What kind of sports do you like?


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
I couldn't decide whether to post this here or in the Politics forum. I guess a moderator will move it or not.

I have two questions.

What kind of sports do you like?

Are you likely to vote with the Democrats or the Republicans?

Sports Viewers Skew Republican -- but NBA Fans Lean Blue - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Do you watch the PGA Tour, college football, or NASCAR? Then according to a new survey, you're most likely a Republican.
But if you'd rather settle in for a Lakers-Celtics game -- or some WWE pro wrestling action -- then there's a good chance that you vote Democrat.
1. i like NHRA Drag Racing, NASCAR, football, baseball and nude female mudwrestling.

2. I can't vote with either the Democrats or the Republicans because where I vote they only allow one person at a time into the voting booths.
Baseball (The Royals beat Texas today :woohoo:)

NASCAR (Spent an hour today finding the Nashville 300 streaming on internet radio).

Football occasionally.

Used to like just about every sport, but I have become disinterested in so many of them. Football... real football as in the NFL is about all I even consider paying attention to any more.

No, I don't plan on voting for either party for a long, long time.

I do have to say Nascar is not big in Washington State, they tried to put in a track and no one wanted it.
Boxing, NHRA, horse racing, dirt track racing, cycling, motorcycle racing, swimming, singles tennis, track and field, collegiate wrestling, Olympic singles competition, bowling, .... almost any sport that pits one person (or person in control of a vehicle) against other individuals that compete under identical rules and conditions to see who's best...for the moment. I will watch a good boxing match multiple times. (I like watching one man beat another man into submission with padded gloves only...not elbows, teeth, feet, head-butts). Team sports don't turn me on unless it involves tournament play and close scores. I'd rather watch Little League Baseball and see kids having fun and developing their own skills than to watch Major League, overpaid babies. In all but a few cases, I favor the underdog. The past few weeks I have been pulling for


I wouldn't walk across the street to pick up a free DVD of every baseball/football/basketball game ever played. I watched Nascar back when you could tell the cars apart because they looked just like the ones you could buy right down the street and there wasn't much team racing...it was every man (and his machine) for himself. Now we have drivers helping each other depending on who pays the most for the help and who's friends with whom, all the cars look alike except for their fancy paint jobs, there's not a real Ford, GM or Chrysler product in the field, Toyota runs cars with engines they don't make...it's all bullshit now. It used to be "who's got the best car?" Now it's, who's got the most money?"

I vote for the man, not the party, but lean toward the Republican candidates because they generally share more values with me than do the Democrats. I would have voted for Joe Lieberman....but, as is the norm, the Dems came up with a frickin' nut.
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I have two questions.

What kind of sports do you like?

Football, Baseball, Soccer

Are you likely to vote with the Democrats or the Republicans?


Do you watch the PGA Tour, college football, or NASCAR?

Of that group, I only watch college football.

But if you'd rather settle in for a Lakers-Celtics game -- or some WWE pro wrestling action -- then there's a good chance that you vote Democrat.

I hate the NBA, and though I don't hate pro wrestling, I don't watch it.
1. What kind of sports do you like?
2. Are you likely to vote with the Democrats or the Republicans?
My wife and I cancelled our cable in February and we haven't watched a single sporting event since.

Could that be why I lean Libertarian/Independent? :D

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