What is that? The Vlostok ice core "temperature" readings, based on Oxygen isotopes


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
You've seen Ding post this over and over, the Antarctic ice core "temperature" reading...

ocean temperature.png

Now, whether that is just complete fudge or what they claim it is, "isotope" percentages in the air bubbles trapped in the ice core layers, is debatable.

One thing that is clear is that Earth temps do not "spike down" suddenly at regular intervals. There is no explanation for that at all. None.

Since those aren't actual temperatures, but rather a count of oxygen isotope ratios, the question is then... what affects isotope ratios, and that would be a variety of things including volcano eruption and meteor hits.

In each one of the upward slopes in the graph, both Antarctica and Greenland grew ice core layers (which is why we have the data in the first place) and hence completely disprove the "glacial/interglacial" BS from the Co2 FRAUD because ICE GREW DURING THE INTERGLACIAL refuting the "interglacial"

An interglacial period is a geological interval when the Earth's average temperature is warmer than usual, separating glacial periods within an ice age. During an interglacial period, ice sheets and glaciers retreat,

so how did Greenland and AA "retreat" if THEY BOTH GREW NEW ICE CORE LAYERS during the "interglacial?"

In fact, the oxygen isotope method of determining "past temperatures" is nothing more than a dirty "guess" with other issues affecting it not considered, and that is assuming they actually used it, and did not take the past Co2 readings and simply map that on a "temp chart" and call it "authentic."

Nobody should accept the Vlostok "temperatures" since there is no reason to believe they are accurate or from a reliable method, assuming they aren't fudge, which is always a factor with the Co2 FRAUD.
You've seen Ding post this over and over, the Antarctic ice core "temperature" reading...

ocean temperature.png

Now, whether that is just complete fudge or what they claim it is, "isotope" percentages in the air bubbles trapped in the ice core layers, is debatable.

One thing that is clear is that Earth temps do not "spike down" suddenly at regular intervals. There is no explanation for that at all. None.

Since those aren't actual temperatures, but rather a count of oxygen isotope ratios, the question is then... what affects isotope ratios, and that would be a variety of things including volcano eruption and meteor hits.

In each one of the upward slopes in the graph, both Antarctica and Greenland grew ice core layers (which is why we have the data in the first place) and hence completely disprove the "glacial/interglacial" BS from the Co2 FRAUD because ICE GREW DURING THE INTERGLACIAL refuting the "interglacial"

An interglacial period is a geological interval when the Earth's average temperature is warmer than usual, separating glacial periods within an ice age. During an interglacial period, ice sheets and glaciers retreat,

so how did Greenland and AA "retreat" if THEY BOTH GREW NEW ICE CORE LAYERS during the "interglacial?"

In fact, the oxygen isotope method of determining "past temperatures" is nothing more than a dirty "guess" with other issues affecting it not considered, and that is assuming they actually used it, and did not take the past Co2 readings and simply map that on a "temp chart" and call it "authentic."

Nobody should accept the Vlostok "temperatures" since there is no reason to believe they are accurate or from a reliable method, assuming they aren't fudge, which is always a factor with the Co2 FRAUD.
Here's the source of that graphic. Knock yourself out.

Because noble gases corroborate the oxygen isotope data. :lol:

Here's the source of that graphic. Knock yourself out.

Because noble gases corroborate the oxygen isotope data. :lol:


They cut and pasted the Co2 data chart from Vlostok again... this time for "ocean temps."


And in the first paragraph it is exposed for "interglacials" which are completely refuted by the actual ice cores.

They cut and pasted the Co2 data chart from Vlostok again... this time for "ocean temps."


And in the first paragraph it is exposed for "interglacials" which are completely refuted by the actual ice cores.
There are several types of evidence for glacial cycles, including:

  • Geological evidence
    Glaciers leave behind geological evidence such as striations, which are scratches or grooves left by glaciers dragging rocks against bedrock. Other geological evidence includes glacial moraines, drumlins, valley cutting, and tillites, which are deposits of poorly sorted sediment that have turned to rock.

  • Ice cores
    Ice cores from Greenland contain chemicals that indicate the climate when the ice was formed.

  • Rock deposits from the ocean floor
    Rock deposits from the ocean floor contain chemicals that indicate the climate when the rocks were formed.

  • Diatom fossils
    The nitrogen isotopes in the silica shells of diatoms, which are floating algae that grow in Antarctic surface waters, vary with the amount of unused nitrogen in the surface water.
There are several types of evidence for glacial cycles, including:

  • Geological evidence
    Glaciers leave behind geological evidence such as striations, which are scratches or grooves left by glaciers dragging rocks against bedrock. Other geological evidence includes glacial moraines, drumlins, valley cutting, and tillites, which are deposits of poorly sorted sediment that have turned to rock.

  • Ice cores
    Ice cores from Greenland contain chemicals that indicate the climate when the ice was formed.

  • Rock deposits from the ocean floor
    Rock deposits from the ocean floor contain chemicals that indicate the climate when the rocks were formed.

  • Diatom fossils
    The nitrogen isotopes in the silica shells of diatoms, which are floating algae that grow in Antarctic surface waters, vary with the amount of unused nitrogen in the surface water.

This is hilariously misleading...

1. the scratches can be interpreted "differently" apparently since your side says something very different than was accepted 12 years ago. In fact, during the summer, an advancing ice age like Greenland was 2 million - 700 years ago will "retreat" a few inches during summer. For the year as a whole, it advanced 10 feet. That doesn't change the fact that the Greenland ice sheet began up north 1-2 million years ago and moved south, only in the 1400s freezing out life on the southern tip... the vikings, well documented history, and a central talking point of the 1970s global COOLING scam.

2. ice cores completely refute "interglacials" since Greenland and AA grew new ice layers straight through the "interglacial"

Fossils and rocks are evidence, and precisely none of that supports "glacials"

The "glacials" are the Co2 FRAUD's attempt to escape the indisputable truth that

Greenland froze while North America thawed
This is hilariously misleading...

1. the scratches can be interpreted "differently" apparently since your side says something very different than was accepted 12 years ago. In fact, during the summer, an advancing ice age like Greenland was 2 million - 700 years ago will "retreat" a few inches during summer. For the year as a whole, it advanced 10 feet. That doesn't change the fact that the Greenland ice sheet began up north 1-2 million years ago and moved south, only in the 1400s freezing out life on the southern tip... the vikings, well documented history, and a central talking point of the 1970s global COOLING scam.

2. ice cores completely refute "interglacials" since Greenland and AA grew new ice layers straight through the "interglacial"

Fossils and rocks are evidence, and precisely none of that supports "glacials"

The "glacials" are the Co2 FRAUD's attempt to escape the indisputable truth that

Greenland froze while North America thawed
It's just empirical climate evidence of the geologic record.
glacial cycles.png

ocean temperature.png


glacial mininum and interglacial maximum.jpg


glacial cycles.gif
Ding is paid by the Co2 FRAUD to endlessly post fudge and fraud and shout down truth.

All of the above isn't even based on temperatures, it is based on ISOTOPES... that can be altered by factors other than temperature.

DIRTY DATA is the kindest way to phrase it.

Ding is paid by the Co2 FRAUD to endlessly post fudge and fraud and shout down truth.

All of the above isn't even based on temperatures, it is based on ISOTOPES... that can be altered by factors other than temperature.

DIRTY DATA is the kindest way to phrase it.

Incorrect. I worked for 38 years in the oil and gas industry.

What have you done?

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