What the New York Election Fiasco Tells Us about Voter Fraud


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Even with all of the observers and checks and balances it was possible to inject over a hundred thousand fake ballots into the system. If they had been inserted throughout the day nobody would have ever known.

“Nothing underscores this more dramatically than the mega-fiasco surrounding the New York City Democratic mayoral primary. As the world knows now, some 135,000 non-existent votes were somehow magically injected into the system.

The winner of this supposed “ranking system” election (it certainly was “rank” in every sense of the world) is naturally suing and we seem headed for a do-ever.

This primary was, needless to say, virtually the city’s mayoral election since New York voters these days seem constitutionally allergic to Republicans, or to civic health, for that matter. They already showed their great intelligence electing Bill De Blasio in the first place, perhaps the most universally hated politician of our time.

As someone born in NYC when it was a wonderful place to live, I look on the demise of that once great city as a true domestic, even a global, tragedy.

But this demise has something to tell us. New York is the media capital of the world and it (they) have been lying to us and themselves for a long time, decades really.

The old line “If you can make it New York, you can make it anywhere,” now has redolence we never anticipated. Maybe it should be rewritten as “If New York can [blank] it up, anybody can.”

It should tell us that election fraud or malfeasance or just plain gross error, all of them together or separately, are not only possible everywhere in our country, they likely have happened everywhere—or nearly.”
We can do a better job running elections, no doubt. But the real problem is that it's become so fucking important who wins the election. Government controls far, far too much in society. The more it controls, the more important it is to have "your side" in power. And the scarier it is to let the "other side" have a go at it.
We can do a better job running elections, no doubt. But the real problem is that it's become so fucking important who wins the election. Government controls far, far too much in society. The more it controls, the more important it is to have "your side" in power. And the scarier it is to let the "other side" have a go at it.
Excellent post!
Even with all of the observers and checks and balances it was possible to inject over a hundred thousand fake ballots into the system. If they had been inserted throughout the day nobody would have ever known.

“Nothing underscores this more dramatically than the mega-fiasco surrounding the New York City Democratic mayoral primary. As the world knows now, some 135,000 non-existent votes were somehow magically injected into the system.

The winner of this supposed “ranking system” election (it certainly was “rank” in every sense of the world) is naturally suing and we seem headed for a do-ever.

This primary was, needless to say, virtually the city’s mayoral election since New York voters these days seem constitutionally allergic to Republicans, or to civic health, for that matter. They already showed their great intelligence electing Bill De Blasio in the first place, perhaps the most universally hated politician of our time.

As someone born in NYC when it was a wonderful place to live, I look on the demise of that once great city as a true domestic, even a global, tragedy.

But this demise has something to tell us. New York is the media capital of the world and it (they) have been lying to us and themselves for a long time, decades really.

The old line “If you can make it New York, you can make it anywhere,” now has redolence we never anticipated. Maybe it should be rewritten as “If New York can [blank] it up, anybody can.”

It should tell us that election fraud or malfeasance or just plain gross error, all of them together or separately, are not only possible everywhere in our country, they likely have happened everywhere—or nearly.”

Trump may have won NY as well
Even with all of the observers and checks and balances it was possible to inject over a hundred thousand fake ballots into the system. If they had been inserted throughout the day nobody would have ever known.

“Nothing underscores this more dramatically than the mega-fiasco surrounding the New York City Democratic mayoral primary. As the world knows now, some 135,000 non-existent votes were somehow magically injected into the system.

The winner of this supposed “ranking system” election (it certainly was “rank” in every sense of the world) is naturally suing and we seem headed for a do-ever.

This primary was, needless to say, virtually the city’s mayoral election since New York voters these days seem constitutionally allergic to Republicans, or to civic health, for that matter. They already showed their great intelligence electing Bill De Blasio in the first place, perhaps the most universally hated politician of our time.

As someone born in NYC when it was a wonderful place to live, I look on the demise of that once great city as a true domestic, even a global, tragedy.

But this demise has something to tell us. New York is the media capital of the world and it (they) have been lying to us and themselves for a long time, decades really.

The old line “If you can make it New York, you can make it anywhere,” now has redolence we never anticipated. Maybe it should be rewritten as “If New York can [blank] it up, anybody can.”

It should tell us that election fraud or malfeasance or just plain gross error, all of them together or separately, are not only possible everywhere in our country, they likely have happened everywhere—or nearly.”

Trump may have won NY as well
I know Trump won Virginia. With 96% precincts reporting he was ahead 54-44 at 7:30 Eastern. 2/3 of the last 4% went to Uncle Joe.
Even with all of the observers and checks and balances it was possible to inject over a hundred thousand fake ballots into the system. If they had been inserted throughout the day nobody would have ever known.

“Nothing underscores this more dramatically than the mega-fiasco surrounding the New York City Democratic mayoral primary. As the world knows now, some 135,000 non-existent votes were somehow magically injected into the system.

The winner of this supposed “ranking system” election (it certainly was “rank” in every sense of the world) is naturally suing and we seem headed for a do-ever.

This primary was, needless to say, virtually the city’s mayoral election since New York voters these days seem constitutionally allergic to Republicans, or to civic health, for that matter. They already showed their great intelligence electing Bill De Blasio in the first place, perhaps the most universally hated politician of our time.

As someone born in NYC when it was a wonderful place to live, I look on the demise of that once great city as a true domestic, even a global, tragedy.

But this demise has something to tell us. New York is the media capital of the world and it (they) have been lying to us and themselves for a long time, decades really.

The old line “If you can make it New York, you can make it anywhere,” now has redolence we never anticipated. Maybe it should be rewritten as “If New York can [blank] it up, anybody can.”

It should tell us that election fraud or malfeasance or just plain gross error, all of them together or separately, are not only possible everywhere in our country, they likely have happened everywhere—or nearly.”

I couldn't agree with you more....
New York City, it's five boroughs have become a shithole thanks to Mayor Disgraziato Like you I was born and raised in the Brooklyn. I left the city over 20 years ago and whenever I've visited I have seen the disintegration that of the city as the result of poor mayoral management by Bloomberg and De Blasio.
They were TEST ballots, therefore the OP is a lie!
Exactly. What this tells us about voter fraud is, nothing. In fact, it tells us that when we do fuck things up, it's far more likely to be an accident than a conspiracy.
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