What Do Republicans Mean by "Unity?"


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
After decades of demonizing Democrats, and black people, they now want to claim OTHERS are being "divisive?" How are they defining "divisive?"

If Democrats stop the impeachment now, will the Republicans promise to work with President Joe Biden to enable and enact his policies?

No, I think not. Therefore their cries for "unity" are disingenuous.
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After decades of demonizing Democrats, and black people, they now want to claim OTHERS are being "divisive?" How are they defining divisive?

If Democrats stop the impeachment now, will the Republicans promise to work with President Joe Biden to enable and enacte his policies?

No, I think not. Therefore their cries for "unity" are disingenuous.
It means throwing your kind to the ground, cuffing you, throwing you in a cage and trying you for treason, then placing you in Guantanamo Bay Cuba forever.
After decades of demonizing Democrats, and black people, they now want to claim OTHERS are being "divisive?" How are they defining divisive?

If Democrats stop the impeachment now, will the Republicans promise to work with President Joe Biden to enable and enacte his policies?

No, I think not. Therefore their cries for "unity" are disingenuous.

BOTH parties have been sliming one another for decades now, it seems to have started in the early 1970's.

Why do you think I am a Free Thinking Independent, not beholden to partisan politics or party ideology.

Your hostility is well known, which is why you are clueless about Authoritarianism creeping in.
I'm listening to this farce on C-SPAN, and I keep hearing the phrase, 'fighting for democracy'.

They aren't fighting for 'democracy', they're fighting for democrats.
After decades of demonizing Democrats, and black people, they now want to claim OTHERS are being "divisive?" How are they defining divisive?

If Democrats stop the impeachment now, will the Republicans promise to work with President Joe Biden to enable and enacte his policies?

No, I think not. Therefore their cries for "unity" are disingenuous.
They are catering to the inbred lowlifes that support Dump. Basically the next words out of their mouths' is "if Dump is impeached youre going to make us mad."
After decades of demonizing Democrats, and black people, they now want to claim OTHERS are being "divisive?" How are they defining "divisive?"

If Democrats stop the impeachment now, will the Republicans promise to work with President Joe Biden to enable and enact his policies?

No, I think not. Therefore their cries for "unity" are disingenuous.

Project much?
After decades of demonizing Democrats, and black people

Play us a video of one of them demonizing black people! I want to hear that! Democrats TALK a good speech FOR Blacks, too bad they then turn around and ruin their lives while the GOP actually work to raise them up and help them be independent and self-actualizing!
After decades of demonizing Democrats, and black people, they now want to claim OTHERS are being "divisive?" How are they defining "divisive?"

If Democrats stop the impeachment now, will the Republicans promise to work with President Joe Biden to enable and enact his policies?

No, I think not. Therefore their cries for "unity" are disingenuous.

"unity" is not a synonym for TOTALITARIAN RULE.
at what point did you decide that in the USA
After decades of demonizing Democrats, and black people

Play us a video of one of them demonizing black people! I want to hear that! Democrats TALK a good speech FOR Blacks, too bad they then turn around and ruin their lives while the GOP actually work to raise them up and help them be independent and self-actualizing!
He or she is either incredibly stupid or is not black.
"unity" is not a synonym for TOTALITARIAN RULE.
at what point did you decide that in the USA
Answer the damn question then..

The hell...
Do Republicans mean...
When they say...
After decades of demonizing Democrats, and black people, they now want to claim OTHERS are being "divisive?" How are they defining divisive?

If Democrats stop the impeachment now, will the Republicans promise to work with President Joe Biden to enable and enacte his policies?

No, I think not. Therefore their cries for "unity" are disingenuous.
It means throwing your kind to the ground, cuffing you, throwing you in a cage and trying you for treason, then placing you in Guantanamo Bay Cuba forever.
We figured that's what it meant to trump's cultists.
Play us a video of one of them demonizing black people! I want to hear that! Democrats TALK a good speech FOR Blacks, too bad they then turn around and ruin their lives while the GOP actually work to raise them up and help them be independent and self-actualizing!
Every time they slur #BlackLivesMatter, by, most recently, associating it w/the HORRENDOUS treasonous acts against our country at the Capitol last week, they demonize black people.

The bastards can't even say the whole words #BlackLivesMatter, they always, always, always use the slur BLM, that is not by accident.

They do it every day, all day, non-stop. They're doing it now on TV, the Republican leaders are.

You and your ilk on USMB do it to.

Blacks don't like that. But keep it up. We'll just keep voting their asses out. Just like we did this racist, one-term, loser President.
"unity" is not a synonym for TOTALITARIAN RULE.
at what point did you decide that in the USA
Answer the damn question then..

The hell...
Do Republicans mean...
When they say...
We live in a nation of "key words". Someone puts out the message and the minions broadcast it. I always believed that inclusion is what we all should try to attain. However there are men and women who won't be part of it by their own choice as much as Progs accuse others of not being receptive to that idea. A lot of resources has been spent to achieve the goal. And better result should have happened.

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