What did Robert E. Lee say about Confederate Statues??????????????


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Robert E. Lee discouraged monuments. They ‘keep open the sores of war,’ he wrote.

Sender: Robert E. Lee
Recipient: Thoms L. Rosser

Lexington VA 13 Dec - r 1866
My dear Genl
I have considered the questions in your letter of the 8th Inst: & am unable to advise as to the efficacy of the scheme proposed for the accomplishment of the object in view. That can be better determined by those more conversant with similar plans than I am.

As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated; my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; & of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour. All I think that can now be done, is to aid our noble & generous women in their efforts to protect the graves & mark the last resting places of those who have fallen, & wait for better times.

I am very glad to hear of your comfortable establishment in Baltimore & that Mrs. Rosser is with you. Please present to her my warm regards. It would give me great pleasure to meet you both anywhere, & especially at times of leisure in the mountains of Virginia; but such times look too distant for me to contemplate, much less for me now to make arrangements for -

Very truly yours
R E Lee
Genl Thos: L. Rosser



Right wing Hypocrites cry that their right to honor Lee is being denied. Yet it's Lee himself who tells them to stop.

This isn't about Lee. This is about how much Republicans hate black people. Did you hear that one Trump supporter angry that Trump's Jewish son in law is defiling Trump's daughter?
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Lee, Horn said, “believed countries that erased visible signs of civil war recovered from conflicts quicker. He was worried that by keeping these symbols alive, it would keep the divisions alive.”

Most of the Confederate statues and monuments, as University of North Carolina Charlotte historian Karen L. Cox wrote in The Post, were built between 1895 and World War I at the behest of the United Daughters of the Confederacy.

“They were part of a campaign to paint the Southern cause in the Civil War as just and slavery as a benevolent institution,” she wrote, “and their installation came against a backdrop of Jim Crow violence and oppression of African Americans. The monuments were put up as explicit symbols of white supremacy.”
He also called for harmony between the sides and to come together as a nation shortly after the war, and stated he was glad slavery was over.
Robert E. Lee discouraged monuments. They ‘keep open the sores of war,’ he wrote.

Sender: Robert E. Lee
Recipient: Thoms L. Rosser

Lexington VA 13 Dec - r 1866
My dear Genl
I have considered the questions in your letter of the 8th Inst: & am unable to advise as to the efficacy of the scheme proposed for the accomplishment of the object in view. That can be better determined by those more conversant with similar plans than I am.

As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated; my conviction is, that however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt in the present condition of the Country, would have the effect of retarding, instead of accelerating its accomplishment; & of continuing, if not adding to, the difficulties under which the Southern people labour. All I think that can now be done, is to aid our noble & generous women in their efforts to protect the graves & mark the last resting places of those who have fallen, & wait for better times.

I am very glad to hear of your comfortable establishment in Baltimore & that Mrs. Rosser is with you. Please present to her my warm regards. It would give me great pleasure to meet you both anywhere, & especially at times of leisure in the mountains of Virginia; but such times look too distant for me to contemplate, much less for me now to make arrangements for -

Very truly yours
R E Lee
Genl Thos: L. Rosser



Right wing Hypocrites cry that their right to honor Lee is being denied. Yet it's Lee himself who tells them to stop.

This isn't about Lee. This is about how much Republicans hate black people. Did you hear that one Trump supporter angry that Trump's Jewish son in law is defiling Trump's daughter?

I see you were listening to Armstrong and Getty this morning.
So, you respect Gen Lee as an Authority on American Policy?
That's the question I'm asking you.

I respect his military ability.

I respect his opinion, especially with regard to the situation in his time.

But it is well over 150 years later. The South was long ago welcomed back into the fold. There is no danger of it rising up again.

In this he is wrong.

Do you respect him as an Authority?
So, you respect Gen Lee as an Authority on American Policy?
That's the question I'm asking you.

I respect his military ability.

I respect his opinion, especially with regard to the situation in his time.

But it is well over 150 years later. The South was long ago welcomed back into the fold. There is no danger of it rising up again.

In this he is wrong.

Do you respect him as an Authority?
Some sure tried rising up again last weekend.
So, you respect Gen Lee as an Authority on American Policy?
That's the question I'm asking you.

I respect his military ability.

I respect his opinion, especially with regard to the situation in his time.

But it is well over 150 years later. The South was long ago welcomed back into the fold. There is no danger of it rising up again.

In this he is wrong.

Do you respect him as an Authority?
Some sure tried rising up again last weekend.

No they did not.
I was wondering when someone would get around to posting this.

Thought it would have been sooner. Guess some folks are just slow, or don't read history related books...
I was wondering when someone would get around to posting this.

Thought it would have been sooner. Guess some folks are just slow, or don't read history related books...

Trump followers prefer to let Trump teach them about history, and to hell with the books and facts. Not only did Lee say that about the statues, but he also said his battle flag (current Southern cult symbol), should never be flown again.

But then again, you should never let Trump teach you anything about history. Did you catch his latest whopper that he passed on about Gen. Pershing and the Muslim terrorists in the Philippines?
I was wondering when someone would get around to posting this.

Thought it would have been sooner. Guess some folks are just slow, or don't read history related books...

Trump followers prefer to let Trump teach them about history, and to hell with the books and facts. Not only did Lee say that about the statues, but he also said his battle flag (current Southern cult symbol), should never be flown again.

But then again, you should never let Trump teach you anything about history. Did you catch his latest whopper that he passed on about Gen. Pershing and the Muslim terrorists in the Philippines?

Yeah, caught the Pershing whopper. He's told the story at least twice now, one more time and it's the truth, right?
Why would liberals want to tear down R.E. Lee's statue in Charlottesville if he was on their side all along? The short answer is that It doesn't matter. It's all about politics and the lingering anger over the 2016 election
So, you respect Gen Lee as an Authority on American Policy?
That's the question I'm asking you.

I respect his military ability.

I respect his opinion, especially with regard to the situation in his time.

But it is well over 150 years later. The South was long ago welcomed back into the fold. There is no danger of it rising up again.

In this he is wrong.

Do you respect him as an Authority?
Some sure tried rising up again last weekend.

No they did not.
Sorry, the world saw it all.

Tell the NaziKlaners, and better tell the cops:

State police and National Guardsmen watched passively for hours as self-proclaimed Nazis engaged in street battles with counter-protesters. ProPublica reporter A.C. Thompson was on the scene and reports that the authorities turned the streets of the city over to groups of militiamen armed with assault rifles.

Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville
So, you respect Gen Lee as an Authority on American Policy?
That's the question I'm asking you.

I respect his military ability.

I respect his opinion, especially with regard to the situation in his time.

But it is well over 150 years later. The South was long ago welcomed back into the fold. There is no danger of it rising up again.

In this he is wrong.

Do you respect him as an Authority?
Some sure tried rising up again last weekend.

No they did not.
Sorry, the world saw it all.

Tell the NaziKlaners, and better tell the cops:

State police and National Guardsmen watched passively for hours as self-proclaimed Nazis engaged in street battles with counter-protesters. ProPublica reporter A.C. Thompson was on the scene and reports that the authorities turned the streets of the city over to groups of militiamen armed with assault rifles.

Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville

Oh, so you're conflating a few hundred neo nazis with the 114 million good people of the American South.

That's just you being a piece of shit.
If you guys are so into defending him, why not listen to what he actually says? Novel idea?
That's the question I'm asking you.

I respect his military ability.

I respect his opinion, especially with regard to the situation in his time.

But it is well over 150 years later. The South was long ago welcomed back into the fold. There is no danger of it rising up again.

In this he is wrong.

Do you respect him as an Authority?
Some sure tried rising up again last weekend.

No they did not.
Sorry, the world saw it all.

Tell the NaziKlaners, and better tell the cops:

State police and National Guardsmen watched passively for hours as self-proclaimed Nazis engaged in street battles with counter-protesters. ProPublica reporter A.C. Thompson was on the scene and reports that the authorities turned the streets of the city over to groups of militiamen armed with assault rifles.

Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville

Oh, so you're conflating a few hundred neo nazis with the 114 million good people of the American South.

No shoog, I'm southern, and white, see what happens when you make stupidass assumptions?

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