What Liberals Fear More Than Obama Losing

M.D. Rawlings

Classical Liberal
May 26, 2011
Heavenly Places
By Geoffrey P. Hunt
American Thinker

The left are now wringing their hands fearing their agenda is overripe, blaming everyone else for their own spoiled pickling. While Obama's sinking prospects for re-election are disquieting, the real source of liberals' despair is their sudden, unexpected realization that the progressive agenda is dead in its tracks and will likely be in full retreat after 2012.

. . . The end of the Progressive Era, eclipsing Obama, has come from two places -- one fiscal and pragmatic, the other ideological and visceral. First, the debt crisis and persistent economic woes have made it clear that the progressive agenda is unaffordable and unsustainable. The money pumps in the forms of more borrowing and taxes cannot possibly keep up with the tons of green water spending coming aboard.

Second, beyond the limited government ideology now gaining real traction, Americans without an ideology are finding that central planning madness from Washington is making their lives worse, not better.

. . . The liberal vision of the ideal state is fat, sloppy and lazy. Why exert yourself if someone else will buy you food stamps and school lunches? Why bother learning to read, write, do simple algebra, or acquire any employable skills when you'll get free health care and subsidized housing? Why eat right and keep fit when obesity and diabetes is a protected disability?

Americans are finally fed up with the Democrats' value system: no personal accountability; moral equivalence; belief that success is derived from exploiting everybody else; everybody else is a hapless victim; we are all racists and xenophobes, consigned to endless acts of contrition where reparations and open borders would be the only relief.

You realize Progressives are undefeated for nearly 100 years, right?

We have rolled back NONE of their agenda, not once, not ever. Reagan got a tax cut and defeated their home team, in response they took over the Democrat Party. We had a "Compassionate" " Conservative" president (he was neither) and a Republican Congress and we got Mo' n' Better Progressivism in the form of Prescription Drugs and Sabotage of our Educational System and the Patriot Act to boot.

We are getting our asses kicked daily and have been since 1913.

WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!
You realize Progressives are undefeated for nearly 100 years, right?

We have rolled back NONE of their agenda, not once, not ever. Reagan got a tax cut and defeated their home team, in response they took over the Democrat Party. We had a "Compassionate" " Conservative" president (he was neither) and a Republican Congress and we got Mo' n' Better Progressivism in the form of Prescription Drugs and Sabotage of our Educational System and the Patriot Act to boot.

We are getting our asses kicked daily and have been since 1913.

WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!

Agree. But the author is hopeful, and so am I, that we might have finally turned the tide.
I think that a lot of congressmen fear losing their jobs. They have made themselves rich at our expense and now we have caught on.

Go green in 2012 recycle the dems and Obama.
What Liberals Fear More Than Obama Losing...

is losing all the rich people they want to tax into oblivion to pay for their social agenda.
I thought the "end of the Progressive Era" was when Reagan was elected.

Articles like this remind me of the "Conservatism is dead" meme we had in 2008 and 2009.

FTR, I'd lay down $20,000 that gay marriage is the law of the land in 20 years.
You realize Progressives are undefeated for nearly 100 years, right?

We have rolled back NONE of their agenda, not once, not ever. Reagan got a tax cut and defeated their home team, in response they took over the Democrat Party. We had a "Compassionate" " Conservative" president (he was neither) and a Republican Congress and we got Mo' n' Better Progressivism in the form of Prescription Drugs and Sabotage of our Educational System and the Patriot Act to boot.

We are getting our asses kicked daily and have been since 1913.

WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!

You are so right...and it's our task to stop that trend. The burden falls on THIS generation because it will be too late for the next. We took our first bite at the apple in 2010; a bigger one is coming in 2012. The Great Society is on life support, it's our job to bury it.
Sorry bud. You can't turn back progress.

$131,000 owed by each taxpayer is progress? Wow, just wow.

It's called inflation. And you can thank Reagan and Bush Jr for it.

I'm sorry, what? Care to explain that one?

Inflation is the means by which such debt may be repaid...hyperinflation is unfortunately what it would take with our level of debt. But please, explain to us how inflation CAUSED our current debt level.

This is going to be good, I can just feel it.
You realize Progressives are undefeated for nearly 100 years, right?!

Sorry bud. You can't turn back progress.



growth or development; continuous improvement

11% of Americans are satisfied with the direction of this country. In a mere three years this administration has managed to add more to the national debt than every president from Washington to Lincoln combined, and that is also factoring in inflation. Unemployment has not been reduced in any substantive way, even after promising it would to get the Stimulus Act passed.

In what way is this country progressing?
$131,000 owed by each taxpayer is progress? Wow, just wow.

It's called inflation. And you can thank Reagan and Bush Jr for it.

I'm sorry, what? Care to explain that one?

Inflation is the means by which such debt may be repaid...hyperinflation is unfortunately what it would take with our level of debt. But please, explain to us how inflation CAUSED our current debt level.

This is going to be good, I can just feel it.

I didn't say it caused it. How did you get that from what I posted?

I was commenting on how it's up to $131,000 per person. It will be higher next year and the year after and for many more to come for no other reason than prices inflate and we need to borrow more every year. Reagan and Bush started us on this trend and added the lion's share to the debt.

I thought that was rather obvious. I guess not.
as a liberal I have always worked, worked hard and have more than one job at a time. After Obama leaves office it will be the same, work, work hard until I am in a wheel chair because the disks in my spine are deteriorating. Nothing will change, not even the lies or the fallicies spread by the hate lovers in this thread.
In a mere three years this administration has managed to add more to the national debt than every president from Washington to Lincoln combined, and that is also factoring in inflation.

But not factoring out the Bush Recession, right? Or are you one of those that thinks Obama caused the recession to begin months before he took office?
Doesn't it seem like most of the Tea Party is on Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid? Do a search on "Tea Party Rally's" and there are all these pictures of elderly people.





Look at that crowd behind Alen Keyes. They all have white hair.


So you have octogenarians screaming "No socialized medicine"? Seriously?
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