What Fruits and Vegetables SHOULD Look Like: Researchers Show How Dramatically We’ve Changed Them R

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Kind of amazing, in a some what morbid way.


What Fruits and Vegetables SHOULD Look Like: Researchers Show How Dramatically We’ve Changed Them


The fruit and veg that graces our plates today would have been unrecognizable to our ancestors, researchers have revealed.

A new series of pictures shows what everything from the watermelon to the banana originally looked like.

Farmers have been developing new ways to improve their crops since the birth of agriculture some 12,000 years ago, and technologies from selective breeding to genetically modifying plants has been used.

According to Bruce Chasey, executive associate director of the Biotechnology Center at the University of Illinois, we altered these plants so much that they developed into crops that would never survive in the wild without human care.

During the 1980s genetic manipulation of foods started to take off when researchers discovered it was possible to transfer specific pieces of DNA from one organism to another.

But it wasn’t until 1994 were these modified foods available to consumers.

Calgene, a biotech research firm in California, unveiled the first genetically engineered crop to the market that year, the Flavr Savr tomato, reported The New York Times.

Our ancient ancestors ‘built’ crops into what they wanted – bigger, tastier and juicer, reported Medical Daily.

‘While GMOs may involve splicing genes from other organisms (such as bacteria) to give plants desired traits – like resistance to pest, selective breeding is a slower process whereby farmers select and grow crops,’ said Tanya Lewisin Business Insider.

Researchers were able to contain the gene that produces a protein that makes tomatoes squishy.

This tomato caused an enormous media stir. ‘The tomato stays riper, longer than the nonengineered variety, and they say it’s tastier,’ Tom Brokaw told his nightly news viewers.

Company officials said every tomato they could get to market was sold.

Here are some other fruits and vegetables that have gotten a complete makeover thanks to years of human cultivation:





Read more: What Fruits and Vegetables SHOULD Look Like: Researchers Show How Dramatically We've Changed Them
Kind of amazing, in a some what morbid way.


What Fruits and Vegetables SHOULD Look Like: Researchers Show How Dramatically We’ve Changed Them


The fruit and veg that graces our plates today would have been unrecognizable to our ancestors, researchers have revealed.

A new series of pictures shows what everything from the watermelon to the banana originally looked like.

Farmers have been developing new ways to improve their crops since the birth of agriculture some 12,000 years ago, and technologies from selective breeding to genetically modifying plants has been used.

According to Bruce Chasey, executive associate director of the Biotechnology Center at the University of Illinois, we altered these plants so much that they developed into crops that would never survive in the wild without human care.

During the 1980s genetic manipulation of foods started to take off when researchers discovered it was possible to transfer specific pieces of DNA from one organism to another.

But it wasn’t until 1994 were these modified foods available to consumers.

Calgene, a biotech research firm in California, unveiled the first genetically engineered crop to the market that year, the Flavr Savr tomato, reported The New York Times.

Our ancient ancestors ‘built’ crops into what they wanted – bigger, tastier and juicer, reported Medical Daily.

‘While GMOs may involve splicing genes from other organisms (such as bacteria) to give plants desired traits – like resistance to pest, selective breeding is a slower process whereby farmers select and grow crops,’ said Tanya Lewisin Business Insider.

Researchers were able to contain the gene that produces a protein that makes tomatoes squishy.

This tomato caused an enormous media stir. ‘The tomato stays riper, longer than the nonengineered variety, and they say it’s tastier,’ Tom Brokaw told his nightly news viewers.

Company officials said every tomato they could get to market was sold.

Here are some other fruits and vegetables that have gotten a complete makeover thanks to years of human cultivation:





Read more: What Fruits and Vegetables SHOULD Look Like: Researchers Show How Dramatically We've Changed Them

'Should' is an odd word- humans have used selective breeding (in many cases) to make most of what we eat today.

Corn? Corn is a particularly odd one
Humans are amazing animals that change our planet and food to advance ourselfs. This is why I have no problem with gmo's as we've been doing it for thousands of years anyways.

Eating crap made from Monsanto , how is that advancing?
Humans are amazing animals that change our planet and food to advance ourselfs. This is why I have no problem with gmo's as we've been doing it for thousands of years anyways.

Hybridizing to get a better product (cross pollinating to get the best from each contributor) isn't the same as a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO). GMO's are LAB created in a petri dish & gene splicing....not to get a better product or crop, but to change the complete structure of the plant itself. Monsanto and others such as DuPont, etc do this. I'll stick with Monsanto for better reference to show my point. Monsanto (or widely known as Monsatan, because of their evils) created seeds to withstand RoundUp a weed killer, a product they also produce. BUT in so doing, the chemicals are killing off not just the weeds, but other things as well. Such as honey bees and other pollinator or predatory insects that are, in nature, the plants best friends. There is also other wide ranging effects of how such corporations as Monsanto are currently still discovering. Such as, the weeds they were intending to kill off with the RoundUp and supposedly protect the crops from being effected by treatment......even the weeds are now immune from it. They are playing God and with the natural order of food & it's nutrients provided to sustain life. What they are doing is ruining our food supply. There has be little or no research done to determine the safety or nutrition of these types of foods/seeds.
Other info in this regard but as a sideline? Monsanto is the very same company that made Agent Orange that poisoned many of our very own troops and the VM's as well.
One of the most notable crops they have 'tinkered' with is corn. Corn is about the only crop (?) that is wind pollinated, not by insects. Since Monsanto has a patent on their lab created seed and many of their crops are planted within short distances of family farms, the wind carries the pollen from M's crop over the fence to Ma & Pa Kettle's crop, just by the course of nature. Monsanto has been with many small family farmers, filing suit against them for having 'stolen' their patent and forcing those farmers out & Monsanto takes over their land to become even bigger. They are in the process of taking over all seed supply & having a monopoly.
Their tainted seed is only good for the one years crop. They will not produce useable seed to save & plant again the next season. It's one & done. You want more seed you have to buy more from them. I think it was Ethopia (?) that Monsanto had offered to provide them seeds so they can produce more food for the starving nation. Ethopia flat out refused. Not that they didn't want to produce their own food, but they didn't want to be beholding to Monsanto forever after. There are other countries that did succumb to their so called generous offerings and have since paid a terrible price for having done so.

Hybridizing or creating hybrids is the human interaction of taking the pollen from one tomato and mixing it with another tomato (or any other crop) in order to get a 'perfect' tomato and all is still done in the field. Yes, this has been done since farming began. Saved seeds from a hybrid will sprout and produce a crop, but you won't get the same 'perfect' tomato you're looking for and don't stay 'true'. You will only get one or the other or small parts of each or what comes down to an inferior product. Here I'm talking about size, disease or insect resistance, rate of maturity or any number of characteristics you want in a 'perfect' tomato. There is NO chemicals involved & still considered natural.

The absolute best seed to use in gardening is an 'heirloom'. The seed only needs to be purchased or obtained initially. The plants from heirlooms produce seeds that can be saved at harvest to plant the following season and still get the same crop again. These types of seeds have been handed down thru generations and are completely sustainable and as nature intended.

Of course, ANY seed isn't a gaurantee against some type of crop failure, depending on weather, pests, or any number of contributing factors.

Political corruption of Monsanto and its influence


Monsanto’s Ongoing Corruption Incites Forbes’ Retraction…

10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs - Institute for Responsible Technology

Genetically modified food - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Several years ago there was information available about these bio-tech ag's also splicing bean seed DNA with human DNA, but right now I can't find it.
I have no problem with GMOs. But I think they MUST be labeled...
Of course, we couldn't survive off natural food with 7 billion people on the planet..
Yes it's true, I don't like MonSatan, nor do I feel what they & others are doing to our food, is right. Given a choice between GMO's or engineered food, hybrids or heirlooms??? In order, I will take heirloom first, hybrids second and spit on GMO's any day of the week.
I will repeat from above post........there hasn't been enough long term research done to know the full effects to the human body or the environment. To me, that's a biggy

Another comparison for better understanding? GMO produce/foods are the same as, or comparible to......cloning. I wouldn't want anything to do with or eat Dolly. (the first known cloned sheep) or parents trying to 'clone' a child lost to death or whatever circumstances, so they can get a carbon copy. If anyone is into that kind of stuff......have at it. But for me & mine......NO THANK YOU!!! *shudder*
Yes it's true, I don't like MonSatan, nor do I feel what they & others are doing to our food, is right. Given a choice between GMO's or engineered food, hybrids or heirlooms??? In order, I will take heirloom first, hybrids second and spit on GMO's any day of the week.
I will repeat from above post........there hasn't been enough long term research done to know the full effects to the human body or the environment. To me, that's a biggy

Another comparison for better understanding? GMO produce/foods are the same as, or comparible to......cloning. I wouldn't want anything to do with or eat Dolly. (the first known cloned sheep) or parents trying to 'clone' a child lost to death or whatever circumstances, so they can get a carbon copy. If anyone is into that kind of stuff......have at it. But for me & mine......NO THANK YOU!!! *shudder*

To you there will probably never be enough research because your mind is made up. Also your selective palate is what we call a "first world problem", people without food security are probably far less picky.
I have no problem with GMOs. But I think they MUST be labeled...
Of course, we couldn't survive off natural food with 7 billion people on the planet..

Meh, GMO, non GMO, its all food. GMO hysteria is another outlet for neo-luddism, nothing more or less.
I have no problem with GMOs. But I think they MUST be labeled...
Of course, we couldn't survive off natural food with 7 billion people on the planet..

Actually you'd be surprised at just how much food can be produced, even in a back yard garden...say 20x30? If done right and using all available methods (intercropping, intensive, companion, rotation, early spring & late fall plantings, etc) As long as conditions are within a reasonable limit, you can easily feed a family of 4 fresh produce almost year round.......depending on where you live & climate
I have no problem with GMOs. But I think they MUST be labeled...
Of course, we couldn't survive off natural food with 7 billion people on the planet..

Meh, GMO, non GMO, its all food. GMO hysteria is another outlet for neo-luddism, nothing more or less.
I just think the people have a right to know what they are buying. That's all.
I have no problem with GMOs. But I think they MUST be labeled...
Of course, we couldn't survive off natural food with 7 billion people on the planet..

Actually you'd be surprised at just how much food can be produced, even in a back yard garden...say 20x30? If done right and using all available methods (intercropping, intensive, companion, rotation, early spring & late fall plantings, etc) As long as conditions are within a reasonable limit, you can easily feed a family of 4 fresh produce almost year round.......depending on where you live & climate
Agreed. But I was considering the world.. And I would bet only about 20% of the population even knows how to grow a tomato plant. They are too busy obsessing over social assassinations and letting mentally ill grown men pee with little girls.
Yes it's true, I don't like MonSatan, nor do I feel what they & others are doing to our food, is right. Given a choice between GMO's or engineered food, hybrids or heirlooms??? In order, I will take heirloom first, hybrids second and spit on GMO's any day of the week.
I will repeat from above post........there hasn't been enough long term research done to know the full effects to the human body or the environment. To me, that's a biggy

Another comparison for better understanding? GMO produce/foods are the same as, or comparible to......cloning. I wouldn't want anything to do with or eat Dolly. (the first known cloned sheep) or parents trying to 'clone' a child lost to death or whatever circumstances, so they can get a carbon copy. If anyone is into that kind of stuff......have at it. But for me & mine......NO THANK YOU!!! *shudder*

To you there will probably never be enough research because your mind is made up. Also your selective palate is what we call a "first world problem", people without food security are probably far less picky.

I do appreciate your opinion even while I disagree. But I do wish to point out in my previous post how even Ethiopia had refused Monsanto seed. They are the people with the least food security in the world. One comment in my defense? I have known hunger, so no my palate is not as selective as you may think. I have no problem with your stand on this or any other subject, so is it possible to agree to disagree?
I have no problem with GMOs. But I think they MUST be labeled...
Of course, we couldn't survive off natural food with 7 billion people on the planet..

Meh, GMO, non GMO, its all food. GMO hysteria is another outlet for neo-luddism, nothing more or less.
I just think the people have a right to know what they are buying. That's all.

No issue with that, but the anti-GMO people won't stop with that, they will demand big ass stickers like are on tobacco products now. Just list it in the ingredients. if a person is that concerned about what goes in their body, they should be reading the list anyway.
Yes it's true, I don't like MonSatan, nor do I feel what they & others are doing to our food, is right. Given a choice between GMO's or engineered food, hybrids or heirlooms??? In order, I will take heirloom first, hybrids second and spit on GMO's any day of the week.
I will repeat from above post........there hasn't been enough long term research done to know the full effects to the human body or the environment. To me, that's a biggy

Another comparison for better understanding? GMO produce/foods are the same as, or comparible to......cloning. I wouldn't want anything to do with or eat Dolly. (the first known cloned sheep) or parents trying to 'clone' a child lost to death or whatever circumstances, so they can get a carbon copy. If anyone is into that kind of stuff......have at it. But for me & mine......NO THANK YOU!!! *shudder*

To you there will probably never be enough research because your mind is made up. Also your selective palate is what we call a "first world problem", people without food security are probably far less picky.

I do appreciate your opinion even while I disagree. But I do wish to point out in my previous post how even Ethiopia had refused Monsanto seed. They are the people with the least food security in the world. One comment in my defense? I have known hunger, so no my palate is not as selective as you may think. I have no problem with your stand on this or any other subject, so is it possible to agree to disagree?

I just think it's fear mongering, nothing more. it's people in comfortable situations looking for something to rally about.

As I said above, if people want it listed in the ingredients, fine, people who really care should be reading the list anyway. Just don't go 1) spreading exaggerated information and 2) trying to ban the shit when it does actually help with food security.

And I wouldn't go harping on about Ethiopia and some other countries like that. After all these are places that have people that think AIDS can be cured by having sex with a virgin and vaccination programs are giant conspiracies.
I have no problem with GMOs. But I think they MUST be labeled...
Of course, we couldn't survive off natural food with 7 billion people on the planet..

Actually you'd be surprised at just how much food can be produced, even in a back yard garden...say 20x30? If done right and using all available methods (intercropping, intensive, companion, rotation, early spring & late fall plantings, etc) As long as conditions are within a reasonable limit, you can easily feed a family of 4 fresh produce almost year round.......depending on where you live & climate
Agreed. But I was considering the world.. And I would bet only about 20% of the population even knows how to grow a tomato plant. They are too busy obsessing over social assassinations and letting mentally ill grown men pee with little girls.

then old Monty should maybe be trying to teach the world how to fish, instead of ramming it down their throat and cut the jugular without them even knowing what happened. I am agreeing with you by the way, just in case it wasn't clear
I have no problem with GMOs. But I think they MUST be labeled...
Of course, we couldn't survive off natural food with 7 billion people on the planet..

Meh, GMO, non GMO, its all food. GMO hysteria is another outlet for neo-luddism, nothing more or less.
I just think the people have a right to know what they are buying. That's all.

No issue with that, but the anti-GMO people won't stop with that, they will demand big ass stickers like are on tobacco products now. Just list it in the ingredients. if a person is that concerned about what goes in their body, they should be reading the list anyway.
Honestly, idk if I would have a problem with that. Especially considering France Finds Monsanto Guilty of Lying

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