a man of homocide without an autopsy entered into evidence?

What else could you do to prove cause of death?
Rubbish again.
The autopsy was presented but the cause of death was not it.
Why can't you dickheads accept he was choked to death by the racist pig?
Why are you protecting him? Surely you couldn't be happy with how the police do their job when they deliberately kill a handcuffed unarmed man.

It must be racism. It can't be anything else. You bastards.
Cause of death is part of the autopsy, fascist peckerhead.

My point being the autopsy was presented unlike what is suggested above.
What has fascism got to do with it?
You blokes are paranoid about fascism but voted one into power.
You're brain dead.
Bullshit. He murdered him in cold blood for no reason. Stitched up my arse. He is a racist pig and anyone who agrees with him is also.

There is no evidence race played any role in what happened, although I agree with you about the rest.
My guess is he was told to do what he done as it's standard practice and he wants to blow the lid right off the corrupt hierarchy that's stitched him up, despite him only doing his job.

He's a sacrificial Lamb to the elites and their hard left agenda.

You are almost right. Chauvin was sacrificed. But not to the elites or left wing. He was sacrificed to keep the Wizard hidden.

The truth is that the police regularly do the same brutal bullshit. More truth is that this is not legal or policy. So the police don’t admit it happens. They claim one thing when no one is looking. Then Chauvin was caught on video doing the same thing he had been doing for 18 years.

Two choices. Admit the police as a whole have been lying for years and breaking the law for years. If they do that then massive reform that makes defund the police look tame in comparison is the result. They won’t admit the truth.

So they went with the other option. The one they always go with. They hung the cop out to dry.

Now. Let’s say the speed limit is 55 MPH. And everyone on the road is doing 65. You are driving along. Flowing with traffic. The cop pulls you over and gives you a ticket. You argue it isn’t fair since everyone was driving the same.

But the truth is that in our scenario. You were speeding. You were the unlucky one who got caught. That’s all. You took the risk and you get stuck paying the price.

Chauvin is no different. He knew that in paper the law said it was illegal. He knew the official policy prohibited it. He decided to do it anyway. He probably didn’t do anything different than he had a hundred times before. Every cop in the department had probably done similar.

But Chauvin got caught. And when a cop gets caught they rush out to the cameras. They tell everyone how shocked they are. How this does not reflect on the rest of the fine officers in the department. You’ve heard it before.

Chauvin was sacrificed. But not to placate the left. He was sacrificed to maintain the illusion that the cops are not doing the same thing. He was sacrificed to allow people to believe their cops are good and honest. Their local cops would never do something like that.

It was all about maintaining the illusion. And that my friend is the truth.

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