What happened to the COVID “Lambda variant” and Peru’s skyrocketing death rates?


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
I remember earlier this year there was all this talk about the “lambda variant” and how it was much worse than Delta. People were dropping like flies in Peru in the beginning of spring 2021. Lambda was more contagious, and deadly, than any other WuFlu variant. It was sure to arrive in the US and the rest of the world and if you didn’t have your vaccine, you’d likely be dead.

Here are articles from earlier this summer:

Nice touch with scary pictures of mass graves being dug for WuFlu deaths:

So how is the death rate in Peru today?

^^^ WOW. Those death rates sure plummeted fast. What did they do? They must be fully vaccinated right?

Oh wait....

They are only 26% fully vaccinated today...and back in the beginning of summer they were only 4% vaccinated.

So can anyone explain how third world Peru overcame the worst variant of WuFlu ever? How their death rates have plummeted?

Well, I’ll give you hint. Their ministry of health aren’t a bunch of lapdogs for Big Pharma and they weren’t biased against any form of treatment for WuFlu. They conducted a study of ivermectin and found a 14 fold reduction in deaths when using it, and a 13 fold increase of deaths when it was restricted.

Of course this hasn’t stopped our Lame Stream Media and Big Pharma lapdogs from turning themselves into pretzels trying to explain Peru.
See this example, where this shill just claims there is no way to track Ivermectin use due to the black market:
Yet he offers no actual reason how the death rates plummeted when they are so far behind of vaccine rollout.

Third world countries are using the drug, as well as others, that our government is terrified of. It offers a cheap, effective alternative to their vaccine mandates and more importantly threatens their reasons stripping us of our rights with draconian mandates and rules.
Seems a long-winded way to say "Thank you President Biden".

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