What Gives You The Right.


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Why is killing a human very wrong, killing a dog sort of wrong, and killing cows, pigs and insects done with impunity and on an industrial scale?

Do cockroachs, as a species, have a right to exist?
Do humans, as a species, have a right to exist?​

What gives you the right to exist?
Generally, humans have the right to exist, because they were given that right when God told Adam to make sense of the world and give the various animals names.

Humans (via Adam) were also told that they had dominion over the world, as well as dominion over the animals on it.

Only trouble is, not only did we take dominion over the animals, but we tried to take dominion over the world, which is why global warming is happening.

We tried to take too much, because of greed.
Why is killing a human very wrong, killing a dog sort of wrong, and killing cows, pigs and insects done with impunity and on an industrial scale?

Do cockroachs, as a species, have a right to exist?
Do humans, as a species, have a right to exist?​

What gives you the right to exist?

Humans are at the top of the food chain, most brain-developed (well, some ;)) so they get to make the rules, killing them is wrong. Killing a dog? They are cuddly, friendly, mans-best-friend to kill them is just whack. Killing cows and pigs isn't wrong because charcoal! Insects -- they don't make for good barbque ... not enough meat.
It's a bit early in the morning to consider such a profound question. I suppose my initial reaction to the question is, there is no right to kill and if somehow such a right exists, that right requires might to exercise it. Without a tool dogs and pigs are quite capable of defending against man and even a cow would present a serious threat (I've heard some Wisconsin youth engaged in cow tipping have been seriously injured when the animal objected).
There's a profound bond that exists between man and dog that does not exist between man and pig, except as bacon.

There will always be philosophical conundrums because all such matters are subjective. There is nothing wrong with killing any animal for food, but there is something grotesque about careless wholesale slaughter. Most people though have no clue when scarfing down a Quarter Pounder. Would they care? I can't imagine they would if a majority believes abortion is a matter of women's rights.
There's a profound bond that exists between man and dog that does not exist between man and pig, except as bacon.

There will always be philosophical conundrums because all such matters are subjective. There is nothing wrong with killing any animal for food, but there is something grotesque about careless wholesale slaughter. Most people though have no clue when scarfing down a Quarter Pounder. Would they care? I can't imagine they would if a majority believes abortion is a matter of women's rights.

That's a rationalization.

People in some cultures still eat dogs.

I know people who have sworn off pork products after they got pygmy pigs as pets.

The only reason to eat meat is because you like to eat meat.

I'm not apologizing for eating meat because I like it.

If people want to be vegans good for them just quit it with the preaching.
Why is killing a human very wrong, killing a dog sort of wrong, and killing cows, pigs and insects done with impunity and on an industrial scale?

Do cockroachs, as a species, have a right to exist?
Do humans, as a species, have a right to exist?​

What gives you the right to exist?

Humans are at the top of the food chain, most brain-developed (well, some ;)) so they get to make the rules, killing them is wrong. Killing a dog? They are cuddly, friendly, mans-best-friend to kill them is just whack. Killing cows and pigs isn't wrong because charcoal! Insects -- they don't make for good barbque ... not enough meat.

So the human right to exist is based on the ability to defend it?

Do we have the right to wipe out the lowly cockroach simply because we can?

What about humans who can't defend their right to exist from other humans? Do those smarter or more advanced humans then have the right to wipe out their lesser brethren, simply because they can?

Are there any moral obligations at play?

Cro-Magnons lived for thousands of years in Europe until they were systematically wiped out by the Homo Sapiens who replaced them... should their descendants have any moral regrets?

Why would humans be higher on the food chain than rats? Which one is more willing to eat the other?
There's a profound bond that exists between man and dog that does not exist between man and pig, except as bacon.

There will always be philosophical conundrums because all such matters are subjective. There is nothing wrong with killing any animal for food, but there is something grotesque about careless wholesale slaughter. Most people though have no clue when scarfing down a Quarter Pounder. Would they care? I can't imagine they would if a majority believes abortion is a matter of women's rights.

That's a rationalization.

People in some cultures still eat dogs.

I know people who have sworn off pork products after they got pygmy pigs as pets.

The only reason to eat meat is because you like to eat meat.

I'm not apologizing for eating meat because I like it.

If people want to be vegans good for them just quit it with the preaching.

Neither of which explains our right to kill some animals for food and others simply because they bother us...

Nor does it explain why the right to eliminate bothersome humans should be denied.
This world is one of constant warfare. Our worst enemies that want to destroy us are so small you can't see them with the naked eye. We have lost more humans to them than all the wars combined.
Generally, humans have the right to exist, because they were given that right when God told Adam to make sense of the world and give the various animals names.

Humans (via Adam) were also told that they had dominion over the world, as well as dominion over the animals on it.

Only trouble is, not only did we take dominion over the animals, but we tried to take dominion over the world, which is why global warming is happening.

We tried to take too much, because of greed.

'God' explains it all, of course. God says, 'Thou shall not kill'. God says 'Take, kill and eat'.

History shows clearly though that God is a piss-poor defender of rights, human or other.

If God created the fly I just murdered, why should I not suffer in hell for destroying what God has created?
I don't kill anything. Y'all know me well enough now to know I am kinda weird when it comes to critters. Any kind of critter. I also don't do the fast food thing but yes, I do eat poultry, eggs and dairy. Beef? Nope. Pork? Only if its bacon or maybe a small slice of ham.

What do I kill? Fleas, skeeters, roaches and flys. Everything else is okey dokey with me. My house and property is all poison free. Not a drop. Never in all my years since 15 years old to 61 have I squashed a bug. I step over it. Andn I feed ants. They are amazing to watch. Never have had an ant problem either. They never come in the house. Ever. They know Mama will be out with their sugar piles and empty cat food cans.

I think God also stated we have domain over all the earths creatures but I'm pretty sure He didn't mean for us to kill so many off like being done nowadays..and how they are treated. And anyone that eats dog meat? don't even get me started.

Anyway...I think this thread has the potential to make me bummed out, so I think I will wander off and avoid it. I don't want to have another meltdown where I make another ass of myself like I did the last time. :)
Which still begs the question, 'What gives YOU (and me) the right to exist?'

Secondarily, what gives any of us the right to kill a fly, cockroach, chicken, pig or cow?

So far, the only answer is 'God', which is subjective to the ability of any given human to defend via war any rights believed to be bestowed by God.
My wife does not allow me to kill any creature. I use no pesticides and rescue injured animals. It is conflicting to save some and render other creatures to ingestion.
Since they say that thinking a sin is just as bad as the actual sin itself. Is playing a killing video game a sin also?
You have the "right" to kill a human being if that human being , unprovoked, is attacking you or your loved ones.
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Since they say that thinking a sin is just as bad as the actual sin itself. Is playing a killing video game a sin also?

Interesting question... Fantasy is as fantasy does, eh?

I guess a functioning reset button gives animated fantasy characters their right to exist.
You have the "right" to kill a human being if that human being , unprovoked, is attacking you or your loved ones.

Why? What gives you or me that right?

Actually...........it's in the Bible.

The original commandment wasn't "thou shalt not kill", it was actually written down as "thou shalt not MURDER".

If you kill someone who attacks you, it's considered self defense. They had the choice to choose to attack you or not, and if they did and lost their lives, it was their choice that made them do that.

However......................if you go and kill someone who isn't doing anything wrong, yet choose to kill them because your own mind says to do so, well..............that's murder.

You took the life of someone who was innocent and didn't deserve it.

If you kill someone who attacks you? You're defending your life and those around you. You didn't initiate the attack, they did.
Why is killing a human very wrong, killing a dog sort of wrong, and killing cows, pigs and insects done with impunity and on an industrial scale?
Because they are expendable.

If expendability were a criteria, humans certainly fit. There are plenty of unproductive humans sapping resources on any given day.

What gives expendable humans the right to exist?

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