What happens if Beijing Biden wins but is indicted before inauguration? Would America call for a new election?


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
Almost every scenario we are looking at post-election includes mass chaos. This is the way the Dems want it of course. It's easier to cheat when the sheople are distracted.
However, we all know the Biden Crime Family IS going down. Hard. Progs- start your whingines but deep down you know it's true.
Could that leave us with Pres Kamalo? Who would she appoint as VP, maybe someone like AOC?
Could we see a national movement for new Pres elections once people realize everything DT has been saying about Beijing Biden & the Deep State corruption was completely true? We know the FBI had & hid all the evidence DT needed to prove the sham impeachment for Ukrainian quid pro really was all Quid Pro Joe & Russian collusion was crooked HRC playing Plant the False Flag.
Add the fact that the only way Dems win is with massive fraud & America is going to be in crises.
I have a hard time believing anyone other than extreme hard core marxist/fascists would accept Kamalo as President.
That could leave us a Pres Pelosi until this is sorted out.
There is no precedent to go by here & it is going to be a clusterf*k.
We are blessed to be living in interesting times people. Buckle up.
Didn't you receive the memo? He's only there to get Harris in. What happens to him is irrelevant.
If the doj indicts and the house does nothing, I don't think there's much iya can do
But certainly gives a lot of fodder for us malcontents
The actual, legal election isn't until December , when the electoral college meets.

If his happened before then , presumably the electors would vote for someone else for President. Possibility it could be Kamala, but it could be Crazy Bernie, Crooked Hillary or someone else. But they would come up with a candidate, definitely and enforce it by any means possible. Failure to do so would push the election to the House of Reps where a majority of votes would be Republican as every state gets 1 vote in a Presidential election.
Almost every scenario we are looking at post-election includes mass chaos. This is the way the Dems want it of course. It's easier to cheat when the sheople are distracted.
However, we all know the Biden Crime Family IS going down. Hard. Progs- start your whingines but deep down you know it's true.
Could that leave us with Pres Kamalo? Who would she appoint as VP, maybe someone like AOC?
Could we see a national movement for new Pres elections once people realize everything DT has been saying about Beijing Biden & the Deep State corruption was completely true? We know the FBI had & hid all the evidence DT needed to prove the sham impeachment for Ukrainian quid pro really was all Quid Pro Joe & Russian collusion was crooked HRC playing Plant the False Flag.
Add the fact that the only way Dems win is with massive fraud & America is going to be in crises.
I have a hard time believing anyone other than extreme hard core marxist/fascists would accept Kamalo as President.
That could leave us a Pres Pelosi until this is sorted out.
There is no precedent to go by here & it is going to be a clusterf*k.
We are blessed to be living in interesting times people. Buckle up.
AOC or Crazy Bernie! When their Marxist policies start to roll out, patriots will take up arms.
The actual, legal election isn't until December , when the electoral college meets.

If his happened before then , presumably the electors would vote for someone else for President. Possibility it could be Kamala, but it could be Crazy Bernie, Crooked Hillary or someone else. But they would come up with a candidate, definitely and enforce it by any means possible. Failure to do so would push the election to the House of Reps where a majority of votes would be Republican as every state gets 1 vote in a Presidential election.
I believe the 20th Amendment only allows the VP elect to be sworn in as Pres. I don't think they have any authority to swear in anyone not on the ballot in these circumstances.
Yeah, the indictments are being drawn up as we speak.


Dittos, Rush.
I know it's contrary to leftist beliefs but you can only get your head so far up your a$$. Eventually some truth will get through and you'll flood your own anus with tears. You should get some water wings before it's too late
Yeah, the indictments are being drawn up as we speak.


Dittos, Rush.
I know it's contrary to leftist beliefs but you can only get your head so far up your a$$. Eventually some truth will get through and you'll flood your own anus with tears. You should get some water wings before it's too late
The actual, legal election isn't until December , when the electoral college meets.

If his happened before then , presumably the electors would vote for someone else for President. Possibility it could be Kamala, but it could be Crazy Bernie, Crooked Hillary or someone else. But they would come up with a candidate, definitely and enforce it by any means possible. Failure to do so would push the election to the House of Reps where a majority of votes would be Republican as every state gets 1 vote in a Presidential election.
I believe the 20th Amendment only allows the VP elect to be sworn in as Pres. I don't think they have any authority to swear in anyone not on the ballot in these circumstances.

The actual Presidential election isn't until December 14. The election next week is to elect members of the Electoral College. If the electors are unwilling or unable to vote for the candidate to which they are pledged, they can and have voted for others.
Yeah, the indictments are being drawn up as we speak.


Dittos, Rush.
If it wasn't for the simple fact that Democrats are cheating...this wouldn't even be part of the discussion.
Without media collusion and illegal immigration Democrats would have an ice-cube's chance in Hell of winning.
Almost every scenario we are looking at post-election includes mass chaos. This is the way the Dems want it of course. It's easier to cheat when the sheople are distracted.
However, we all know the Biden Crime Family IS going down. Hard. Progs- start your whingines but deep down you know it's true.
Could that leave us with Pres Kamalo? Who would she appoint as VP, maybe someone like AOC?
Could we see a national movement for new Pres elections once people realize everything DT has been saying about Beijing Biden & the Deep State corruption was completely true? We know the FBI had & hid all the evidence DT needed to prove the sham impeachment for Ukrainian quid pro really was all Quid Pro Joe & Russian collusion was crooked HRC playing Plant the False Flag.
Add the fact that the only way Dems win is with massive fraud & America is going to be in crises.
I have a hard time believing anyone other than extreme hard core marxist/fascists would accept Kamalo as President.
That could leave us a Pres Pelosi until this is sorted out.
There is no precedent to go by here & it is going to be a clusterf*k.
We are blessed to be living in interesting times people. Buckle up.
AOC or Crazy Bernie! When their Marxist policies start to roll out, patriots will take up arms.
Definitely a real possibility. However, I think most people already know the only way the Dems win is with massive fraud.
I just can't see Patriots stepping back or standing down after witnessing the cheating and Deep State cover for Beijing Biden, see him indicted, see Kamalo made President (wasn't she the first Dem who had to drop out of the primary because nobody in her own party likes her?).
The taking up of arms might be sooner than you think in this scenario.
Not gonna happen though since DT is going to absolutely crush him anyway.
Yeah, the indictments are being drawn up as we speak.


Dittos, Rush.
If it wasn't for the simple fact that Democrats are cheating...this wouldn't even be part of the discussion.
Without media collusion and illegal immigration Democrats would have an ice-cube's chance in Hell of winning.
I know. All the excuses are lined up. All those polls are fake news. No sane person could vote against the man you so unconditionally adore.

Hopefully one day I'll fully understand the psychology behind what has happened to you people. No doubt many studies and books will address it.
Further proof of the death of journalism. If the MSM had done its job and vetted Obama and his ties to Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, his Communist upbringing and philosophy, and Muslim beliefs, he wouldn't have even been able to pass a security clearance to visit the White House, let alone become President. He singlehandedly set back racial relations in this country at least 50 years. Instead of using the bully pulpit and his unique platform as our first black President to address the cultural problems in the Black community (fatherless homes, teenage pregnancies, drug use, anti-educational and anti-police attitudes, etc.), he purposely pushed the false narrative that America is an endemically racist country. The MSM, along with our intelligence agencies and social media platforms, have now ALL banded together in lockstep to determine what "we the people" are allowed to hear and see. We're now in Orwell's world and sadly most people just don't see it.
Almost every scenario we are looking at post-election includes mass chaos. This is the way the Dems want it of course. It's easier to cheat when the sheople are distracted.
However, we all know the Biden Crime Family IS going down. Hard. Progs- start your whingines but deep down you know it's true.
Could that leave us with Pres Kamalo? Who would she appoint as VP, maybe someone like AOC?
Could we see a national movement for new Pres elections once people realize everything DT has been saying about Beijing Biden & the Deep State corruption was completely true? We know the FBI had & hid all the evidence DT needed to prove the sham impeachment for Ukrainian quid pro really was all Quid Pro Joe & Russian collusion was crooked HRC playing Plant the False Flag.
Add the fact that the only way Dems win is with massive fraud & America is going to be in crises.
I have a hard time believing anyone other than extreme hard core marxist/fascists would accept Kamalo as President.
That could leave us a Pres Pelosi until this is sorted out.
There is no precedent to go by here & it is going to be a clusterf*k.
We are blessed to be living in interesting times people. Buckle up.

What happens if all this is bullshit or the majority of it is found untrue? Better start reading up on Typhoon Investigations. What happens when Rudy and Steve Bannon are locked up for their part?
The actual, legal election isn't until December , when the electoral college meets.

If his happened before then , presumably the electors would vote for someone else for President. Possibility it could be Kamala, but it could be Crazy Bernie, Crooked Hillary or someone else. But they would come up with a candidate, definitely and enforce it by any means possible. Failure to do so would push the election to the House of Reps where a majority of votes would be Republican as every state gets 1 vote in a Presidential election.
I believe the 20th Amendment only allows the VP elect to be sworn in as Pres. I don't think they have any authority to swear in anyone not on the ballot in these circumstances.

The actual Presidential election isn't until December 14. The election next week is to elect members of the Electoral College. If the electors are unwilling or unable to vote for the candidate to which they are pledged, they can and have voted for others.
Actually, a few different possibilities, depending on timing of the removal and state elector laws. But you're right, they could swear in somebody else completely if done before the Electoral College.
"If the winning presidential candidate dies between Dec. 15 but before Jan. 6, Congress would have to decide whether to count the votes cast for them. If Congress chooses to validate the votes, the laws of presidential succession are carried out, and the winning candidate's vice president becomes president-elect. If Congress chooses not to validate the votes, however, the question will be whether the living candidate has a majority of the overall electoral votes. If they don't, then the 12th Amendment says the House of Representatives must elect the president from among the three candidates with the most votes."
Almost every scenario we are looking at post-election includes mass chaos. This is the way the Dems want it of course. It's easier to cheat when the sheople are distracted.
However, we all know the Biden Crime Family IS going down. Hard. Progs- start your whingines but deep down you know it's true.
Could that leave us with Pres Kamalo? Who would she appoint as VP, maybe someone like AOC?
Could we see a national movement for new Pres elections once people realize everything DT has been saying about Beijing Biden & the Deep State corruption was completely true? We know the FBI had & hid all the evidence DT needed to prove the sham impeachment for Ukrainian quid pro really was all Quid Pro Joe & Russian collusion was crooked HRC playing Plant the False Flag.
Add the fact that the only way Dems win is with massive fraud & America is going to be in crises.
I have a hard time believing anyone other than extreme hard core marxist/fascists would accept Kamalo as President.
That could leave us a Pres Pelosi until this is sorted out.
There is no precedent to go by here & it is going to be a clusterf*k.
We are blessed to be living in interesting times people. Buckle up.

What happens if all this is bullshit or the majority of it is found untrue? Better start reading up on Typhoon Investigations. What happens when Rudy and Steve Bannon are locked up for their part?
Interesting... I'm not a gambling man but I'd be willing to make a bet on that.
You say it's all bullshit and Rudy & Bannon will be locked up.
I say the info is true & the Beijing Biden Crime Family is going to get busted for corruption.
I'd ask you to place a wager but I have no confidence in a lefty stranger to keep their word when it comes to much of anything, much less monetary obligations
No one in the Biden family will be indicted!!! Seriously have you people not paid attention the last 4 years! Barr isn't going to charge anyone for the Russia spying and he's not going to charge anyone in the Biden family no matter what evidence of crimes are found. The spying involved to many people at the highest levels, and to many high level members of congress are involved in influence peddling to enrich family members. It is what it is, and it not unique to US government, but I assure you the same thing is happing within the governments of every other country, regardless of their laws against the practice.
Yeah, the indictments are being drawn up as we speak.


Dittos, Rush.
If it wasn't for the simple fact that Democrats are cheating...this wouldn't even be part of the discussion.
Without media collusion and illegal immigration Democrats would have an ice-cube's chance in Hell of winning.
I know. All the excuses are lined up. All those polls are fake news. No sane person could vote against the man you so unconditionally adore.

Hopefully one day I'll fully understand the psychology behind what has happened to you people. No doubt many studies and books will address it.
This is why nobody buys your BS these days.
You claim to be the only fence-sitter in the forum....but you constantly show you're a leftist.
You never take any truth that doesn't fit into your ideology at face value.
But you swallow Russian Collusion without a second thought.
It's like talking to a retard.

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