What exactly does Scott Walker stand for?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I've been seeing his name a lot lately - mostly in liberal hit pieces trying to delegitimize his possible presidential campaign on the grounds that he's from the wrong party or he didn't finish college. I have no idea if any of it's true or not. I'm not totally sure of anything about him except what libs post about him and what he would look like with clown makeup on (again courtesy of libs). Why are they so scared of him? It's not like Hillary isn't going to win next year anyway with all the monied interests backing her.
Scott Walker stands for a man with a pair of balls, the most horriblest, the most terriblest, the most scariest construct that ever made a sissy leftie scream like a little bitch. I meen how much hateful energy has already been expended just in the past week here at USMB on defaming Walker? Left weenies are running scared. They know we conservatives will likely take the White House and both legislative branches in 2016, so rather than waste a whole lot of energy on lost causes like Democrat presidential candidates, they're going to expend all their efforts on whoever they deem as the lowest common denominator Republican candidate instead. That's who they want in office -a Rick Perry clone, not someone with a proven track record of kicking Marxists in the ass...like Scott Walker.
Scott Walker stands for a man with a pair of balls, the most horriblest, the most terriblest, the most scariest construct that ever made a sissy leftie scream like a little bitch. I meen how much hateful energy has already been expended just in the past week here at USMB on defaming Walker? Left weenies are running scared. They know we conservatives will likely take the White House and both legislative branches in 2016, so rather than waste a whole lot of energy on lost causes like Democrat presidential candidates, they're going to expend all their efforts on whoever they deem as the lowest common denominator Republican candidate instead. That's who they want in office -a Rick Perry clone, not someone with a proven track record of kicking Marxists in the ass...like Scott Walker.

You been drinking again?
I've been seeing his name a lot lately - mostly in liberal hit pieces trying to delegitimize his possible presidential campaign on the grounds that he's from the wrong party or he didn't finish college. I have no idea if any of it's true or not. I'm not totally sure of anything about him except what libs post about him and what he would look like with clown makeup on (again courtesy of libs). Why are they so scared of him? It's not like Hillary isn't going to win next year anyway with all the monied interests backing her.
You already know that liberals lie. So the best thing to do is listen to what he has to say and pay attention to what he did in Wisconsin. He broke the stranglehold the unions had. He reduced property taxes. He won three elections in four years.
He's an evangelical christian career politician who first ran for office at age 22 and has known no other job outside of political office since age 25. He compares union members to ISIS, believes in creationism, and has slashed education at every chance he's gotten. No wonder the rubes of the GOP love him so much.
Union members are glad to be rid of the union pick pockets. The union bosses and organizers are not as bad as isis but just marginally.
He's an evangelical christian career politician who first ran for office at age 22 and has known no other job outside of political office since age 25. He compares union members to ISIS, believes in creationism, and has slashed education at every chance he's gotten. No wonder the rubes of the GOP love him so much.
Union members are glad to be rid of the union pick pockets. The union bosses and organizers are not as bad as isis but just marginally.
Yeah they're definitely no Putin right Katz?
Walker, aka Bush, stands for anything the Koch Bros tell him to stand for,
They really, really hate him because he beat them 3 times in four years....and they threw everything they had at him....they put in Union thugs, lefty activists occupied the Capitol bipuilding, they threw tons of money into defeating him........and they got their asses kicked..........that is why they fear him...

and he passed concealed carry in Wisconsin..........they really, really hated that....

And on top of that....he passed the law allowing teachers to opt out of mandatory state extraction of union dues.......and the teachers stopped paying those dues.......boy....the really, really , really hated that.......
They really, really hate him because he beat them 3 times in four years....and they threw everything they had at him....they put in Union thugs, lefty activists occupied the Capitol bipuilding, they threw tons of money into defeating him........and they got their asses kicked..........that is why they fear him...

and he passed concealed carry in Wisconsin..........they really, really hated that....

And on top of that....he passed the law allowing teachers to opt out of mandatory state extraction of union dues.......and the teachers stopped paying those dues.......boy....the really, really , really hated that.......

if Walker supported Keystone he supported union jobs and union workers ... that goes for all Republicans who support Keystone ... sob's are all hypocrtes.
Walker is Bush with crossed eyes.
Is Jihadi Scott the NaziCon savior?
Walker, aka Bush, stands for anything the Koch Bros tell him to stand for,
if Walker supported Keystone he supported union jobs and union workers ... that goes for all Republicans who support Keystone ... sob's are all hypocrtes.
As you can see, the board liberals can say nothing about Walker except to make things up and slime him. They never give any evidence to back up what they say.

You can tell how good a President someone will be, by measuring:

1.) How loudly and hysterically liberals scream at him;
2.) How many lies they gin up about him;
3.) and how little evidence they present to back up what they say about him.

By the Lib-o-meter of this forum, it looks like Scott Walker is the best candidate Republicans have fielded in a long time.
Scott Walker 2016!!!

Walker represents much of what is wrong with the GOP:

A social conservative agenda hostile to First Amendment rights and privacy rights.

Pursuit of unwarranted deregulation jeopardizing worker safety, consumer safety, and environmental protection.

Advocacy of a failed conservative fiscal agenda that further undermines the middle class and job creation, along with increasing deficits and the size of government.

And support of a failed conservative foreign policy agenda that places at needless risk the lives of Americans in the military, as well as contributing to two failed, illegal wars in the ME.
As you can see, the board liberals can say nothing about Walker except to make things up and slime him. They never give any evidence to back up what they say.

Walker represents much of what is wrong with the GOP:
A social conservative agenda hostile to First Amendment rights and privacy rights.
Pursuit of unwarranted deregulation jeopardizing worker safety, consumer safety, and environmental protection.
Advocacy of a failed conservative fiscal agenda that further undermines the middle class and job creation, along with increasing deficits and the size of government.
And support of a failed conservative foreign policy agenda that places at needless risk the lives of Americans in the military, as well as contributing to two failed, illegal wars in the ME.
Can I call 'em, or what?


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