What Do You Think God Should Have Done With These People?


Gold Member
Apr 24, 2015
Jeremiah Chapter 7

They were dealing with each other unjustly Jeremiah 7:5

They were oppressing foreigners Jeremiah 7:6

They were oppressing the fatherless {orphans} and
widows {the defenseless} Jeremiah 7:6

They were killing innocent people Jeremiah 7: 6

They were stealing, murdering, committing adultery and
committing perjury in the courts. Jeremiah 7:9

God spoke to them again and again and told them to stop
doing all these sins, but they refused to listen to Him and
they kept on murdering innocent people. Jeremiah 7:13

They were stiff-necked and would not listen and obey the
Lord -- they refused to respond o His correction. Jeremiah 7:24-28

They even murdered their own children by burning them in fire as
sacrifices to their blood-thirsty false gods. Jeremiah 7:30-31

God spoke to them repeatedly and told them to stop murdering
innocent people, and to stop stealing, and to stop oppressing
widows and orphans and to stop murdering their children by
offering them in the fires as sacrifices to their false blood-thirsty
gods -- but they de facto told God, "No we will NOT stop
murdering innocent people." See all of Jeremiah chapter 7


So God destroyed them and gave their dead bodies to the birds
of the air and they became meals for the vultures -- "food for
the birds" Jeremiah 7:32-33

Concluding Remarks:
No human is forced to choose wrongly and thereby bring destruction
upon themselves. God gave us free will and we can choose to listen
to Him and obey His commands. He knows what is best for us and
He has made a way for us to say no to destructive sin and wrong doing.

The Lord Jesus opened our path to forgiveness and peace with
God by His death on the Cross. He purchased our salvation by
shedding His blood on Calvary. His death and Resurrection created
a New Covenant {a New Testament} between God and humanity.

"Whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life.
He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life."
John 5:24

"Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through
our Lord Jesus Christ" Romans 5:1

You too, today, can find peace with God , , , ,

"To all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave
the right to become children of God." John 1:12

If you do not know the Lord Jesus as your savior, simply pray
this simple prayer from the heart:

"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your
forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the
dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart
and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.
In Your Name. Amen."

Jeremiah Chapter 7

They were dealing with each other unjustly Jeremiah 7:5

They were oppressing foreigners Jeremiah 7:6

They were oppressing the fatherless {orphans} and
widows {the defenseless} Jeremiah 7:6

They were killing innocent people Jeremiah 7: 6

They were stealing, murdering, committing adultery and
committing perjury in the courts. Jeremiah 7:9

God spoke to them again and again and told them to stop
doing all these sins, but they refused to listen to Him and
they kept on murdering innocent people. Jeremiah 7:13

They were stiff-necked and would not listen and obey the
Lord -- they refused to respond o His correction. Jeremiah 7:24-28

They even murdered their own children by burning them in fire as
sacrifices to their blood-thirsty false gods. Jeremiah 7:30-31

God spoke to them repeatedly and told them to stop murdering
innocent people, and to stop stealing, and to stop oppressing
widows and orphans and to stop murdering their children by
offering them in the fires as sacrifices to their false blood-thirsty
gods -- but they de facto told God, "No we will NOT stop
murdering innocent people." See all of Jeremiah chapter 7


So God destroyed them and gave their dead bodies to the birds
of the air and they became meals for the vultures -- "food for
the birds" Jeremiah 7:32-33

Concluding Remarks:
No human is forced to choose wrongly and thereby bring destruction
upon themselves. God gave us free will and we can choose to listen
to Him and obey His commands. He knows what is best for us and
He has made a way for us to say no to destructive sin and wrong doing.

The Lord Jesus opened our path to forgiveness and peace with
God by His death on the Cross. He purchased our salvation by
shedding His blood on Calvary. His death and Resurrection created
a New Covenant {a New Testament} between God and humanity.

"Whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life.
He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life."
John 5:24

"Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through
our Lord Jesus Christ" Romans 5:1

You too, today, can find peace with God , , , ,

"To all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave
the right to become children of God." John 1:12

If you do not know the Lord Jesus as your savior, simply pray
this simple prayer from the heart:

"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your
forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the
dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart
and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.
In Your Name. Amen."

I agree totally what those Cayotes do. Pretending to be their parents. Making these kids travel great and dangerous distances.
Jeremiah Chapter 7

They were dealing with each other unjustly Jeremiah 7:5

They were oppressing foreigners Jeremiah 7:6

They were oppressing the fatherless {orphans} and
widows {the defenseless} Jeremiah 7:6

They were killing innocent people Jeremiah 7: 6

They were stealing, murdering, committing adultery and
committing perjury in the courts. Jeremiah 7:9

God spoke to them again and again and told them to stop
doing all these sins, but they refused to listen to Him and
they kept on murdering innocent people. Jeremiah 7:13

They were stiff-necked and would not listen and obey the
Lord -- they refused to respond o His correction. Jeremiah 7:24-28

They even murdered their own children by burning them in fire as
sacrifices to their blood-thirsty false gods. Jeremiah 7:30-31

God spoke to them repeatedly and told them to stop murdering
innocent people, and to stop stealing, and to stop oppressing
widows and orphans and to stop murdering their children by
offering them in the fires as sacrifices to their false blood-thirsty
gods -- but they de facto told God, "No we will NOT stop
murdering innocent people." See all of Jeremiah chapter 7


So God destroyed them and gave their dead bodies to the birds
of the air and they became meals for the vultures -- "food for
the birds" Jeremiah 7:32-33

Concluding Remarks:
No human is forced to choose wrongly and thereby bring destruction
upon themselves. God gave us free will and we can choose to listen
to Him and obey His commands. He knows what is best for us and
He has made a way for us to say no to destructive sin and wrong doing.

The Lord Jesus opened our path to forgiveness and peace with
God by His death on the Cross. He purchased our salvation by
shedding His blood on Calvary. His death and Resurrection created
a New Covenant {a New Testament} between God and humanity.

"Whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life.
He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life."
John 5:24

"Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through
our Lord Jesus Christ" Romans 5:1

You too, today, can find peace with God , , , ,

"To all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave
the right to become children of God." John 1:12

If you do not know the Lord Jesus as your savior, simply pray
this simple prayer from the heart:

"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your
forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the
dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart
and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.
In Your Name. Amen."


Jeremiah contains the prophecies, warnings, and teachings that were part of the prophet's ministry to the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Many of Jerusalem’s leaders and people rejected Jeremiah and other prophets and continued to sin, Jerusalem was destroyed and many Jews were taken captive to Babylon.
Scripture is unclear what happened to Jerimiah. Towards the end of the book, Jeramiah witnessed what happened to the Judeans who fled to Egypt in an attempt to escape the Babylonian invasion. I believe he was there. I don't believe he went willingly. I believe that the very Judeans who rejected his admonitions thought that it would be to their advantage to have a Man of God with them when they tried to escape God's wrath and forced him to go with them. It didn't work out very well for them.
Scripture is unclear what happened to Jerimiah. Towards the end of the book, Jeramiah witnessed what happened to the Judeans who fled to Egypt in an attempt to escape the Babylonian invasion. I believe he was there. I don't believe he went willingly. I believe that the very Judeans who rejected his admonitions thought that it would be to their advantage to have a Man of God with them when they tried to escape God's wrath and forced him to go with them. It didn't work out very well for them.

The Bible says the good figs were taken to Babylon. The bad figs were left behind.
Scripture is unclear what happened to Jerimiah. Towards the end of the book, Jeramiah witnessed what happened to the Judeans who fled to Egypt in an attempt to escape the Babylonian invasion. I believe he was there. I don't believe he went willingly. I believe that the very Judeans who rejected his admonitions thought that it would be to their advantage to have a Man of God with them when they tried to escape God's wrath and forced him to go with them. It didn't work out very well for them.

The Bible says the good figs were taken to Babylon. The bad figs were left behind.
Jeremiah Chapter 7

They were dealing with each other unjustly Jeremiah 7:5

They were oppressing foreigners Jeremiah 7:6

They were oppressing the fatherless {orphans} and
widows {the defenseless} Jeremiah 7:6

They were killing innocent people Jeremiah 7: 6

They were stealing, murdering, committing adultery and
committing perjury in the courts. Jeremiah 7:9

God spoke to them again and again and told them to stop
doing all these sins, but they refused to listen to Him and
they kept on murdering innocent people. Jeremiah 7:13

They were stiff-necked and would not listen and obey the
Lord -- they refused to respond o His correction. Jeremiah 7:24-28

They even murdered their own children by burning them in fire as
sacrifices to their blood-thirsty false gods. Jeremiah 7:30-31

God spoke to them repeatedly and told them to stop murdering
innocent people, and to stop stealing, and to stop oppressing
widows and orphans and to stop murdering their children by
offering them in the fires as sacrifices to their false blood-thirsty
gods -- but they de facto told God, "No we will NOT stop
murdering innocent people." See all of Jeremiah chapter 7


So God destroyed them and gave their dead bodies to the birds
of the air and they became meals for the vultures -- "food for
the birds" Jeremiah 7:32-33

Concluding Remarks:
No human is forced to choose wrongly and thereby bring destruction
upon themselves. God gave us free will and we can choose to listen
to Him and obey His commands. He knows what is best for us and
He has made a way for us to say no to destructive sin and wrong doing.

The Lord Jesus opened our path to forgiveness and peace with
God by His death on the Cross. He purchased our salvation by
shedding His blood on Calvary. His death and Resurrection created
a New Covenant {a New Testament} between God and humanity.

"Whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life.
He does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life."
John 5:24

"Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through
our Lord Jesus Christ" Romans 5:1

You too, today, can find peace with God , , , ,

"To all who did receive Him, who believed in His name, He gave
the right to become children of God." John 1:12

If you do not know the Lord Jesus as your savior, simply pray
this simple prayer from the heart:

"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your
forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the
dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart
and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior.
In Your Name. Amen."

All they needed to do was raise taxes and give them more money

That solves all our problems today so why would it not work for them as well?
The Bible should be cancelled.

The vast majority of people in the Russian Empire were, at the time of the revolution, religious believers, whereas the communists aimed to break the power of all religious institutions and eventually replace religious belief with atheism. "Science" was counterposed to "religious superstition" in the media and in academic writing. The main religions of pre-revolutionary Russia persisted throughout the entire Soviet period, but they were only tolerated within certain limits. Generally, this meant that believers were free to worship in private and in their respective religious buildings (churches, mosques, synagogues etc.), but public displays of religion outside of such designations were prohibited. In addition, religious institutions were not allowed to express their views in any type of mass media, and many religious buildings were demolished or used for other purposes. In the long run, state atheism failed to convert many people. Religion strengthened underground and was revived to help fight the Second World War. It flourished after the fall of Communism. As Paul Froese explains:

Atheists waged a 70-year war on religious belief in the Soviet Union. The Communist Party destroyed churches, mosques, and temples; it executed religious leaders; it flooded the schools and media with anti-religious propaganda; and it introduced a belief system called “scientific atheism,” complete with atheist rituals, proselytizers, and a promise of worldly salvation. But in the end, a majority of older Soviet citizens retained their religious beliefs and a crop of citizens too young to have experienced pre-Soviet times acquired religious beliefs.[10]

The Bible should be cancelled.

The vast majority of people in the Russian Empire were, at the time of the revolution, religious believers, whereas the communists aimed to break the power of all religious institutions and eventually replace religious belief with atheism. "Science" was counterposed to "religious superstition" in the media and in academic writing. The main religions of pre-revolutionary Russia persisted throughout the entire Soviet period, but they were only tolerated within certain limits. Generally, this meant that believers were free to worship in private and in their respective religious buildings (churches, mosques, synagogues etc.), but public displays of religion outside of such designations were prohibited. In addition, religious institutions were not allowed to express their views in any type of mass media, and many religious buildings were demolished or used for other purposes. In the long run, state atheism failed to convert many people. Religion strengthened underground and was revived to help fight the Second World War. It flourished after the fall of Communism. As Paul Froese explains:

Atheists waged a 70-year war on religious belief in the Soviet Union. The Communist Party destroyed churches, mosques, and temples; it executed religious leaders; it flooded the schools and media with anti-religious propaganda; and it introduced a belief system called “scientific atheism,” complete with atheist rituals, proselytizers, and a promise of worldly salvation. But in the end, a majority of older Soviet citizens retained their religious beliefs and a crop of citizens too young to have experienced pre-Soviet times acquired religious beliefs.[10]

Only dumb people follow a religion.
Darwin says otherwise, dummy.
The Bible should be cancelled.

The vast majority of people in the Russian Empire were, at the time of the revolution, religious believers, whereas the communists aimed to break the power of all religious institutions and eventually replace religious belief with atheism. "Science" was counterposed to "religious superstition" in the media and in academic writing. The main religions of pre-revolutionary Russia persisted throughout the entire Soviet period, but they were only tolerated within certain limits. Generally, this meant that believers were free to worship in private and in their respective religious buildings (churches, mosques, synagogues etc.), but public displays of religion outside of such designations were prohibited. In addition, religious institutions were not allowed to express their views in any type of mass media, and many religious buildings were demolished or used for other purposes. In the long run, state atheism failed to convert many people. Religion strengthened underground and was revived to help fight the Second World War. It flourished after the fall of Communism. As Paul Froese explains:

Atheists waged a 70-year war on religious belief in the Soviet Union. The Communist Party destroyed churches, mosques, and temples; it executed religious leaders; it flooded the schools and media with anti-religious propaganda; and it introduced a belief system called “scientific atheism,” complete with atheist rituals, proselytizers, and a promise of worldly salvation. But in the end, a majority of older Soviet citizens retained their religious beliefs and a crop of citizens too young to have experienced pre-Soviet times acquired religious beliefs.[10]

Only dumb people follow a religion.
Darwin says otherwise, dummy.
As usual, no quote = total fartsmoke. Now go sniff another hairy nutsack.
The Bible should be cancelled.

The vast majority of people in the Russian Empire were, at the time of the revolution, religious believers, whereas the communists aimed to break the power of all religious institutions and eventually replace religious belief with atheism. "Science" was counterposed to "religious superstition" in the media and in academic writing. The main religions of pre-revolutionary Russia persisted throughout the entire Soviet period, but they were only tolerated within certain limits. Generally, this meant that believers were free to worship in private and in their respective religious buildings (churches, mosques, synagogues etc.), but public displays of religion outside of such designations were prohibited. In addition, religious institutions were not allowed to express their views in any type of mass media, and many religious buildings were demolished or used for other purposes. In the long run, state atheism failed to convert many people. Religion strengthened underground and was revived to help fight the Second World War. It flourished after the fall of Communism. As Paul Froese explains:

Atheists waged a 70-year war on religious belief in the Soviet Union. The Communist Party destroyed churches, mosques, and temples; it executed religious leaders; it flooded the schools and media with anti-religious propaganda; and it introduced a belief system called “scientific atheism,” complete with atheist rituals, proselytizers, and a promise of worldly salvation. But in the end, a majority of older Soviet citizens retained their religious beliefs and a crop of citizens too young to have experienced pre-Soviet times acquired religious beliefs.[10]

Only dumb people follow a religion.
Darwin says otherwise, dummy.
As usual, no quote = total fartsmoke. Now go sniff another hairy nutsack.
You are cute when you act dumb.

Throughout history every society has overwhelmingly held the belief that man is more than just matter and that there is a higher power than man. When we look at the data today we see that more and more people are rejecting organized religion but have not abandoned their belief that they are more than just matter or that there is a force which connects or binds us all. From the atheist's vantage point these beliefs exist because of evolutionary forces. But the reality is that even that argument confirms that spirituality offers a functional advantage over materialism. According to natural selection there are two main components; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation. So even natural selection confirms that spirituality is a behavior which leads to success. Otherwise, according to natural selection, it would have been abandoned long ago. As mankind has gained more and more knowledge of his natural surroundings his desire for spirituality has not diminished. In fact, the more materialistic we became the less satisfied we became.
The Bible should be cancelled.

The vast majority of people in the Russian Empire were, at the time of the revolution, religious believers, whereas the communists aimed to break the power of all religious institutions and eventually replace religious belief with atheism. "Science" was counterposed to "religious superstition" in the media and in academic writing. The main religions of pre-revolutionary Russia persisted throughout the entire Soviet period, but they were only tolerated within certain limits. Generally, this meant that believers were free to worship in private and in their respective religious buildings (churches, mosques, synagogues etc.), but public displays of religion outside of such designations were prohibited. In addition, religious institutions were not allowed to express their views in any type of mass media, and many religious buildings were demolished or used for other purposes. In the long run, state atheism failed to convert many people. Religion strengthened underground and was revived to help fight the Second World War. It flourished after the fall of Communism. As Paul Froese explains:

Atheists waged a 70-year war on religious belief in the Soviet Union. The Communist Party destroyed churches, mosques, and temples; it executed religious leaders; it flooded the schools and media with anti-religious propaganda; and it introduced a belief system called “scientific atheism,” complete with atheist rituals, proselytizers, and a promise of worldly salvation. But in the end, a majority of older Soviet citizens retained their religious beliefs and a crop of citizens too young to have experienced pre-Soviet times acquired religious beliefs.[10]

Only dumb people follow a religion.
Darwin says otherwise, dummy.
As usual, no quote = total fartsmoke. Now go sniff another hairy nutsack.

The Bible should be cancelled.

The vast majority of people in the Russian Empire were, at the time of the revolution, religious believers, whereas the communists aimed to break the power of all religious institutions and eventually replace religious belief with atheism. "Science" was counterposed to "religious superstition" in the media and in academic writing. The main religions of pre-revolutionary Russia persisted throughout the entire Soviet period, but they were only tolerated within certain limits. Generally, this meant that believers were free to worship in private and in their respective religious buildings (churches, mosques, synagogues etc.), but public displays of religion outside of such designations were prohibited. In addition, religious institutions were not allowed to express their views in any type of mass media, and many religious buildings were demolished or used for other purposes. In the long run, state atheism failed to convert many people. Religion strengthened underground and was revived to help fight the Second World War. It flourished after the fall of Communism. As Paul Froese explains:

Atheists waged a 70-year war on religious belief in the Soviet Union. The Communist Party destroyed churches, mosques, and temples; it executed religious leaders; it flooded the schools and media with anti-religious propaganda; and it introduced a belief system called “scientific atheism,” complete with atheist rituals, proselytizers, and a promise of worldly salvation. But in the end, a majority of older Soviet citizens retained their religious beliefs and a crop of citizens too young to have experienced pre-Soviet times acquired religious beliefs.[10]

Only dumb people follow a religion.
Darwin says otherwise, dummy.
As usual, no quote = total fartsmoke. Now go sniff another hairy nutsack.
You are cute when you act dumb.

Throughout history every society has overwhelmingly held the belief that man is more than just matter and that there is a higher power than man. When we look at the data today we see that more and more people are rejecting organized religion but have not abandoned their belief that they are more than just matter or that there is a force which connects or binds us all. From the atheist's vantage point these beliefs exist because of evolutionary forces. But the reality is that even that argument confirms that spirituality offers a functional advantage over materialism. According to natural selection there are two main components; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation. So even natural selection confirms that spirituality is a behavior which leads to success. Otherwise, according to natural selection, it would have been abandoned long ago. As mankind has gained more and more knowledge of his natural surroundings his desire for spirituality has not diminished. In fact, the more materialistic we became the less satisfied we became.
It's taking a while, but religion is slowly being abandoned. Especially by smart people.
The Bible should be cancelled.

The vast majority of people in the Russian Empire were, at the time of the revolution, religious believers, whereas the communists aimed to break the power of all religious institutions and eventually replace religious belief with atheism. "Science" was counterposed to "religious superstition" in the media and in academic writing. The main religions of pre-revolutionary Russia persisted throughout the entire Soviet period, but they were only tolerated within certain limits. Generally, this meant that believers were free to worship in private and in their respective religious buildings (churches, mosques, synagogues etc.), but public displays of religion outside of such designations were prohibited. In addition, religious institutions were not allowed to express their views in any type of mass media, and many religious buildings were demolished or used for other purposes. In the long run, state atheism failed to convert many people. Religion strengthened underground and was revived to help fight the Second World War. It flourished after the fall of Communism. As Paul Froese explains:

Atheists waged a 70-year war on religious belief in the Soviet Union. The Communist Party destroyed churches, mosques, and temples; it executed religious leaders; it flooded the schools and media with anti-religious propaganda; and it introduced a belief system called “scientific atheism,” complete with atheist rituals, proselytizers, and a promise of worldly salvation. But in the end, a majority of older Soviet citizens retained their religious beliefs and a crop of citizens too young to have experienced pre-Soviet times acquired religious beliefs.[10]

Only dumb people follow a religion.
Darwin says otherwise, dummy.
As usual, no quote = total fartsmoke. Now go sniff another hairy nutsack.
You are cute when you act dumb.

Throughout history every society has overwhelmingly held the belief that man is more than just matter and that there is a higher power than man. When we look at the data today we see that more and more people are rejecting organized religion but have not abandoned their belief that they are more than just matter or that there is a force which connects or binds us all. From the atheist's vantage point these beliefs exist because of evolutionary forces. But the reality is that even that argument confirms that spirituality offers a functional advantage over materialism. According to natural selection there are two main components; functional advantage and transfer of functional advantage to the next generation. So even natural selection confirms that spirituality is a behavior which leads to success. Otherwise, according to natural selection, it would have been abandoned long ago. As mankind has gained more and more knowledge of his natural surroundings his desire for spirituality has not diminished. In fact, the more materialistic we became the less satisfied we became.
It's taking a while, but religion is slowly being abandoned. Especially by smart people.
Keep telling yourself that.
As usual, no quote = total fartsmoke. Now go sniff another hairy nutsack (ding).

Such vulgarism, such homosexual inference, such condescension. Sickening. Anti-intellectual, even as you feign intellectualism. Despicable.

This website was designed for atheists like you.

Atheists waged a 70-year war on religious belief in the Soviet Union. The Communist Party destroyed churches, mosques, and temples; it executed religious leaders; it flooded the schools and media with anti-religious propaganda; and it introduced a belief system called “scientific atheism,” complete with atheist rituals, proselytizers, and a promise of worldly salvation. But in the end, a majority of older Soviet citizens retained their religious beliefs and a crop of citizens too young to have experienced pre-Soviet times acquired religious beliefs.[10]

Lenin on atheist Marxism.jpg
What would God do?? Are you kidding me?? Whatever he bloody well likes!!! Who are we even to ponder His will????

btw; Mass is on Sunday; 7am.


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