What types of paranormal entities have you encountered?


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2020
Many people claim to have had paranormal experiences. I could share a few myself. However, when it comes to actually dealing with otherworldly entities, people report a wide variety of things, from seeing images of deceased people...to mere blobs of light or orbs, mist or smoke which moves with deliberation, objects which move by themselves apparently by unseen hands...or perhaps just sounds or even smells. What types of entities do you feel you have encountered? FYI, I am discounting alien or ET encounters from this. Perhaps you have seen UFO's and their occupants...but I'm talking about entities which seem to originate from the world of humans, whether it be physical or spiritual. Have seen a demon? Experienced a poltergeist? Seen a light fly across the room and knock a photo of a deceased relative over when you think of them? Anything like that I'm interested in. Thanks!
If you mean anything that is above, beyond, or contrary to that is 'para' the normal.

Pretty much everyone I know.
Many people claim to have had paranormal experiences. I could share a few myself. However, when it comes to actually dealing with otherworldly entities, people report a wide variety of things, from seeing images of deceased people...to mere blobs of light or orbs, mist or smoke which moves with deliberation, objects which move by themselves apparently by unseen hands...or perhaps just sounds or even smells. What types of entities do you feel you have encountered? FYI, I am discounting alien or ET encounters from this. Perhaps you have seen UFO's and their occupants...but I'm talking about entities which seem to originate from the world of humans, whether it be physical or spiritual. Have seen a demon? Experienced a poltergeist? Seen a light fly across the room and knock a photo of a deceased relative over when you think of them? Anything like that I'm interested in. Thanks!

Just the other day I saw a Democrat politician with his hand in his own pocket! It was weird.
For what it's worth I have only seen two things I cannot explain.

When I was seven we were at my great-grandmother's house. She was a back-woods fortune teller and healer. This lady came up to her house and asked her to "witch a wart" off of her hand. She said a prayer over the wart on her knuckle and then put it in her toothless mouth for like five minutes. She hummed the whole time. When she took her mouth away there was no evidence a wart was ever there. I shit you not.

The other one was years later when my cousin was living with us. Her sister, her twin, had ran away like two years before and no one had heard from her in well over a year. One night my cousin out of the blue had an anxiety attack. She was certain her sister was giving birth to a girl. We laughed it off but two months later the sister showed up with a baby.

Neither one of these things seem like a big deal but they are the only things I have ever seen that I cannot explain.
Many people claim to have had paranormal experiences. I could share a few myself. However, when it comes to actually dealing with otherworldly entities, people report a wide variety of things, from seeing images of deceased people...to mere blobs of light or orbs, mist or smoke which moves with deliberation, objects which move by themselves apparently by unseen hands...or perhaps just sounds or even smells. What types of entities do you feel you have encountered? FYI, I am discounting alien or ET encounters from this. Perhaps you have seen UFO's and their occupants...but I'm talking about entities which seem to originate from the world of humans, whether it be physical or spiritual. Have seen a demon? Experienced a poltergeist? Seen a light fly across the room and knock a photo of a deceased relative over when you think of them? Anything like that I'm interested in. Thanks!
A doppelgänger, and I think maybe a shapeshifter, and once something that’s difficult to describe.
Ball lightning!
I was on a backwoods mountain road(as always) about 10-11 pm. No weed. Few Blue Ribbons and saw a "girl" in a wedding dress on the road edge as I flew by in a big block Mustang at 60-80 or so. I locked it up and bootlegged and went back to check it out. Nothing there. Not a house. No walking trails.No driveways. Nada. Just mountains and a stream down the hill beside the road. Remember that one as the best trip I ever had....under no influence at all. My buddies said "aww man.. yer nuts". No I saw what I saw. No doubt. What ? I have no idea ?
Many people claim to have had paranormal experiences. I could share a few myself. However, when it comes to actually dealing with otherworldly entities, people report a wide variety of things, from seeing images of deceased people...to mere blobs of light or orbs, mist or smoke which moves with deliberation, objects which move by themselves apparently by unseen hands...or perhaps just sounds or even smells. What types of entities do you feel you have encountered? FYI, I am discounting alien or ET encounters from this. Perhaps you have seen UFO's and their occupants...but I'm talking about entities which seem to originate from the world of humans, whether it be physical or spiritual. Have seen a demon? Experienced a poltergeist? Seen a light fly across the room and knock a photo of a deceased relative over when you think of them? Anything like that I'm interested in. Thanks!
i have encountered just about every kind of the supernatural type.....if you need me to investigate anything let me know....here is my card

1-2-10 Harry Dresden Business Card | Dresden files, Dresden, Book worth  reading
A couple chills up my back and once as a young teen the sliding door opened for no apparent reason. Scared the shit outa me.

What type of place and area did you live in? What year was it? What was going on in and around your community at the time? In your family? Neighbors? Anything even slightly out of the ordinary? What industries, economic or government programs were going on at the time?

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