What Did Israel First President Trump Do To Stop The Mexican Violence?


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Building a wall? How can a wall address the fact that Mexican gangs are chopping off more Mexican heads than Muslims are chopping off in the middle east where Trump went Neocon and dropped bombs and stuff? Of course nobody wants filthy, ugly savages invading their country, unless ZOG runs the country being invaded, but the fact that the savagery is being perpetrated a few miles from the border is reason enough to take action. Obviously President Trump was doing what his zionist ("globalists" for you folks afraid to call a spade a spade) backers told him.
Is the American President responsible for what goes on in Mexico?

Shouldn't his job be preventing whatever is happening in Mexico from coming here?
Building a wall? How can a wall address the fact that Mexican gangs are chopping off more Mexican heads than Muslims are chopping off in the middle east where Trump went Neocon and dropped bombs and stuff? Of course nobody wants filthy, ugly savages invading their country, unless ZOG runs the country being invaded, but the fact that the savagery is being perpetrated a few miles from the border is reason enough to take action. Obviously President Trump was doing what his zionist ("globalists" for you folks afraid to call a spade a spade) backers told him.
Nutters to the left of me. Nutters to the right.

poor little anti semite. It must suck to be such a hate filled creep
Building a wall? How can a wall address the fact that Mexican gangs are chopping off more Mexican heads than Muslims are chopping off in the middle east where Trump went Neocon and dropped bombs and stuff? Of course nobody wants filthy, ugly savages invading their country, unless ZOG runs the country being invaded, but the fact that the savagery is being perpetrated a few miles from the border is reason enough to take action. Obviously President Trump was doing what his zionist ("globalists" for you folks afraid to call a spade a spade) backers told him.
I understand your thinking Snouter that trump was the same as every president since johnson and being a puppet for his Zionist bankers and just the latest puppet president,I thought that for a long time as well cause he cut off aide to Palestine and funded Israel,but the reason he did thst was because he had to play their game to get elected.he had to go along with them in the beginning to learn what they were up to.

but his actions in the end have proven to me that was not the case at all,the elite and the zionists made sure he did not get elected with the most massive vote fraud ever cause they are pissedbst him fir signing the Israel Palestine peace accord.he was the most anti war president sense carter.if he was part of the corrupt two party system that every president sense johnson has been,the house and the senate would not be trying to put him behind bars as they are,that has never happened in mankind history.when Nixon and Clinton got out of office,they did not try and do this to them.

also this is not well known but there have been 28 assassination attempts on his life.the cia and zionists tried to shoot him down with a missile when he was on Air Force one but the white hats in the military intercepted it and shot it down,they even tried a drone attack at his house in Florida. Zionists don’t do that to puppet presidents of theirs,they hate him.believe me i thought the same as you did at times when he was in office but obviously he is not.

just because you have not heard this does not mean it’s not all true,why would you hear this when the msm media is controlled by the cia.

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