What Is Going To Be The Democrats'/Snowflakes' Excuse For Blocking USSC Appointment After They Lose The Election?

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats have already promised to BURN EVERYTHING DOWN - like they are already doing - if Trump & the GOP try to fill the new vacant USSC opening before the election ... Assuming somehow Dementia China Joe will beat Trump.

If Joe Biden loses....when Biden loses, what will their excuse for not letting Trump have his pick....besides butt-hurt?

1. Trump will nominate Amy Coney Barret this coming week (just said so in NC at GOP "protest")
2. McConnell said that the senate WILL vote on the nomination
3. Even in the 3-RINOs (Murkowski, Collins, Romney) vote against, Mike Pence will vote for her
4. The democrats can bitch and moan all they want
1. Trump will nominate Amy Coney Barret this coming week (just said so in NC at GOP "protest")
2. McConnell said that the senate WILL vote on the nomination
3. Even in the 3-RINOs (Murkowski, Collins, Romney) vote against, Mike Pence will vote for her
4. The democrats can bitch and moan all they want
Most Republicans in government were civil in their statements made after it was announced that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had passed away. If one of the Conservative justices had passed away and one of the Democrat politicians were to get in front of a microphone, Probably all you would hear on network TV would be one "BEEP" after another. It just goes to show you which party is the party of civility.
Democrats have already promised to BURN EVERYTHING DOWN - like they are already doing - if Trump & the GOP try to fill the new vacant USSC opening before the election ... Assuming somehow Dementia China Joe will beat Trump.

If Joe Biden loses....when Biden loses, what will their excuse for not letting Trump have his pick....besides butt-hurt?

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