What is the purpose of writing?

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
What is the purpose of writing?

by Fjordman

I was told by a person who has known me for decades and wishes me well that I should apologize publicly and distance myself from much of what I have previously written. Only then will it be possible for me to get a job in Norway.

Since 2011, I have spent years in exile, gone without a job and received a lot of negative publicity. All of this because I have written lawful texts about real problems that were quoted without my consent by a person I have never met. Nevertheless, apparently large sections of Norwegian society expect me to apologize.

My starting point is simple: I am not going to submit in order to gain a more comfortable life. I can be wrong, as all people can be. But if so, I want it to be an honest mistake, not something I say to give in to censorship.

It does not make sense to apologize when many of my predictions have proven to be correct. I warned in 2005 and earlier that continued mass immigration could trigger wars in countries such as Sweden and France. There are now warlike conditions in parts of Sweden. Swedish cities experience bombs on a weekly basis. Despite this, mass immigration continues, while censorship is getting stronger in many Western countries.

I fear that Western societies are heading for some form of collapse, and that texts I or others publish about this subject will not change the outcome. Fifteen years ago, I still thought it might be possible to prevent this outcome by warning against the problems we import or create. Today I no longer believe this.

The big question then becomes the following: If you do not think that what you write can prevent anything, nor that it is possible to warn others, what is then the purpose of writing? I have given this dilemma a lot of thought for several years. Not the least because writing has caused me a lot of harassment.

There are several reasons for writing even if you do not think that your warnings can help prevent anything.

We inherited a country from the generations who came before us. We will pass this country on to those who come after us. For the sake of past and future generations, you should have a duty to protest publicly against the destruction of a society which others fought to build or will inherit.

You can write to document what is happening. This is not unimportant. It can be helpful and valuable for people to read later exactly what was said and done in this age. This is especially important because many powerful individuals will try to avoid any form of responsibility for the Multicultural problems that have been created. The more thoroughly their statements and actions have been documented, the harder it will be in the future for people in positions of power to claim that they did not know. Many of them did know, or should have known.

You can write in an attempt to understand what has gone wrong with our culture, but also to understand what we did right in the past. This has always been important to me personally. Islam is boring and has nothing positive to contribute. I write about Islam because it represents a threat to my country and my continent. It is a duty that does not give me any pleasure.

What does give me great pleasure, however, is uncovering the richness of European history. Yes, there is brutality and violence in Europe’s history, but this is true of all cultures. Europe also has an incredible wealth of ideas and innovation. Much of this we have forgotten or ignored. It is currently waiting to be rediscovered.

Many young Europeans do not truly know their own history. If European civilization is to survive and perhaps be reborn in the coming century, Europeans must regain their roots. This is one of the most meaningful things one can do as a writer in today’s Europe. For my own part, much of my energy for writing will in the future stem from this source of inspiration. We seem to be heading for a period of great turbulence. Perhaps in all of this we can sow seeds that can grow and contribute to a new renaissance later.

Last, but not least, you can write for the sake of your own self-respect and mental hygiene. We live in an age where lies and liars permeate society. This applies to topics such as climate, gender differences and biology, Islam, immigration, the UN and the EU.

In order to maintain your self-respect, you must refuse to uphold the lies of your time. You should write what you believe is true, even if doing so comes at a cost. Following your conscience has never been free. Nor will it ever be so.

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Note: One version of this essay was first published in Norwegian at the websites snaphanen.dk and document.no.
Whoever Fjordman is, I hope he continues writing what he believes. We have way too many who either want to fit in, or are trying to get ahead and "calibrate" their writing as required. That is bullshit. If you do that, you have lost yourself. Write EXACTLY what you think, accept nothing at face value and always question authority especially it is the government.
Whoever Fjordman is, I hope he continues writing what he believes. We have way too many who either want to fit in, or are trying to get ahead and "calibrate" their writing as required. That is bullshit. If you do that, you have lost yourself. Write EXACTLY what you think, accept nothing at face value and always question authority especially it is the government.
Gates of vienna ...been up for a very long time now...hes always in trouble with the left and the powers that be ........hes doin it right !
Fjordman appears to be completely ignorant of his own country's history of immigration. The modern concept of country or nation state appeared in the 19th century. Just about every "country" on the planet is composed of immigrants of one form or another. "Culture" is not and never has been, set in stone. National "cultures" evolve.

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