What Rights Are Afforded To American Citizens? Democrats / Snowflakes Prove They Have No Clue.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In the United States, American citizens have a lot of Constitutional and Legal Rights; yet, through failed 'Common Core' liberal public school education, collegiate liberal classroom indoctrination, and Leftist MSM-Socialist Democrat propaganda, many Americans are even confused about what rights we / they are actually afforded.

One thing is for sure, either the Democrats are completely ignorant on this issue or they have doubled-down on misleading Americans, who they consider to be little more than sheep who need to be herded.

1. One example is how Democrats / snowflakes are 'banning' 'free speech', causing the creation of such ridiculous concepts as 'Free Speech Zones' within the United States and 'Safe Spaces' where easily-offended, delicate, fragile snowflakes can escape any speech that threatens their own alternate reality.

- The Constitution of the United States guarantees and protects our right of Free Speech. We have, again, many Rights in this country, but the Right NOT to be OFFENDED is NOT one of them. I personally don't give a crap if you are offended by something on TV - change the channel. I don't care if you are offended by something someone says - grow some thicker skin or go away. I don't care if something someone possesses offends you - you don't have a right to try to tear it down, break it, burn it, or touch it.

2. According to Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats, the judicial system is now based on the concept that YOU (You meaning any Conservatives, Republicans, or anyone else who disagrees with their radical ideology and agenda) are 'GUILTY until PROVEN Innocent'. That insane nonsense 1st became a '4-alarm fire wake-up call' in the United States during USSC Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Confirmation hearing...but let's be real. The Democrats had been doing an awesome job for years disguising their true radical beliefs until Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016...something just 'snapped' inside them after that loss, and they haven't been able to hide who they truly are since then. The Democrats have operated under this false premise for the last 3+ years of attempting to un-do the 2016 election as well.

Sorry , snowflakes - In America, we are 'Innocent until proven guilty'!

3. Two of the keystones to the Democrats' latest coup attempts against President Trump are the false claims that 1) Qualifying Whistle Blowers (which D-Adam Schiff's is NIOT) are afforded the protection of 'Anonymity' (which he and snowflakes incorrectly / ineptly expanded to include 'Immunity'), and 2) President Trump does NOT have the Right to Face his Accuser, that the identity of an individual who accuses you of a crime (in this case one which could result in historic Impeachment and removal from office) is 'insignificant.

Despite the Whistle Blower Act itself being posted - with a link to the actual law - proving word for word that there is no such protection of Anonymity and / or Immunity afforded to Whistle Blowers, D-Adam Schiff and select snowflake members on this board have continued - without providing any source to support their claim - to claim these 'protections' exist.

The real answer is the Whistle Blower Act, to include the Presidential Policy Directive 19 signed by President Obama, does NOT afford Whistle blowers with 'Anonymity' or 'Immunity'.

"In October 2012, Barack Obama signed Presidential Policy Directive 19,[34] after provisions protecting intelligence-community whistleblowers were stripped from the proposed Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act. It was designed to ensure that employees who serve in the Intelligence community, or have access to classified information, can effectively report waste, fraud, and abuse, while protecting classified information. The order prohibits retaliation against intelligence community employees who make a protected disclosure through the proper, internal channels and establishes remedies for substantiated, retaliation claims."

PPD-19 does not protect contractors from any form of reprisal except decisions connected to their security clearance, which leaves them open to retaliatory terminations, investigations and criminal prosecutions

WHY is 'Anonymity' NOT afforded? Because we have the Constitutional Right to face our accusers:

The Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right…to be confronted with the witnesses against him." The Fourteenth Amendment makes the right to confrontation applicable to the states and not just the federal government.[1] The right only applies to criminal prosecutions, not civil cases or other proceedings."

*Confrontation Clause - Wikipedia

I am not sure what was more amazing, Democrat, House Intel Committee Chairman, and Impeachment Co-Leader Adam Schiff not knowing the United States Constitution and the Rights given to US Citizens and protected by the Constitution, or his deliberate LIE told before his fellow 400+ House Members, most of them Lawyers, that such a law affording Whistle Blowers 'Anonymity'...and 'Immunity' .... existed / exists!

Much like with his earlier attempt to present a self-authored fictional account of the President's call with the Ukraine PM as 'evidence' for Impeachment, Schiff's claim was immediately challenged....and he immediately backed down, refusing to answer further.

The willingness to trample the US Constitution, to violate the Rights REALLY afforded to US citizens, and to break any law they chose to get what they want and to destroy whoever they want is, as the Democrat Constitutional Expert said during the House Judiciary Impeachment Hearing, 'DANGEROUS to this Republic' ... and that the ONLY ones abusing their power and endangering our national security by doing so are the DEMOCRATS.

Evidence, testimony, official reports, etc...have shown over the last 3+ years the Democrats have been demonstrating how extremely their view of 'Justice' and 'Rights' are in this country under their 'rule' is compared to what is actually established within and protected by the Constitution.

Equally alarming is the demonstration constantly put on by snowflakes every day of their ignorance of what is in the Constitution and their preference of regurgitating / parroting the talking points fed to them by the Democrats and their MSM propaganda-pushers rather than educate themselves, free their minds, and shed the 'sheep' persona Democrats like Jonathon Gruber repeatedly stated Democrats rely on to get away with what they do.
We don't need the whistleblower. Every single testimony made by the actual people involved backed up everything the whistleblower said.

A guy runs into the Diner where you're eating and says "a bunch of people just saw a UFO". You go outside and 50 people tell you they saw the UFO with their own eyes. Why would you need to hear again from the guy that ran into the diner?
In the United States, American citizens have a lot of Constitutional and Legal Rights; yet, through failed 'Common Core' liberal public school education, collegiate liberal classroom indoctrination, and Leftist MSM-Socialist Democrat propaganda, many Americans are even confused about what rights we / they are actually afforded.

One thing is for sure, either the Democrats are completely ignorant on this issue or they have doubled-down on misleading Americans, who they consider to be little more than sheep who need to be herded.

1. One example is how Democrats / snowflakes are 'banning' 'free speech', causing the creation of such ridiculous concepts as 'Free Speech Zones' within the United States and 'Safe Spaces' where easily-offended, delicate, fragile snowflakes can escape any speech that threatens their own alternate reality.

- The Constitution of the United States guarantees and protects our right of Free Speech. We have, again, many Rights in this country, but the Right NOT to be OFFENDED is NOT one of them. I personally don't give a crap if you are offended by something on TV - change the channel. I don't care if you are offended by something someone says - grow some thicker skin or go away. I don't care if something someone possesses offends you - you don't have a right to try to tear it down, break it, burn it, or touch it.

2. According to Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats, the judicial system is now based on the concept that YOU (You meaning any Conservatives, Republicans, or anyone else who disagrees with their radical ideology and agenda) are 'GUILTY until PROVEN Innocent'. That insane nonsense 1st became a '4-alarm fire wake-up call' in the United States during USSC Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Confirmation hearing...but let's be real. The Democrats had been doing an awesome job for years disguising their true radical beliefs until Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016...something just 'snapped' inside them after that loss, and they haven't been able to hide who they truly are since then. The Democrats have operated under this false premise for the last 3+ years of attempting to un-do the 2016 election as well.

Sorry , snowflakes - In America, we are 'Innocent until proven guilty'!

3. Two of the keystones to the Democrats' latest coup attempts against President Trump are the false claims that 1) Qualifying Whistle Blowers (which D-Adam Schiff's is NIOT) are afforded the protection of 'Anonymity' (which he and snowflakes incorrectly / ineptly expanded to include 'Immunity'), and 2) President Trump does NOT have the Right to Face his Accuser, that the identity of an individual who accuses you of a crime (in this case one which could result in historic Impeachment and removal from office) is 'insignificant.

Despite the Whistle Blower Act itself being posted - with a link to the actual law - proving word for word that there is no such protection of Anonymity and / or Immunity afforded to Whistle Blowers, D-Adam Schiff and select snowflake members on this board have continued - without providing any source to support their claim - to claim these 'protections' exist.

The real answer is the Whistle Blower Act, to include the Presidential Policy Directive 19 signed by President Obama, does NOT afford Whistle blowers with 'Anonymity' or 'Immunity'.

"In October 2012, Barack Obama signed Presidential Policy Directive 19,[34] after provisions protecting intelligence-community whistleblowers were stripped from the proposed Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act. It was designed to ensure that employees who serve in the Intelligence community, or have access to classified information, can effectively report waste, fraud, and abuse, while protecting classified information. The order prohibits retaliation against intelligence community employees who make a protected disclosure through the proper, internal channels and establishes remedies for substantiated, retaliation claims."

PPD-19 does not protect contractors from any form of reprisal except decisions connected to their security clearance, which leaves them open to retaliatory terminations, investigations and criminal prosecutions

WHY is 'Anonymity' NOT afforded? Because we have the Constitutional Right to face our accusers:

The Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right…to be confronted with the witnesses against him." The Fourteenth Amendment makes the right to confrontation applicable to the states and not just the federal government.[1] The right only applies to criminal prosecutions, not civil cases or other proceedings."

*Confrontation Clause - Wikipedia

I am not sure what was more amazing, Democrat, House Intel Committee Chairman, and Impeachment Co-Leader Adam Schiff not knowing the United States Constitution and the Rights given to US Citizens and protected by the Constitution, or his deliberate LIE told before his fellow 400+ House Members, most of them Lawyers, that such a law affording Whistle Blowers 'Anonymity'...and 'Immunity' .... existed / exists!

Much like with his earlier attempt to present a self-authored fictional account of the President's call with the Ukraine PM as 'evidence' for Impeachment, Schiff's claim was immediately challenged....and he immediately backed down, refusing to answer further.

The willingness to trample the US Constitution, to violate the Rights REALLY afforded to US citizens, and to break any law they chose to get what they want and to destroy whoever they want is, as the Democrat Constitutional Expert said during the House Judiciary Impeachment Hearing, 'DANGEROUS to this Republic' ... and that the ONLY ones abusing their power and endangering our national security by doing so are the DEMOCRATS.

Evidence, testimony, official reports, etc...have shown over the last 3+ years the Democrats have been demonstrating how extremely their view of 'Justice' and 'Rights' are in this country under their 'rule' is compared to what is actually established within and protected by the Constitution.

Equally alarming is the demonstration constantly put on by snowflakes every day of their ignorance of what is in the Constitution and their preference of regurgitating / parroting the talking points fed to them by the Democrats and their MSM propaganda-pushers rather than educate themselves, free their minds, and shed the 'sheep' persona Democrats like Jonathon Gruber repeatedly stated Democrats rely on to get away with what they do.
Jesus Fucking H, don't you ever take a break Tinkerbell?


Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad...

Everything Republican good, good, good...

My side is always right, your side is always wrong.

You are a pathetic partisan hack, you fluffy widdle snowflake.
We don't need the whistleblower. Every single testimony made by the actual people involved backed up everything the whistleblower said.
Yup, they sure did.....all of them pretty much shared the same HEARSAY....all of them admitted they personally never 'witnessed' one single thing...

...and none of them, when asked, could name the crime committed or 'Impeachable Offense'....and that is because the President not sharing their ideology / opinion regarding Foreign Policy is neither a crime nor an 'Impeachable Offense'.
We don't need the whistleblower. Every single testimony made by the actual people involved backed up everything the whistleblower said.
Yup, they sure did.....all of them pretty much shared the same HEARSAY....all of them admitted they personally never 'witnessed' one single thing!
Bad, bad, bad Democrats... bad, bad...

Good, good, good Republicans... good, good...

Another non-stop day a partisan hackery, brought to you by Twinkle Toes, the fluffiest wddlle snowflake of them all.
We don't need the whistleblower. Every single testimony made by the actual people involved backed up everything the whistleblower said.
Yup, they sure did.....all of them pretty much shared the same HEARSAY....all of them admitted they personally never 'witnessed' one single thing...

...and none of them, when asked, could name the crime committed or 'Impeachable Offense'....and that is because the President not sharing their ideology / opinion regarding Foreign Policy is neither a crime nor an 'Impeachable Offense'.

That isn't remotely true. Everything the whistleblower alleged was confirmed by eyewitnesses. You don't need the whistleblower for anything except retaliation.
In the United States, American citizens have a lot of Constitutional and Legal Rights; yet, through failed 'Common Core' liberal public school education, collegiate liberal classroom indoctrination, and Leftist MSM-Socialist Democrat propaganda, many Americans are even confused about what rights we / they are actually afforded.

One thing is for sure, either the Democrats are completely ignorant on this issue or they have doubled-down on misleading Americans, who they consider to be little more than sheep who need to be herded.

1. One example is how Democrats / snowflakes are 'banning' 'free speech', causing the creation of such ridiculous concepts as 'Free Speech Zones' within the United States and 'Safe Spaces' where easily-offended, delicate, fragile snowflakes can escape any speech that threatens their own alternate reality.

- The Constitution of the United States guarantees and protects our right of Free Speech. We have, again, many Rights in this country, but the Right NOT to be OFFENDED is NOT one of them. I personally don't give a crap if you are offended by something on TV - change the channel. I don't care if you are offended by something someone says - grow some thicker skin or go away. I don't care if something someone possesses offends you - you don't have a right to try to tear it down, break it, burn it, or touch it.

2. According to Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats, the judicial system is now based on the concept that YOU (You meaning any Conservatives, Republicans, or anyone else who disagrees with their radical ideology and agenda) are 'GUILTY until PROVEN Innocent'. That insane nonsense 1st became a '4-alarm fire wake-up call' in the United States during USSC Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Confirmation hearing...but let's be real. The Democrats had been doing an awesome job for years disguising their true radical beliefs until Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016...something just 'snapped' inside them after that loss, and they haven't been able to hide who they truly are since then. The Democrats have operated under this false premise for the last 3+ years of attempting to un-do the 2016 election as well.

Sorry , snowflakes - In America, we are 'Innocent until proven guilty'!

3. Two of the keystones to the Democrats' latest coup attempts against President Trump are the false claims that 1) Qualifying Whistle Blowers (which D-Adam Schiff's is NIOT) are afforded the protection of 'Anonymity' (which he and snowflakes incorrectly / ineptly expanded to include 'Immunity'), and 2) President Trump does NOT have the Right to Face his Accuser, that the identity of an individual who accuses you of a crime (in this case one which could result in historic Impeachment and removal from office) is 'insignificant.

Despite the Whistle Blower Act itself being posted - with a link to the actual law - proving word for word that there is no such protection of Anonymity and / or Immunity afforded to Whistle Blowers, D-Adam Schiff and select snowflake members on this board have continued - without providing any source to support their claim - to claim these 'protections' exist.

The real answer is the Whistle Blower Act, to include the Presidential Policy Directive 19 signed by President Obama, does NOT afford Whistle blowers with 'Anonymity' or 'Immunity'.

"In October 2012, Barack Obama signed Presidential Policy Directive 19,[34] after provisions protecting intelligence-community whistleblowers were stripped from the proposed Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act. It was designed to ensure that employees who serve in the Intelligence community, or have access to classified information, can effectively report waste, fraud, and abuse, while protecting classified information. The order prohibits retaliation against intelligence community employees who make a protected disclosure through the proper, internal channels and establishes remedies for substantiated, retaliation claims."

PPD-19 does not protect contractors from any form of reprisal except decisions connected to their security clearance, which leaves them open to retaliatory terminations, investigations and criminal prosecutions

WHY is 'Anonymity' NOT afforded? Because we have the Constitutional Right to face our accusers:

The Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right…to be confronted with the witnesses against him." The Fourteenth Amendment makes the right to confrontation applicable to the states and not just the federal government.[1] The right only applies to criminal prosecutions, not civil cases or other proceedings."

*Confrontation Clause - Wikipedia

I am not sure what was more amazing, Democrat, House Intel Committee Chairman, and Impeachment Co-Leader Adam Schiff not knowing the United States Constitution and the Rights given to US Citizens and protected by the Constitution, or his deliberate LIE told before his fellow 400+ House Members, most of them Lawyers, that such a law affording Whistle Blowers 'Anonymity'...and 'Immunity' .... existed / exists!

Much like with his earlier attempt to present a self-authored fictional account of the President's call with the Ukraine PM as 'evidence' for Impeachment, Schiff's claim was immediately challenged....and he immediately backed down, refusing to answer further.

The willingness to trample the US Constitution, to violate the Rights REALLY afforded to US citizens, and to break any law they chose to get what they want and to destroy whoever they want is, as the Democrat Constitutional Expert said during the House Judiciary Impeachment Hearing, 'DANGEROUS to this Republic' ... and that the ONLY ones abusing their power and endangering our national security by doing so are the DEMOCRATS.

Evidence, testimony, official reports, etc...have shown over the last 3+ years the Democrats have been demonstrating how extremely their view of 'Justice' and 'Rights' are in this country under their 'rule' is compared to what is actually established within and protected by the Constitution.

Equally alarming is the demonstration constantly put on by snowflakes every day of their ignorance of what is in the Constitution and their preference of regurgitating / parroting the talking points fed to them by the Democrats and their MSM propaganda-pushers rather than educate themselves, free their minds, and shed the 'sheep' persona Democrats like Jonathon Gruber repeatedly stated Democrats rely on to get away with what they do.
Jesus Fucking H, don't you ever take a break Tinkerbell?


Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad...

Everything Republican good, good, good...

My side is always right, your side is always wrong.

You are a pathetic partisan hack, you fluffy widdle snowflake.

I don't know that everything republican is good. Who said this?

But the dems for the past years have orchestrated a witch hunt, offering to sell our country to illegals right before our eyes, and ended up with 3rd world style anti-American coups against Kavanaugh and Trump.

To say everything they do is bad is an understatement. For someone to be this wicked, they probably regular at the Epstein island. They hate Americans.
In the United States, American citizens have a lot of Constitutional and Legal Rights; yet, through failed 'Common Core' liberal public school education, collegiate liberal classroom indoctrination, and Leftist MSM-Socialist Democrat propaganda, many Americans are even confused about what rights we / they are actually afforded.

One thing is for sure, either the Democrats are completely ignorant on this issue or they have doubled-down on misleading Americans, who they consider to be little more than sheep who need to be herded.

1. One example is how Democrats / snowflakes are 'banning' 'free speech', causing the creation of such ridiculous concepts as 'Free Speech Zones' within the United States and 'Safe Spaces' where easily-offended, delicate, fragile snowflakes can escape any speech that threatens their own alternate reality.

- The Constitution of the United States guarantees and protects our right of Free Speech. We have, again, many Rights in this country, but the Right NOT to be OFFENDED is NOT one of them. I personally don't give a crap if you are offended by something on TV - change the channel. I don't care if you are offended by something someone says - grow some thicker skin or go away. I don't care if something someone possesses offends you - you don't have a right to try to tear it down, break it, burn it, or touch it.

2. According to Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats, the judicial system is now based on the concept that YOU (You meaning any Conservatives, Republicans, or anyone else who disagrees with their radical ideology and agenda) are 'GUILTY until PROVEN Innocent'. That insane nonsense 1st became a '4-alarm fire wake-up call' in the United States during USSC Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Confirmation hearing...but let's be real. The Democrats had been doing an awesome job for years disguising their true radical beliefs until Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016...something just 'snapped' inside them after that loss, and they haven't been able to hide who they truly are since then. The Democrats have operated under this false premise for the last 3+ years of attempting to un-do the 2016 election as well.

Sorry , snowflakes - In America, we are 'Innocent until proven guilty'!

3. Two of the keystones to the Democrats' latest coup attempts against President Trump are the false claims that 1) Qualifying Whistle Blowers (which D-Adam Schiff's is NIOT) are afforded the protection of 'Anonymity' (which he and snowflakes incorrectly / ineptly expanded to include 'Immunity'), and 2) President Trump does NOT have the Right to Face his Accuser, that the identity of an individual who accuses you of a crime (in this case one which could result in historic Impeachment and removal from office) is 'insignificant.

Despite the Whistle Blower Act itself being posted - with a link to the actual law - proving word for word that there is no such protection of Anonymity and / or Immunity afforded to Whistle Blowers, D-Adam Schiff and select snowflake members on this board have continued - without providing any source to support their claim - to claim these 'protections' exist.

The real answer is the Whistle Blower Act, to include the Presidential Policy Directive 19 signed by President Obama, does NOT afford Whistle blowers with 'Anonymity' or 'Immunity'.

"In October 2012, Barack Obama signed Presidential Policy Directive 19,[34] after provisions protecting intelligence-community whistleblowers were stripped from the proposed Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act. It was designed to ensure that employees who serve in the Intelligence community, or have access to classified information, can effectively report waste, fraud, and abuse, while protecting classified information. The order prohibits retaliation against intelligence community employees who make a protected disclosure through the proper, internal channels and establishes remedies for substantiated, retaliation claims."

PPD-19 does not protect contractors from any form of reprisal except decisions connected to their security clearance, which leaves them open to retaliatory terminations, investigations and criminal prosecutions

WHY is 'Anonymity' NOT afforded? Because we have the Constitutional Right to face our accusers:

The Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right…to be confronted with the witnesses against him." The Fourteenth Amendment makes the right to confrontation applicable to the states and not just the federal government.[1] The right only applies to criminal prosecutions, not civil cases or other proceedings."

*Confrontation Clause - Wikipedia

I am not sure what was more amazing, Democrat, House Intel Committee Chairman, and Impeachment Co-Leader Adam Schiff not knowing the United States Constitution and the Rights given to US Citizens and protected by the Constitution, or his deliberate LIE told before his fellow 400+ House Members, most of them Lawyers, that such a law affording Whistle Blowers 'Anonymity'...and 'Immunity' .... existed / exists!

Much like with his earlier attempt to present a self-authored fictional account of the President's call with the Ukraine PM as 'evidence' for Impeachment, Schiff's claim was immediately challenged....and he immediately backed down, refusing to answer further.

The willingness to trample the US Constitution, to violate the Rights REALLY afforded to US citizens, and to break any law they chose to get what they want and to destroy whoever they want is, as the Democrat Constitutional Expert said during the House Judiciary Impeachment Hearing, 'DANGEROUS to this Republic' ... and that the ONLY ones abusing their power and endangering our national security by doing so are the DEMOCRATS.

Evidence, testimony, official reports, etc...have shown over the last 3+ years the Democrats have been demonstrating how extremely their view of 'Justice' and 'Rights' are in this country under their 'rule' is compared to what is actually established within and protected by the Constitution.

Equally alarming is the demonstration constantly put on by snowflakes every day of their ignorance of what is in the Constitution and their preference of regurgitating / parroting the talking points fed to them by the Democrats and their MSM propaganda-pushers rather than educate themselves, free their minds, and shed the 'sheep' persona Democrats like Jonathon Gruber repeatedly stated Democrats rely on to get away with what they do.
Jesus Fucking H, don't you ever take a break Tinkerbell?


Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad...

Everything Republican good, good, good...

My side is always right, your side is always wrong.

You are a pathetic partisan hack, you fluffy widdle snowflake.

I don't know that everything republican is good. Who said this?

But the dems for the past years have orchestrated a witch hunt, offering to sell our country to illegals right before our eyes, and ended up with 3rd world style anti-American coups against Kavanaugh and Trump.

To say everything they do is bad is an understatement. For someone to be this wicked, they probably regular at the Epstein island. They hate Americans.
The stupidity of the Dems in our country is quite mind boggling. Just look at their responses in this thread. They're totally brainwashed sheep.
That isn't remotely true. Everything the whistleblower alleged was confirmed by eyewitnesses.
You, sir, are a liar. Not ONE person who testified for the Democrats in either House or Judiciary Committee hearing claimed to have PERSONAL, 1st-hand knowledge / evidence of crimes - or even an 'Impeachable Offense' - committed by the President.

You snowflakes love to keep skipping over the established fact that the prosecutorial divisions within the DOJ assessed the complaint and DISMISSED IT because it established NO CRIME committed and involved NO WITNESSES, only HEARSAY.

Sondland, Schiff's 'star witness' admitted what he testified to was his own thoughts / opinions that were based on statements / comments made by others, not anything he personally witnessed.
The ugly FACT for Democrats and snowflakes is that everyone who was actually on the phone call between the President and the Ukraine PM have all openly declared the accusations being made by the Trump-hating Democrats NEVER HAPPENED, much like Schiff's 'parody'. Even the transcripts released completely destroy the Democrats' story...so much so that they have completely abandoned their claim that Trump extorted / blackmailed the Ukraine PM - which Joe Biden confessed to on videotape - and have gone back to the 'weakest case in US history' which is the debunked / shot-down claim from the failed Weismann-Mueller Witch Hunt Report about 'Obstruction' and 'Abuse of Power'.

As DEMOCRAT Constitutional Expert Turley testified:
- The Democrats' rush to Impeach has been the FASTEST in US history
- Their case is the WEAKEST in US history
- Constitutionally and legally the President has not violated the Constitution, violated the Rule of Law, or Abused his power
- The only ones who have 'Abused their power' have been the Democrats ad the only ones 'Obstructing Congress' is now Pelosi

In the United States, American citizens have a lot of Constitutional and Legal Rights; yet, through failed 'Common Core' liberal public school education, collegiate liberal classroom indoctrination, and Leftist MSM-Socialist Democrat propaganda, many Americans are even confused about what rights we / they are actually afforded.

One thing is for sure, either the Democrats are completely ignorant on this issue or they have doubled-down on misleading Americans, who they consider to be little more than sheep who need to be herded.

1. One example is how Democrats / snowflakes are 'banning' 'free speech', causing the creation of such ridiculous concepts as 'Free Speech Zones' within the United States and 'Safe Spaces' where easily-offended, delicate, fragile snowflakes can escape any speech that threatens their own alternate reality.

- The Constitution of the United States guarantees and protects our right of Free Speech. We have, again, many Rights in this country, but the Right NOT to be OFFENDED is NOT one of them. I personally don't give a crap if you are offended by something on TV - change the channel. I don't care if you are offended by something someone says - grow some thicker skin or go away. I don't care if something someone possesses offends you - you don't have a right to try to tear it down, break it, burn it, or touch it.

2. According to Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats, the judicial system is now based on the concept that YOU (You meaning any Conservatives, Republicans, or anyone else who disagrees with their radical ideology and agenda) are 'GUILTY until PROVEN Innocent'. That insane nonsense 1st became a '4-alarm fire wake-up call' in the United States during USSC Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Confirmation hearing...but let's be real. The Democrats had been doing an awesome job for years disguising their true radical beliefs until Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016...something just 'snapped' inside them after that loss, and they haven't been able to hide who they truly are since then. The Democrats have operated under this false premise for the last 3+ years of attempting to un-do the 2016 election as well.

Sorry , snowflakes - In America, we are 'Innocent until proven guilty'!

3. Two of the keystones to the Democrats' latest coup attempts against President Trump are the false claims that 1) Qualifying Whistle Blowers (which D-Adam Schiff's is NIOT) are afforded the protection of 'Anonymity' (which he and snowflakes incorrectly / ineptly expanded to include 'Immunity'), and 2) President Trump does NOT have the Right to Face his Accuser, that the identity of an individual who accuses you of a crime (in this case one which could result in historic Impeachment and removal from office) is 'insignificant.

Despite the Whistle Blower Act itself being posted - with a link to the actual law - proving word for word that there is no such protection of Anonymity and / or Immunity afforded to Whistle Blowers, D-Adam Schiff and select snowflake members on this board have continued - without providing any source to support their claim - to claim these 'protections' exist.

The real answer is the Whistle Blower Act, to include the Presidential Policy Directive 19 signed by President Obama, does NOT afford Whistle blowers with 'Anonymity' or 'Immunity'.

"In October 2012, Barack Obama signed Presidential Policy Directive 19,[34] after provisions protecting intelligence-community whistleblowers were stripped from the proposed Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act. It was designed to ensure that employees who serve in the Intelligence community, or have access to classified information, can effectively report waste, fraud, and abuse, while protecting classified information. The order prohibits retaliation against intelligence community employees who make a protected disclosure through the proper, internal channels and establishes remedies for substantiated, retaliation claims."

PPD-19 does not protect contractors from any form of reprisal except decisions connected to their security clearance, which leaves them open to retaliatory terminations, investigations and criminal prosecutions

WHY is 'Anonymity' NOT afforded? Because we have the Constitutional Right to face our accusers:

The Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right…to be confronted with the witnesses against him." The Fourteenth Amendment makes the right to confrontation applicable to the states and not just the federal government.[1] The right only applies to criminal prosecutions, not civil cases or other proceedings."

*Confrontation Clause - Wikipedia

I am not sure what was more amazing, Democrat, House Intel Committee Chairman, and Impeachment Co-Leader Adam Schiff not knowing the United States Constitution and the Rights given to US Citizens and protected by the Constitution, or his deliberate LIE told before his fellow 400+ House Members, most of them Lawyers, that such a law affording Whistle Blowers 'Anonymity'...and 'Immunity' .... existed / exists!

Much like with his earlier attempt to present a self-authored fictional account of the President's call with the Ukraine PM as 'evidence' for Impeachment, Schiff's claim was immediately challenged....and he immediately backed down, refusing to answer further.

The willingness to trample the US Constitution, to violate the Rights REALLY afforded to US citizens, and to break any law they chose to get what they want and to destroy whoever they want is, as the Democrat Constitutional Expert said during the House Judiciary Impeachment Hearing, 'DANGEROUS to this Republic' ... and that the ONLY ones abusing their power and endangering our national security by doing so are the DEMOCRATS.

Evidence, testimony, official reports, etc...have shown over the last 3+ years the Democrats have been demonstrating how extremely their view of 'Justice' and 'Rights' are in this country under their 'rule' is compared to what is actually established within and protected by the Constitution.

Equally alarming is the demonstration constantly put on by snowflakes every day of their ignorance of what is in the Constitution and their preference of regurgitating / parroting the talking points fed to them by the Democrats and their MSM propaganda-pushers rather than educate themselves, free their minds, and shed the 'sheep' persona Democrats like Jonathon Gruber repeatedly stated Democrats rely on to get away with what they do.
Jesus Fucking H, don't you ever take a break Tinkerbell?


Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad...

Everything Republican good, good, good...

My side is always right, your side is always wrong.

You are a pathetic partisan hack, you fluffy widdle snowflake.

I don't know that everything republican is good. Who said this?

But the dems for the past years have orchestrated a witch hunt, offering to sell our country to illegals right before our eyes, and ended up with 3rd world style anti-American coups against Kavanaugh and Trump.

To say everything they do is bad is an understatement. For someone to be this wicked, they probably regular at the Epstein island. They hate Americans.
The stupidity of the Dems in our country is quite mind boggling. Just look at their responses in this thread. They're totally brainwashed sheep.
I'd say you and norman are the ones that are brainwashed, but taking into account that the both of you are brain dead, that isn't a possibility.
You can't completely blame snowflakes for being so completely unfamiliar with what is in the Constitution. This is what happens when you depend on someone else to do the thinking for you and then accept what they say as the truth. Trump completely blew up that 'racket' for the Dems and Fake news by taking them on and exposing them as the liars, manipulators, and true 'enemies of the state' they are / have been.
In the United States, American citizens have a lot of Constitutional and Legal Rights; yet, through failed 'Common Core' liberal public school education, collegiate liberal classroom indoctrination, and Leftist MSM-Socialist Democrat propaganda, many Americans are even confused about what rights we / they are actually afforded.

One thing is for sure, either the Democrats are completely ignorant on this issue or they have doubled-down on misleading Americans, who they consider to be little more than sheep who need to be herded.

1. One example is how Democrats / snowflakes are 'banning' 'free speech', causing the creation of such ridiculous concepts as 'Free Speech Zones' within the United States and 'Safe Spaces' where easily-offended, delicate, fragile snowflakes can escape any speech that threatens their own alternate reality.

- The Constitution of the United States guarantees and protects our right of Free Speech. We have, again, many Rights in this country, but the Right NOT to be OFFENDED is NOT one of them. I personally don't give a crap if you are offended by something on TV - change the channel. I don't care if you are offended by something someone says - grow some thicker skin or go away. I don't care if something someone possesses offends you - you don't have a right to try to tear it down, break it, burn it, or touch it.

2. According to Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats, the judicial system is now based on the concept that YOU (You meaning any Conservatives, Republicans, or anyone else who disagrees with their radical ideology and agenda) are 'GUILTY until PROVEN Innocent'. That insane nonsense 1st became a '4-alarm fire wake-up call' in the United States during USSC Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Confirmation hearing...but let's be real. The Democrats had been doing an awesome job for years disguising their true radical beliefs until Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016...something just 'snapped' inside them after that loss, and they haven't been able to hide who they truly are since then. The Democrats have operated under this false premise for the last 3+ years of attempting to un-do the 2016 election as well.

Sorry , snowflakes - In America, we are 'Innocent until proven guilty'!

3. Two of the keystones to the Democrats' latest coup attempts against President Trump are the false claims that 1) Qualifying Whistle Blowers (which D-Adam Schiff's is NIOT) are afforded the protection of 'Anonymity' (which he and snowflakes incorrectly / ineptly expanded to include 'Immunity'), and 2) President Trump does NOT have the Right to Face his Accuser, that the identity of an individual who accuses you of a crime (in this case one which could result in historic Impeachment and removal from office) is 'insignificant.

Despite the Whistle Blower Act itself being posted - with a link to the actual law - proving word for word that there is no such protection of Anonymity and / or Immunity afforded to Whistle Blowers, D-Adam Schiff and select snowflake members on this board have continued - without providing any source to support their claim - to claim these 'protections' exist.

The real answer is the Whistle Blower Act, to include the Presidential Policy Directive 19 signed by President Obama, does NOT afford Whistle blowers with 'Anonymity' or 'Immunity'.

"In October 2012, Barack Obama signed Presidential Policy Directive 19,[34] after provisions protecting intelligence-community whistleblowers were stripped from the proposed Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act. It was designed to ensure that employees who serve in the Intelligence community, or have access to classified information, can effectively report waste, fraud, and abuse, while protecting classified information. The order prohibits retaliation against intelligence community employees who make a protected disclosure through the proper, internal channels and establishes remedies for substantiated, retaliation claims."

PPD-19 does not protect contractors from any form of reprisal except decisions connected to their security clearance, which leaves them open to retaliatory terminations, investigations and criminal prosecutions

WHY is 'Anonymity' NOT afforded? Because we have the Constitutional Right to face our accusers:

The Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right…to be confronted with the witnesses against him." The Fourteenth Amendment makes the right to confrontation applicable to the states and not just the federal government.[1] The right only applies to criminal prosecutions, not civil cases or other proceedings."

*Confrontation Clause - Wikipedia

I am not sure what was more amazing, Democrat, House Intel Committee Chairman, and Impeachment Co-Leader Adam Schiff not knowing the United States Constitution and the Rights given to US Citizens and protected by the Constitution, or his deliberate LIE told before his fellow 400+ House Members, most of them Lawyers, that such a law affording Whistle Blowers 'Anonymity'...and 'Immunity' .... existed / exists!

Much like with his earlier attempt to present a self-authored fictional account of the President's call with the Ukraine PM as 'evidence' for Impeachment, Schiff's claim was immediately challenged....and he immediately backed down, refusing to answer further.

The willingness to trample the US Constitution, to violate the Rights REALLY afforded to US citizens, and to break any law they chose to get what they want and to destroy whoever they want is, as the Democrat Constitutional Expert said during the House Judiciary Impeachment Hearing, 'DANGEROUS to this Republic' ... and that the ONLY ones abusing their power and endangering our national security by doing so are the DEMOCRATS.

Evidence, testimony, official reports, etc...have shown over the last 3+ years the Democrats have been demonstrating how extremely their view of 'Justice' and 'Rights' are in this country under their 'rule' is compared to what is actually established within and protected by the Constitution.

Equally alarming is the demonstration constantly put on by snowflakes every day of their ignorance of what is in the Constitution and their preference of regurgitating / parroting the talking points fed to them by the Democrats and their MSM propaganda-pushers rather than educate themselves, free their minds, and shed the 'sheep' persona Democrats like Jonathon Gruber repeatedly stated Democrats rely on to get away with what they do.
Jesus Fucking H, don't you ever take a break Tinkerbell?


Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad...

Everything Republican good, good, good...

My side is always right, your side is always wrong.

You are a pathetic partisan hack, you fluffy widdle snowflake.

I don't know that everything republican is good. Who said this?

But the dems for the past years have orchestrated a witch hunt, offering to sell our country to illegals right before our eyes, and ended up with 3rd world style anti-American coups against Kavanaugh and Trump.

To say everything they do is bad is an understatement. For someone to be this wicked, they probably regular at the Epstein island. They hate Americans.
The stupidity of the Dems in our country is quite mind boggling. Just look at their responses in this thread. They're totally brainwashed sheep.
I'd say you and norman are the ones that are brainwashed, but taking into account that the both of you are brain dead, that isn't a possibility.

You got the mind virus, didn't you?
In the United States, American citizens have a lot of Constitutional and Legal Rights; yet, through failed 'Common Core' liberal public school education, collegiate liberal classroom indoctrination, and Leftist MSM-Socialist Democrat propaganda, many Americans are even confused about what rights we / they are actually afforded.

One thing is for sure, either the Democrats are completely ignorant on this issue or they have doubled-down on misleading Americans, who they consider to be little more than sheep who need to be herded.

1. One example is how Democrats / snowflakes are 'banning' 'free speech', causing the creation of such ridiculous concepts as 'Free Speech Zones' within the United States and 'Safe Spaces' where easily-offended, delicate, fragile snowflakes can escape any speech that threatens their own alternate reality.

- The Constitution of the United States guarantees and protects our right of Free Speech. We have, again, many Rights in this country, but the Right NOT to be OFFENDED is NOT one of them. I personally don't give a crap if you are offended by something on TV - change the channel. I don't care if you are offended by something someone says - grow some thicker skin or go away. I don't care if something someone possesses offends you - you don't have a right to try to tear it down, break it, burn it, or touch it.

2. According to Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats, the judicial system is now based on the concept that YOU (You meaning any Conservatives, Republicans, or anyone else who disagrees with their radical ideology and agenda) are 'GUILTY until PROVEN Innocent'. That insane nonsense 1st became a '4-alarm fire wake-up call' in the United States during USSC Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Confirmation hearing...but let's be real. The Democrats had been doing an awesome job for years disguising their true radical beliefs until Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016...something just 'snapped' inside them after that loss, and they haven't been able to hide who they truly are since then. The Democrats have operated under this false premise for the last 3+ years of attempting to un-do the 2016 election as well.

Sorry , snowflakes - In America, we are 'Innocent until proven guilty'!

3. Two of the keystones to the Democrats' latest coup attempts against President Trump are the false claims that 1) Qualifying Whistle Blowers (which D-Adam Schiff's is NIOT) are afforded the protection of 'Anonymity' (which he and snowflakes incorrectly / ineptly expanded to include 'Immunity'), and 2) President Trump does NOT have the Right to Face his Accuser, that the identity of an individual who accuses you of a crime (in this case one which could result in historic Impeachment and removal from office) is 'insignificant.

Despite the Whistle Blower Act itself being posted - with a link to the actual law - proving word for word that there is no such protection of Anonymity and / or Immunity afforded to Whistle Blowers, D-Adam Schiff and select snowflake members on this board have continued - without providing any source to support their claim - to claim these 'protections' exist.

The real answer is the Whistle Blower Act, to include the Presidential Policy Directive 19 signed by President Obama, does NOT afford Whistle blowers with 'Anonymity' or 'Immunity'.

"In October 2012, Barack Obama signed Presidential Policy Directive 19,[34] after provisions protecting intelligence-community whistleblowers were stripped from the proposed Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act. It was designed to ensure that employees who serve in the Intelligence community, or have access to classified information, can effectively report waste, fraud, and abuse, while protecting classified information. The order prohibits retaliation against intelligence community employees who make a protected disclosure through the proper, internal channels and establishes remedies for substantiated, retaliation claims."

PPD-19 does not protect contractors from any form of reprisal except decisions connected to their security clearance, which leaves them open to retaliatory terminations, investigations and criminal prosecutions

WHY is 'Anonymity' NOT afforded? Because we have the Constitutional Right to face our accusers:

The Confrontation Clause of the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides that "in all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right…to be confronted with the witnesses against him." The Fourteenth Amendment makes the right to confrontation applicable to the states and not just the federal government.[1] The right only applies to criminal prosecutions, not civil cases or other proceedings."

*Confrontation Clause - Wikipedia

I am not sure what was more amazing, Democrat, House Intel Committee Chairman, and Impeachment Co-Leader Adam Schiff not knowing the United States Constitution and the Rights given to US Citizens and protected by the Constitution, or his deliberate LIE told before his fellow 400+ House Members, most of them Lawyers, that such a law affording Whistle Blowers 'Anonymity'...and 'Immunity' .... existed / exists!

Much like with his earlier attempt to present a self-authored fictional account of the President's call with the Ukraine PM as 'evidence' for Impeachment, Schiff's claim was immediately challenged....and he immediately backed down, refusing to answer further.

The willingness to trample the US Constitution, to violate the Rights REALLY afforded to US citizens, and to break any law they chose to get what they want and to destroy whoever they want is, as the Democrat Constitutional Expert said during the House Judiciary Impeachment Hearing, 'DANGEROUS to this Republic' ... and that the ONLY ones abusing their power and endangering our national security by doing so are the DEMOCRATS.

Evidence, testimony, official reports, etc...have shown over the last 3+ years the Democrats have been demonstrating how extremely their view of 'Justice' and 'Rights' are in this country under their 'rule' is compared to what is actually established within and protected by the Constitution.

Equally alarming is the demonstration constantly put on by snowflakes every day of their ignorance of what is in the Constitution and their preference of regurgitating / parroting the talking points fed to them by the Democrats and their MSM propaganda-pushers rather than educate themselves, free their minds, and shed the 'sheep' persona Democrats like Jonathon Gruber repeatedly stated Democrats rely on to get away with what they do.
Jesus Fucking H, don't you ever take a break Tinkerbell?


Everything Democratic, bad, bad, bad...

Everything Republican good, good, good...

My side is always right, your side is always wrong.

You are a pathetic partisan hack, you fluffy widdle snowflake.

I don't know that everything republican is good. Who said this?

But the dems for the past years have orchestrated a witch hunt, offering to sell our country to illegals right before our eyes, and ended up with 3rd world style anti-American coups against Kavanaugh and Trump.

To say everything they do is bad is an understatement. For someone to be this wicked, they probably regular at the Epstein island. They hate Americans.
The stupidity of the Dems in our country is quite mind boggling. Just look at their responses in this thread. They're totally brainwashed sheep.
I'd say you and norman are the ones that are brainwashed, but taking into account that the both of you are brain dead, that isn't a possibility.
And one of the brainwashed liberal lunatic sheep responds. And the bleat(sic) goes on.................

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