What I CAN do . . . during the "apocalypse"


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
(Allow me to preface this with a disclaimer: I do not live near New York city. God be with those who do . . . )

However, I do live less than twenty miles north of a major East Coast port city.

So yesterday, at the height of my apocalyptic boredom, I decided to drive around in my brand new Jeep and investigate my extended area of operations and find out exactly what I could still do, while the world map suffers its case of the red dots or "measles". Right, so in my travels I discovered that I can drive through Dunkin Donuts, get a coffee and, well, some donuts. I can drive through Burger King, get a Whopper with fries—no tomato, and I can even enter the lobby of Waffle House and get a cheddar cheese smothered hash brown. The local Amish market is . . . open! I can enter any local convenience store, buy cigarettes and milk, and not a one of the cashiers on duty is wearing a mask or gloves. I can stroll into any local grocery store, shop till I drop, and the only real shortages are due to store employees not stocking the shelves fast enough. Traffic is flowing at normal levels on the MSR's (main surface roads), and even I-95 is bustling with car and semi-truck traffic.

So where's the beef? Where's my slice of Armageddon?

Lot's of rumors are swirling, locally. An old army buddy of mine who's a diesel mechanic for the state of Maryland claims he overheard fellow state workers talking about the military moving a convoy into Baltimore. There are snippets of scuttlebutt going around about interstate travel bans. However, I know of no one personally who has the virus, and I've seen no mass police or military operations go down in the area. I'm also in the Army National Guard and I've yet to be called up, but my wife is freaking out over the possibility. Today we plan to drive the few hours up to visit my parents who live to the north. We'll wear gloves, scarves and masks and take alcohol wipes to clean public restroom surfaces along the way.

And . . . I'll order up another Whopper or maybe a Big Mac along the way. What would you all like on yours to go with your own slice of Armageddon?

Stay safe everyone.
It's pretty much the same here. I haven't been deterred from going to any of my usual stops.

Trump did just call up a million reserves, though. As far as I understand it, however, they're only gonna keep a thousand active at a time. No news on whether they have been tested themselves or whether they'll be showing up on the so-called 'medical mission' in tanks and toting machine guns.

So far I've only heard legit reports of Rhode Island and Texas using them door to door. Additionally, no specific details on what their action would be should anyone respond with a 'yes' answer to their questions about whether they've been in contact with corona infectees.

Seems to me the whole reserve thing is just to get people acclimated to seeing military on the streets. Psyop shit and whatnot.

Pelosi already has corona 4.0 written and ready to go so no doubt governors are gonna keep shutting down more infrastructure and trying to push more fear in order to get more of what that printing press is pumping out. One of those you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours kind of deal between the governors and the feds.
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Same here, at least in Southern Apache County. All the cases locally are connected to members of one congregation on the navajo nationwho had a member travel to china in dec. I do not know any of those that have died so far, but because I live literally next to the rez boundry, I do know 2 infected people. I have not spoken to them.
Can't go on the rez right now by rd, roadblocks in place.
The rest of the county is seemingly normal.
It's pretty much the same here. I haven't been deterred from going to any of my usual stops.

Trump did just call up a million reserves, though. As far as I understand it, however, they're only gonna keep a thousand active at a time. No news on whether they have been tested themselves.

So far I've only heard legit reports of Rhode Island and Texas using them door to door. Additionally, no specific details on what their action would be should anyone respond with a 'yes' answer to their questions about whether they've been in contact with corona infectees.

Say what!!!
Where in Texas?
(Allow me to preface this with a disclaimer: I do not live near New York city. God be with those who do . . . )

However, I do live less than twenty miles north of a major East Coast port city.

So yesterday, at the height of my apocalyptic boredom, I decided to drive around in my brand new Jeep and investigate my extended area of operations and find out exactly what I could still do, while the world map suffers its case of the red dots or "measles". Right, so in my travels I discovered that I can drive through Dunkin Donuts, get a coffee and, well, some donuts. I can drive through Burger King, get a Whopper with fries—no tomato, and I can even enter the lobby of Waffle House and get a cheddar cheese smothered hash brown. The local Amish market is . . . open! I can enter any local convenience store, buy cigarettes and milk, and not a one of the cashiers on duty is wearing a mask or gloves. I can stroll into any local grocery store, shop till I drop, and the only real shortages are due to store employees not stocking the shelves fast enough. Traffic is flowing at normal levels on the MSR's (main surface roads), and even I-95 is bustling with car and semi-truck traffic.

So where's the beef? Where's my slice of Armageddon?

Lot's of rumors are swirling, locally. An old army buddy of mine who's a diesel mechanic for the state of Maryland claims he overheard fellow state workers talking about the military moving a convoy into Baltimore. There are snippets of scuttlebutt going around about interstate travel bans. However, I know of no one personally who has the virus, and I've seen no mass police or military operations go down in the area. I'm also in the Army National Guard and I've yet to be called up, but my wife is freaking out over the possibility. Today we plan to drive the few hours up to visit my parents who live to the north. We'll wear gloves, scarves and masks and take alcohol wipes to clean public restroom surfaces along the way.

And . . . I'll order up another Whopper or maybe a Big Mac along the way. What would you all like on yours to go with your own slice of Armageddon?

Stay safe everyone.
Say what!!!
Where in Texas?

''He said Texas National Guard troops would be on a “medical mission,” and not there for law enforcement reasons. They would check in with people to see who may have come in contact with coronavirus patients.''

So, logically, the question would be what happens if someone says yes. That's when we're gonna really find out why the plan is to send them door to door.
Stop trying to downplay how serious the pandemic is because you’re afraid Trump’s mishandling of the crisis will jeopardize his reelection chances – this thread being one of many examples.

Not my intent . . . to downplay anything. I'm checking in, relaying information from my part of the US. Hopefully, my post is as politics free as possible. But a duality of situation does seem to exist. On one hand, the end of the world, on the other—life goes on. Where are the men in "moon" suits and raving mobs of zombies? That's it.
Not my intent . . . to downplay anything. I'm checking in, relaying information from my part of the US. Hopefully, my post is as politics free as possible.

Apparently, there's a sudden outbreak in a senior home in Maryland some place. I forget where I read it, though. I read it early this morning on one of the local news sites.
Stop trying to downplay how serious the pandemic is because you’re afraid Trump’s mishandling of the crisis will jeopardize his reelection chances – this thread being one of many examples.

Again. The Left are married to this pandemic. They love it, they can't see it be at all downplayed in any way.

Does anyone need to wonder why? Anyone at all. I don't
Hell, the biggest change to my routine is that my state closed down all the liquor stores, but the beer distributors are still open. I hate sitting down in restaurants and eating, so the fact that only the drive-thrus are open hasn't altered my eating routine a bit. My place of work is considered "essential", so in all my life hasn't changed much during this crisis.
Stop trying to downplay how serious the pandemic is because you’re afraid Trump’s mishandling of the crisis will jeopardize his reelection chances – this thread being one of many examples.

Again. The Left are married to this pandemic. They love it, they can't see it be at all downplayed in any way.

Does anyone need to wonder why? Anyone at all. I don't

Sadly it would seem some people have been foaming at the mouth for Armageddon. Me? I just wanted one big snowstorm this past winter. In my opinion, it's either an apocalypse "officially" or it's not. This "in-between" state of maybe-apocalypse is simply complicating life in ways no one asked for or needed. I'm just pointing out that life goes on, here, and in many other places around America. Either we can shelter in place or we can get on with it. Me? I'd rather dwell on the positive and Charlie Mike.
Hell, the biggest change to my routine is that my state closed down all the liquor stores, but the beer distributors are still open. I hate sitting down in restaurants and eating, so the fact that only the drive-thrus are open hasn't altered my eating routine a bit. My place of work is considered "essential", so in all my life hasn't changed much during this crisis.

Damn, man. Hopefully you're liquor cabinet was fully stocked.
Stop trying to downplay how serious the pandemic is because you’re afraid Trump’s mishandling of the crisis will jeopardize his reelection chances – this thread being one of many examples.

Again. The Left are married to this pandemic. They love it, they can't see it be at all downplayed in any way.

Does anyone need to wonder why? Anyone at all. I don't

Sadly it would seem some people have been foaming at the mouth for Armageddon. Me? I just wanted one big snowstorm this past winter. In my opinion, it's either an apocalypse "officially" or it's not. This "in-between" state of maybe-apocalypse is simply complicating life in ways no one asked for or needed. I'm just pointing out that life goes on, here, and in many other places around America. Either we can shelter in place or we can get on with it. Me? I'd rather dwell on the positive and Charlie Mike.

I get it. I think life goes on in very many places and yet for many people, their lives have also really been rocked. Not outwardly, but inwardly. For many reasons they never imagined anything like this.

I have lived some and imagined a lot more, I guess. Our 21st century lives are really a pretty thin veneer. I don't mean that to sound negative--it just is.
Hell, the biggest change to my routine is that my state closed down all the liquor stores

The governor didn't close the liquor stores here.

In fact, his reasoning for leaving them open was that they were essential.

His reasoning for saying they were essential was because alcoholics would go through withdrawal and possibly flood the hospitals.

True story.
Stop trying to downplay how serious the pandemic is because you’re afraid Trump’s mishandling of the crisis will jeopardize his reelection chances – this thread being one of many examples.

Again. The Left are married to this pandemic. They love it, they can't see it be at all downplayed in any way.

Does anyone need to wonder why? Anyone at all. I don't

Sadly it would seem some people have been foaming at the mouth for Armageddon. Me? I just wanted one big snowstorm this past winter. In my opinion, it's either an apocalypse "officially" or it's not. This "in-between" state of maybe-apocalypse is simply complicating life in ways no one asked for or needed. I'm just pointing out that life goes on, here, and in many other places around America. Either we can shelter in place or we can get on with it. Me? I'd rather dwell on the positive and Charlie Mike.

I get it. I think life goes on in very many places and yet for many people, their lives have also really been rocked. Not outwardly, but inwardly. For many reasons they never imagined anything like this.

I have lived some and imagined a lot more, I guess. Our 21st century lives are really a pretty thin veneer. I don't mean that to sound negative--it just is.

I agree. Seems like we live in a era of "virtual" denial. We thrive on the internet, on virtual worlds and handheld entertainment. Perhaps we as a civilization just aren't prepared for harsher realities what with our dependency on the cyber realm. Above all else I feel for those most intimately affected by the virus. Nevertheless, I don't personally think it's time yet (or ever) to shelter in place, hide inside our personal fortresses, and tune out of the rest of the world in fear and submission. We're Americans. We endure. We take the hits and keep on keeping on.
(Allow me to preface this with a disclaimer: I do not live near New York city. God be with those who do . . . )

However, I do live less than twenty miles north of a major East Coast port city.

So yesterday, at the height of my apocalyptic boredom, I decided to drive around in my brand new Jeep and investigate my extended area of operations and find out exactly what I could still do, while the world map suffers its case of the red dots or "measles". Right, so in my travels I discovered that I can drive through Dunkin Donuts, get a coffee and, well, some donuts. I can drive through Burger King, get a Whopper with fries—no tomato, and I can even enter the lobby of Waffle House and get a cheddar cheese smothered hash brown. The local Amish market is . . . open! I can enter any local convenience store, buy cigarettes and milk, and not a one of the cashiers on duty is wearing a mask or gloves. I can stroll into any local grocery store, shop till I drop, and the only real shortages are due to store employees not stocking the shelves fast enough. Traffic is flowing at normal levels on the MSR's (main surface roads), and even I-95 is bustling with car and semi-truck traffic.

So where's the beef? Where's my slice of Armageddon?

Lot's of rumors are swirling, locally. An old army buddy of mine who's a diesel mechanic for the state of Maryland claims he overheard fellow state workers talking about the military moving a convoy into Baltimore. There are snippets of scuttlebutt going around about interstate travel bans. However, I know of no one personally who has the virus, and I've seen no mass police or military operations go down in the area. I'm also in the Army National Guard and I've yet to be called up, but my wife is freaking out over the possibility. Today we plan to drive the few hours up to visit my parents who live to the north. We'll wear gloves, scarves and masks and take alcohol wipes to clean public restroom surfaces along the way.

And . . . I'll order up another Whopper or maybe a Big Mac along the way. What would you all like on yours to go with your own slice of Armageddon?

Stay safe everyone.

An excellent attitude. I salute you!

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