What do you think would happen if fundagelicals called the shots?


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2017
It is amazing to me the degree to which the religious right has infiltrated our government. It is unprecedented. I can just picture a future where the bible, or at least their interpretation of it, is made to dictate all of our behavior. And make no mistake about it – that IS what they are going for! Not all of them of course, probably not even most, but still far too many. The Dominionist version of the Christian religion is closer to Trump's ear of any other spiritual leaders! It's not even close! And it's unbelievable the stuff that has come out of these "spiritual leader's" mouths! If they ever gained power, who knows where it could lead! It's genuinely frightening!

It should be obvious to everyone that Trump is using the religious right for his own personal ambitions. He has from the start. And the religious right's unbelievable gullibility in unquestioningly lust after any and every stupid thing that he says and does, and then justifying or otherwise side-stepping the obvious hypocrisy of it, leaves me floored! It is so appalling to me! As a former evangelical Christian, it infuriates me! He is everything that Jesus wasn't. He's a detestable human being. But does that bother the religious right?


Why is that?

Here's why: We all know that Trump is using the religious right for his own selfish ends, and they have caved to him every time. But what we don't hear near enough about is how the religious right is also using Trump! Why? Because he is getting them closer to the power they crave! That's what's they really want – power!

Can you imagine a USA where “Christians” basically have their way? Believe it or not, this scenario could actually pan out. If you look at the trend, it doesn't look good those of us sane people who don't want other people's religious beliefs forced upon the populace. So for just a moment, let's hypothetically consider the long-term effects of a Christian takeover of all our government. What do you think would happen after that?
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We're heading in the same direction as Turkey at this moment. We're damn lucky we have a constitutions and separate branches of government set up in a way to offer some safe guards, but it wouldn't take very many more elections at the state level to change all this.
It is amazing to me the degree to which the religious right has infiltrated our government. It is unprecedented. I can just picture a future where the bible, or at least their interpretation of it, is made to dictate all of our behavior. And make no mistake about – that IS what they are going for! Not all of them of course, probably not even most, but still far too many. The Dominionist version of the Christian religion is closer to Trump's ear of any other spiritual leaders! It's not even close! And it's unbelievable the stuff that has come out of these "spiritual leader's" mouths! If they ever gained power, who knows where it could lead! It's genuinely frightening!

It should be obvious to everyone that Trump is using the religious right for his own personal ambitions. He has from the start. And the religious right's unbelievable gullibility in unquestioningly lust after any and every stupid thing that he says and does, and then justifying or otherwise side-stepping the obvious hypocrisy of it, leaves me floored! It is so appalling to me! As a former evangelical Christian, it infuriates me! He is everything that Jesus wasn't. He's a detestable human being. But does that bother the religious right?


Why is that?

Here's why: We all know that Trump is using the religious right for his own selfish ends, and they have caved to him every time. But what we don't hear near enough about is how the religious right is also using Trump! Why? Because he is getting them closer to the power they crave! That's what's t they really want – power!

Can you imagine a USA where “Christians” basically have their way? Believe it or not, this scenario could actually pan out. If you look at the trend, it doesn't look good those of us sane people who don't want other people's religious beliefs forced upon the populace. So for just a moment, let's hypothetically consider the long-term effects of a Christian takeover of all our government. What do you think would happen after that?
stopped reading there.

The level of 'fucking stewpud' needed to say that, as your intro line, simply boggles the mind.
We're heading in the same direction as Turkey at this moment. We're damn lucky we have a constitutions and separate branches of government set up in a way to offer some safe guards, but it wouldn't take very many more elections at the state level to change all this.

It's scary dude! I'm not liking the direction that things are going right now.
It is amazing to me the degree to which the religious right has infiltrated our government. It is unprecedented. I can just picture a future where the bible, or at least their interpretation of it, is made to dictate all of our behavior. And make no mistake about it – that IS what they are going for! Not all of them of course, probably not even most, but still far too many. The Dominionist version of the Christian religion is closer to Trump's ear of any other spiritual leaders! It's not even close! And it's unbelievable the stuff that has come out of these "spiritual leader's" mouths! If they ever gained power, who knows where it could lead! It's genuinely frightening!

It should be obvious to everyone that Trump is using the religious right for his own personal ambitions. He has from the start. And the religious right's unbelievable gullibility in unquestioningly lust after any and every stupid thing that he says and does, and then justifying or otherwise side-stepping the obvious hypocrisy of it, leaves me floored! It is so appalling to me! As a former evangelical Christian, it infuriates me! He is everything that Jesus wasn't. He's a detestable human being. But does that bother the religious right?


Why is that?

Here's why: We all know that Trump is using the religious right for his own selfish ends, and they have caved to him every time. But what we don't hear near enough about is how the religious right is also using Trump! Why? Because he is getting them closer to the power they crave! That's what's t they really want – power!

Can you imagine a USA where “Christians” basically have their way? Believe it or not, this scenario could actually pan out. If you look at the trend, it doesn't look good those of us sane people who don't want other people's religious beliefs forced upon the populace. So for just a moment, let's hypothetically consider the long-term effects of a Christian takeover of all our government. What do you think would happen after that?
You're absolutely right.

The show "The Handmaiden's Tale" comes to mind.

The world would be like that if it were up to the religious right.
It is amazing to me the degree to which the religious right has infiltrated our government. It is unprecedented. I can just picture a future where the bible, or at least their interpretation of it, is made to dictate all of our behavior. And make no mistake about it – that IS what they are going for! Not all of them of course, probably not even most, but still far too many. The Dominionist version of the Christian religion is closer to Trump's ear of any other spiritual leaders! It's not even close! And it's unbelievable the stuff that has come out of these "spiritual leader's" mouths! If they ever gained power, who knows where it could lead! It's genuinely frightening!

It should be obvious to everyone that Trump is using the religious right for his own personal ambitions. He has from the start. And the religious right's unbelievable gullibility in unquestioningly lust after any and every stupid thing that he says and does, and then justifying or otherwise side-stepping the obvious hypocrisy of it, leaves me floored! It is so appalling to me! As a former evangelical Christian, it infuriates me! He is everything that Jesus wasn't. He's a detestable human being. But does that bother the religious right?


Why is that?

Here's why: We all know that Trump is using the religious right for his own selfish ends, and they have caved to him every time. But what we don't hear near enough about is how the religious right is also using Trump! Why? Because he is getting them closer to the power they crave! That's what's t they really want – power!

Can you imagine a USA where “Christians” basically have their way? Believe it or not, this scenario could actually pan out. If you look at the trend, it doesn't look good those of us sane people who don't want other people's religious beliefs forced upon the populace. So for just a moment, let's hypothetically consider the long-term effects of a Christian takeover of all our government. What do you think would happen after that?
You're absolutely right.

The show "The Handmaiden's Tale" comes to mind.

The world would be like that if it were up to the religious right.

I've never watched that, but now I definitely will!
I've never watched that, but now I definitely will!
I highly recommend it.

And if you want to see a vision of what the world would look like if we let the fascist White Supremacists take over watch "The Man In The High Castle."

In fact I'm about to watch another episode now.
I've never watched that, but now I definitely will!
I highly recommend it.

And if you want to see a vision of what the world would look like if we let the fascist White Supremacists take over watch "The Man In The High Castle."

In fact I'm about to watch another episode now.

Thanks! I always appreciate good tips about things to watch! Sounds great!
It is amazing to me the degree to which the religious right has infiltrated our government. It is unprecedented.
Wow, what an incredibly stupid conspiracy theory!

Back in reality: the government is often hostile to religious folk, sometimes depriving them of basic rights.

California Threatens Jail Time for Dissenters from the New Transgender Dogma

When Is a Ban on Abortions ‘Extreme’?

Exposed: Christian Students Rejected, Failed, and Expelled for their Faith by State Colleges and Universities | American Center for Law and Justice

I can just picture a future where the bible, or at least their interpretation of it, is made to dictate all of our behavior. And make no mistake about it – that IS what they are going for! Not all of them of course, probably not even most, but still far too many. The Dominionist version of the Christian religion is closer to Trump's ear of any other spiritual leaders! It's not even close! And it's unbelievable the stuff that has come out of these "spiritual leader's" mouths! If they ever gained power, who knows where it could lead! It's genuinely frightening!
So funny.

Why do you say "The Dominionist version of the Christian religion is closer to Trump's ear of any other spiritual leaders!" What's your evidence?
I've never watched that, but now I definitely will!
I highly recommend it.

And if you want to see a vision of what the world would look like if we let the fascist White Supremacists take over watch "The Man In The High Castle."

In fact I'm about to watch another episode now.

If the religious fascist take over completely we'd be a christian version of Turkey in some ways and in other ways 1780's France.

Lets just say that wealth will mean everything as they'll abolish the public sector, while maintaining religious prison state that will be truly ugly...Maybe I'll look like a mixture of Turkey, 1780's France and North Korea. Either way it won't be good.

1780's france when it comes to the treatment of the poor with the higher class having all the power.
Turkey with the religious shit
North Korea with the abusive prison state that enforces the religious shit.
Over time I've read a few pieces by people who are worried about religious crazies who are in positions of influence in our military. The last fucking thing America need is nutjobs pushing extremist christian views on our young soldiers.

If jesus freaks take over our government we'll see the people they disagree with burned at the stake, using library books as fuel for the fires. They'll make Duterte look like a saint.
The show "The Handmaiden's Tale" comes to mind.

When the Canadian author Margaret Atwood wrote 'The Handmaid's Tale' in 1985, it was a projection of her personal fears of the rise of television evangelists and the presidency of Ronald Reagan.

Many liberal authors at that time were predicting the rise of religious fascism and similar dystopian fantasies. None of their prognostications have come anywhere near to being fulfilled. Today, we see the same knee-jerk, over-the-top, hysteria about Americans from places outside of New York or California actually participating in running the government.

Their dire predictions will look just as silly in thirty years as Ms Atwood's do today.

I actually find it entertaining that those who most fear a society like that in Ms Atwood's book totally ignore or even support places where her fears have been fulfilled such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and other places.
The war on Women starts every time the far right wing nuts, CINO fundies get a Potus that pretends to be a Christian.
I actually find it entertaining that those who most fear a society like that in Ms Atwood's book totally ignore or even support places where her fears have been fulfilled such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and other places.


Well said. If they want to fear a society based on works of fiction I'd recommend 'Brave New World'. Fanaticism needs no god...it only seeks the power of one.

Let's not worry about corruption in high levels of government agencies, let's not worry about 'fundamental transformation' of a good country (and not ask 'why'), let's forget about selective enforcement of law to advance a cause, let's ignore the inhumanity in countries in which religious expression has been beaten into submission by the state - the heads of which have appointed themselves gods with absolute authority. Instead, let's chase squirrels.
I actually find it entertaining that those who most fear a society like that in Ms Atwood's book totally ignore or even support places where her fears have been fulfilled such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and other places.


Well said. If they want to fear a society based on works of fiction I'd recommend 'Brave New World'. Fanaticism needs no god...it only seeks the power of one.

Let's not worry about corruption in high levels of government agencies, let's not worry about 'fundamental transformation' of a good country (and not ask 'why'), let's forget about selective enforcement of law to advance a cause, let's ignore the inhumanity in countries in which religious expression has been beaten into submission by the state - the heads of which have appointed themselves gods with absolute authority. Instead, let's chase squirrels.

Did you say squirrels?


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