What did MitTwit say about contraception?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Mitt Romney's Contraception Strategy: Change The Subject

Earlier in his campaign, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney took a clear stand on the issue of contraception coverage by stating that he would support legislation that allowed all employers to refuse to cover employees' birth control for moral reasons. But lately, when Romney is pressed on that particular stance, he dodges the question in a way that gives the impression he has reversed his previous position.
Romney clarifies stance on Blunt Amendment: "Of course" I'm for it - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

"I just know that I don't think bureaucrats in Washington should tell someone whether they can use contraceptives or not, and I don't believe employers should tell someone whether they have contraceptive care or not," Romney said during Tuesday night's debate. "Every woman in America should have access to contraceptives and the president's statement on my policy is completely and totally wrong."

Is this a flip flop? Or would it be a flop flip flop?

Its so hard to keep up with his positions on the various issues.

but, if its hard for us, imagine how hard it must be for him.

Seriously, he has no clue what he's saying from moment to moment. Saying "every woman in America should have access to contraceptives" is just stunning. Then, basically calling the president a liar was STOOPID because we all saw him agree with Blunt.

Even though lying is taught to Mormons, he seems more like a pathological liar. Maybe there really is something to the rumors of some sort of mental problem as his wife hinted at.

Or maybe its just that normal people are not accustomed to watching the kind of open lying we see with Mitt every single day.
Telling one group of people what they want to hear and then telling another group of people the opposite, because they want to hear the opposite,

only works if no one else is listening and the 2 groups never talk to each other.

That would not be how running for president works.

And saying that the president lied when in fact, it was Romney who lied, is just inexcusable. The man is way beyond merely corrupt.
If he's elected, I'll bet he will suddenly stop flip flopping. He will very suddenly be "for" whatever his owners tell him he's "for".

Kochs, Adelson, Heritage, they didn't give him all that money because they like LyinRyans blue eyes. Adelson even came right out and admitted he was buying his way out of an indictment. The rw's laugh it off but its a little hard to ignore.

And, check out all the corporations who are threatening their employee's jobs. Vote for Mitt the Twit or you're unemployed.

That's the GObP for you.
Mitt Romney's Contraception Strategy: Change The Subject

Earlier in his campaign, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney took a clear stand on the issue of contraception coverage by stating that he would support legislation that allowed all employers to refuse to cover employees' birth control for moral reasons. But lately, when Romney is pressed on that particular stance, he dodges the question in a way that gives the impression he has reversed his previous position.
Romney clarifies stance on Blunt Amendment: "Of course" I'm for it - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

"I just know that I don't think bureaucrats in Washington should tell someone whether they can use contraceptives or not, and I don't believe employers should tell someone whether they have contraceptive care or not," Romney said during Tuesday night's debate. "Every woman in America should have access to contraceptives and the president's statement on my policy is completely and totally wrong."

Is this a flip flop? Or would it be a flop flip flop?

Its so hard to keep up with his positions on the various issues.

but, if its hard for us, imagine how hard it must be for him.

Seriously, he has no clue what he's saying from moment to moment. Saying "every woman in America should have access to contraceptives" is just stunning. Then, basically calling the president a liar was STOOPID because we all saw him agree with Blunt.

Even though lying is taught to Mormons, he seems more like a pathological liar. Maybe there really is something to the rumors of some sort of mental problem as his wife hinted at.

Or maybe its just that normal people are not accustomed to watching the kind of open lying we see with Mitt every single day.

This is what you get from Romney. He says two completely different things about an issue and he means both of them. He stands on both sides of an issue and says he's with us. All you have to do is ask the right questions and he's your man.

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