what is your prejudice?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
2 a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics

synonyms see predilection

Prejudice - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

mine: gum chewers....i think they are just mindless zombies who hopefully will get tmj sooner than later.
i am unnaturally , and without any rational basis, prejudiced against these>>>


People in stores who stand in the middle of the aisle talking on cell phones. If telling your Friday night drinking story really, really can't wait, just move out of the way already.
People who let their kids run riot in restaurants.... well, anywhere really but restaurants are the worst. I tend to assume they are bad parents. When, in fact, they are just selfish.
People who assume that if I am sitting quietly alone it's an invitation for them to come and fill up my silence by rambling on and on about something I obviously don't give a shit about.
People who assume that if I am sitting quietly alone it's an invitation for them to come and fill up my silence by rambling on and on about something I obviously don't give a shit about.

That's possibly my biggest pet hate as well. The Marquise de Sévigné put it perfectly: "You deprive me of solitude without affording me company".
People who dislike rats. Who couldn't love this cute little rat. Gitchee gitchee goo!


You must have biiiiig raaaats!

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Everyhing. I am so fucking judgemental and cynical it even drives me crazy at times. Anywhere from people I don't know walking slow across the street while I wanna make a right hand turn to someone wearing their pants down to their knees like it looks cool. I would love it if I could turn that side of me on and off.
Everyhing. I am so fucking judgemental and cynical it even drives me crazy at times. Anywhere from people I don't know walking slow across the street while I wanna make a right hand turn to someone wearing their pants down to their knees like it looks cool. I would love it if I could turn that side of me on and off.

Oh I bet you just LOVE people who tailgate you then! :eek:

I hate them! :lol:
My prejudice is thinking the people who accept and follow the advice of right wing pundits are mindless sheeple.
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Everyhing. I am so fucking judgemental and cynical it even drives me crazy at times. Anywhere from people I don't know walking slow across the street while I wanna make a right hand turn to someone wearing their pants down to their knees like it looks cool. I would love it if I could turn that side of me on and off.

I bet you haven't any prejudice about a hawt-apple-bottomed-chick that walks slowly across the street wearing their pants down to their knees.:razz:

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