What the hell happened Truthers?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Its been ten years and you have yet to provide a single piece of evidence supporting your ridiculous theories

Where is that groundswell of support you have been promising for ten years? There are actually more Birthers than there are Truthers right now

What happened to your movement?
Its been ten years and you have yet to provide a single piece of evidence supporting your ridiculous theories

Where is that groundswell of support you have been promising for ten years? There are actually more Birthers than there are Truthers right now

What happened to your movement?
POST OF THE CENTURY!!!!!!:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Its been ten years and you have yet to provide a single piece of evidence supporting your ridiculous theories

Where is that groundswell of support you have been promising for ten years? There are actually more Birthers than there are Truthers right now

What happened to your movement?

The evidence is locked in a safe place on Area 51.
For crying out loud boys!

This is your big moment. Ten years or you are irrelevant

If you don't convince anyone in the next few weeks you will become a laughingstock of history. You better do better than "inside job" "free fall speeds" and WTC 7
For crying out loud boys!

This is your big moment. Ten years or you are irrelevant

If you don't convince anyone in the next few weeks you will become a laughingstock of history. You better do better than "inside job" "free fall speeds" and WTC 7


CLEARLY you haven't seen Loose Change... :lol:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFpfureaCVs]Ten Years After live at Woodstock 1969. - YouTube[/ame]
For crying out loud boys!

This is your big moment. Ten years or you are irrelevant

If you don't convince anyone in the next few weeks you will become a laughingstock of history. You better do better than "inside job" "free fall speeds" and WTC 7


CLEARLY you haven't seen Loose Change... :lol:
:lol::lol:Loose Change is a joke!!:lol::lol: NEXT!!!!!!
Its been ten years and you have yet to provide a single piece of evidence supporting your ridiculous theories

Where is that groundswell of support you have been promising for ten years? There are actually more Birthers than there are Truthers right now

What happened to your movement?

According to thier sources, they have been right all along. You are nothing but a paid schill for bringing this up. Either an agent of the new world goverment ready to take power with thier black helicopters, or a pawn of bushchimpymchitler ready to hand over everyone to the corporations.

Only the truthers, in thier infinte wisdom, see through all the "facts" and realize what really happened.....
Its been ten years and you have yet to provide a single piece of evidence supporting your ridiculous theories

Where is that groundswell of support you have been promising for ten years? There are actually more Birthers than there are Truthers right now

What happened to your movement?
No worries!....they're just taking a break from twoofin', while they're out campaigning for Ron Paul.
Truthers are generally a joke.........

the biggest jokes are those that reject the NIST report while having some even more half baked montage of a collapse theory like Ollie and friends'

There you go lying again.

I do not "reject" the NIST reports. I have never said that I reject them.

I have said and still say that they don't give enough credence to the damages caused by the fall of the 2nd Tower. Other than that they have all the main points correct.

Where does this reject shit come from?
Truthers are generally a joke.........

the biggest jokes are those that reject the NIST report while having some even more half baked montage of a collapse theory like Ollie and friends'

There you go lying again.

I do not "reject" the NIST reports. I have never said that I reject them.

I have said and still say that they don't give enough credence to the damages caused by the fall of the 2nd Tower. Other than that they have all the main points correct.

Where does this reject shit come from?

what major points ?...you do not even begin to understand the" major points" you nit wit...if you did you would realize how retarded your "candy cornish" line is...what caused the intiation of the collapse sequence and how it progressed.. are the major points of the NIST report ...you jackass
The internet is the best friend and worst enemy. Folks who wanted to argue about the Warren Report had to read the thing, something like 1500 pages. With the 9/11 stuff, each part of the discussion can be argued independently. Folks who want to argue it was a controlled demolition have to face the fact it looks nothing like a real controlled demolition, sounds nothing like a controlled demolition and there is the whole issue of stringing all that det cord around to make a controlled demolition happen with no one noticing. Also, there are examples of how the process works everywhere.

A real independent thinker can examine all kinds of evidence on their own, and most of the time that evidence makes trufers look like idiots
The internet is the best friend and worst enemy. Folks who wanted to argue about the Warren Report had to read the thing, something like 1500 pages. With the 9/11 stuff, each part of the discussion can be argued independently. Folks who want to argue it was a controlled demolition have to face the fact it looks nothing like a real controlled demolition, sounds nothing like a controlled demolition and there is the whole issue of stringing all that det cord around to make a controlled demolition happen with no one noticing. Also, there are examples of how the process works everywhere.

A real independent thinker can examine all kinds of evidence on their own, and most of the time that evidence makes trufers look like idiots

you look like an idiot..that doesn't know anything about explosives or controlled demolition

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5IgqJXyLbg]Tom Sullivan - Explosives Technician - Loader - AE911Truth.org - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=877gr6xtQIc]Danny Jowenko on WTC 7 controlled demolition - YouTube[/ame]

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