What did Iraq Get by Our Outing Hussein?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
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UN says violence claimed lives of 7,818 civilians in Iraq in 2013, highest toll in years\
Published January 01, 2014, Associated Press

BAGHDAD – The United Nations mission to Iraq says violence claimed the lives of 7,818 civilians in 2013, the highest annual death toll in years.

The U.N. figures issued Wednesday gave a total of 759 people killed in December alone, including 661 civilians and 98 members of the security forces.

The U.N.'s monthly figures for both civilians and security forces over the year totaled 8,868.
Read the rest @ UN says violence claimed lives of 7,818 civilians in Iraq in 2013, highest toll in years | Fox News

Uh, but what about BEFORE we found him in his hole? Check this out →
According to The New York Times, "he [Saddam] murdered as many as a million of his people, many with poison gas. He tortured, maimed and imprisoned countless more. His unprovoked invasion of Iran is estimated to have left another million people dead. His seizure of Kuwait threw the Middle East into crisis. More insidious, arguably, was the psychological damage he inflicted on his own land. Hussein created a nation of informants — friends on friends, circles within circles — making an entire population complicit in his rule" Other estimates as to the number of Iraqis killed by Saddam's regime vary from roughly a quarter to half a million, including 50,000 to 182,000 Kurds and 25,000 to 280,000 killed during the repression of the 1991 rebellion. Estimates for the number of dead in the Iran-Iraq war range upwards from 300,000.

From Human rights in Saddam Hussein's Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, are they better off or what?
Saddam kept law and order in Iraq; the Sunni's in power; the Shia under control; and Iran contained.

Now the nation of Iraq is ruled by Shiites, and is basically a proxy state of the Shia government in Iraq. ..... :doubt:
Saddam kept law and order in Iraq; the Sunni's in power; the Shia under control; and Iran contained.

Now the nation of Iraq is ruled by Shiites, and is basically a proxy state of the Shia government in Iraq. ..... :doubt:

All true----the US governement is actually childish when dealing with the vile filth of
meccaism. The US government also put weapons in the hands of the vile filth
islamicists called "the taliban"-----some idiots were convinced that vile filth islamicists
were seeking something "good" Think back to Carter---he was convinced that there
is a modicum of good in the vile filth of islamicism
Saddam kept law and order in Iraq; the Sunni's in power; the Shia under control; and Iran contained.

Now the nation of Iraq is ruled by Shiites, and is basically a proxy state of the Shia government in Iraq. ..... :doubt:

All true----the US governement is actually childish when dealing with the vile filth of
meccaism. The US government also put weapons in the hands of the vile filth
islamicists called "the taliban"-----some idiots were convinced that vile filth islamicists
were seeking something "good" Think back to Carter---he was convinced that there
is a modicum of good in the vile filth of islamicism
The Taliban didn't exist then.
All true----the US governement is actually childish when dealing with the vile filth of
meccaism. The US government also put weapons in the hands of the vile filth
islamicists called "the taliban"-----some idiots were convinced that vile filth islamicists
were seeking something "good" Think back to Carter---he was convinced that there
is a modicum of good in the vile filth of islamicism
Irosie's inebriated :booze: word of the day is "vile". ... :lol: :lol:
All true----the US governement is actually childish when dealing with the vile filth of
meccaism. The US government also put weapons in the hands of the vile filth
islamicists called "the taliban"-----some idiots were convinced that vile filth islamicists
were seeking something "good" Think back to Carter---he was convinced that there
is a modicum of good in the vile filth of islamicism
Irosie's inebriated :booze: word of the day is "vile". ... :lol: :lol:

"vile" is an interesting word. Lots of people of the world have trouble pronouncing
"V" and "W" for some hispanics the word comes out as "BILE" and for
some people of southeast asia ----like pakistanis ---it is WILE -----

However the word is promounced----it is ALWAYS a mistake to put weapons in the hands
of those who worship the rapist pig
All true----the US governement is actually childish when dealing with the vile filth of
meccaism. The US government also put weapons in the hands of the vile filth
islamicists called "the taliban"-----some idiots were convinced that vile filth islamicists
were seeking something "good" Think back to Carter---he was convinced that there
is a modicum of good in the vile filth of islamicism[/

quote]Irosie's inebriated :booze: word of the day is "vile". ... :lol: :lol:

"vile" is an interesting word. Lots of people of the world have trouble pronouncing
"V" and "W" for some hispanics the word comes out as "BILE" and for
some people of southeast asia ----like pakistanis ---it is WILE -----

However the word is promounced----it is ALWAYS a mistake to put weapons in the hands
of those who worship the rapist pig

I wonder, IRosie, if Sunni Man is a recovering alcoholic. It appears that whenever posters say things he doesn't like, he is always there accusing them of being drunk. Maybe this site will help him on his way of becoming a teetotaling Muslim, and he wouldn't have to be taking a nip now and then in the privacy of his apartment, far, far away from one of his Mosque members. I remember once reading that many recovering alcoholics consider themselves Friends of Bill, so maybe Sunni Man will consider himself eventually as a Friend of Bill also.

Friends of Bill - Recovery Online!
Naw, never was much of a drinker.

Just didn't appeal to me. ... :cool:

You can deny all you want, but you can't restrain yourself from calling other people drunk like you are projecting your own alcoholism onto them. Remember, you too can be a Friend of Bill.
You can deny all you want, but you can't restrain yourself from calling other people drunk like you are projecting your own alcoholism onto them. Remember, you too can be a Friend of Bill.
Like I said, never really liked the taste of alcohol........just didn't appeal to me. ... :cool:

btw Silly-Sally, you sure seem to know a lot about this 'Friends of Bill' group. ..... :eusa_whistle:
You can deny all you want, but you can't restrain yourself from calling other people drunk like you are projecting your own alcoholism onto them. Remember, you too can be a Friend of Bill.
Like I said, never really liked the taste of alcohol........just didn't appeal to me. ... :cool:

btw Silly-Sally, you sure seem to know a lot about this 'Friends of Bill' group. ..... :eusa_whistle:

Are you that dense, Mr. Cuckoo, that I couldn't have seen someone mention that they were a Friend of Bill on another message board years ago and then looked it up because I didn't know what that meant? After all, I don't have to get down five times a day to pray and then call other people drunk because I didn't like what they said. Just keep projecting your alcholism on other posters by saying they are drunk.
No wonder other countries are crying out for our help in giving them Freedom and Democracy.
Anyway, while Silly-Sally throws a hissy fit.......I will get back on topic. .... :cool:

While Saddam was in power, Iraq was fairly stable as a country, and Iran was boxed in.

But now with Saddam gone........ it's anyone's guess as to what the future will be for both Iran and Iraq. .... :confused:
We outed Saddam? Saddam was gay? Who knew?
Anyway, while Silly-Sally throws a hissy fit.......I will get back on topic. .... :cool:

While Saddam was in power, Iraq was fairly stable as a country, and Iran was boxed in.

But now with Saddam gone........ it's anyone's guess as to what the future will be for both Iran and Iraq. .... :confused:

But, Mr. Cuckoo, you were the one who started out calling someone drunk, just like you usually do when you don't like what a poster said. Speaking of Saddam, why don't you tell us about the Iran/Iraq War since you hate the Shia so much. Maybe you liked the idea of Saddam taking out some Shia for you.
But, Mr. Sunni Man, you were the one who started out calling someone drunk, just like you usually do when you don't like what a poster said. Speaking of Saddam, why don't you tell us about the Iran/Iraq War since you hate the Shia so much. Maybe you liked the idea of Saddam taking out some Shia for you.
Silly-Sally please try to stay on topic.

This thread isn't about me.

Just read the OP and respond accordingly. ... :cool:
But, Mr. Sunni Man, you were the one who started out calling someone drunk, just like you usually do when you don't like what a poster said. Speaking of Saddam, why don't you tell us about the Iran/Iraq War since you hate the Shia so much. Maybe you liked the idea of Saddam taking out some Shia for you.

Silly-Sally please try to stay on topic.

This thread isn't about me.

Just read the OP and respond accordingly. ... :cool:

Why didn't you say on topic, Mr. Cuckoo, instead of calling another poster drunk (as is your usual habit) when she said something you didn't like. Couldn't you have told her why you thought she was wrong instead of saying she was drunk. Sunni Man thinks he is always on topics with his usual "Do tell" and "No doubt" when he isn't busy calling someone a drunk. Do you think you can restrain yourself in the future from calling other posters drunk when you have no reason to do so?
Back on topic.

The invasion of Iraq destabilized the country and basically broke Iraq into 3 distinct regions; Kurdish, Sunni, and Shia.

And I don't see a strong central government emerging to rule the country as one entity. .... :cool:

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