What ever happened to "Defund"?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2015
Well, the libs balked at really taking away the police completely, for some unknown reason. But, they still want to continue to wage war on the cops, so what to do.

HEre is part of their answer.

"The bill facilitates federal enforcement of constitutional violations (e.g., excessive use of force) by state and local law enforcement. Among other things, it does the following:Children at the border in cages

  • lowers the criminal intent standard—from willful to knowing or reckless—to convict a law enforcement officer for misconduct in a federal prosecution,
  • limits qualified immunity as a defense to liability in a private civil action against a law enforcement officer or state correctional officer, and
  • authorizes the Department of Justice to issue subpoenas in investigations of police departments for a pattern or practice of discrimination."

I'm pleased to note that almost no republicans are supporting this insanity.

"Consider, for starters, its declaration that any indication that law-enforcement “interviews, traffic stops, pedestrian stops, frisks and other types of body searches” have had a disparate impact on individuals of different races constitutes “prima facie evidence” of racial profiling.

This is absurd. There are bound to be disparities in such police interactions because there are disparities in crime rates. Obviously, law enforcement shouldn’t be pressured to bend to ideological demands while ignoring on-the-ground realities. Worse, the bill makes officers liable for these disparities — over which they have no control — and forces them to prove they aren’t guilty of wrong-doing if taken to court, rather than the other way around.

Disparities based on the characteristics of “ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, or sexual orientation” too are considered prima facie evidence of profiling. The same problems that apply to race apply to each of these, but let’s consider gender in particular. Ninety-two percent of the U.S. prison population is male. That’s because men commit the vast majority of crimes in this country. To avoid potential legal action, law-enforcement officers and agencies will need to either manufacture reasons to stop, frisk, and perform more searches on more women, or stop men far less often. Both approaches would be insane and represent a step backwards from equal treatment under the law."

I've been predicting that Biden would continue the War on Cops. This shows that I am right. If signed into law, this will terrorize cops into not doing their jobs.

I love that it does not remove immunity from other government workers, just cops.


Crime is going to go though the fucking ROOF. People will be dying by the thousands more than they had been.
..while the rate of blacks murdering blacks goes UP!!!
IDIOTS---blacks are murdering blacks--cops are not murdering--and they think the cops are the problem--HAHHAHAHAHAH
..their hate and racism are killing them

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