What Cultural and Environmental Issues should be improved to help Blacks?


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
What are some realistic and affordable solutions to the current problems?

Education, parenting skills, and law abidingbness seem like a good place to start.

Perhaps we could try to stay positive.
OK I'll start.

The NYTimes mentioned Risley and his study that showed that middle and upper class kids hear many more words asinfants and toddlers and it correlated to later success in schooll. Should we be making sure lower class people and especially blacks are aware of this? Can we influence culture?

What about spanking? There is a correlation between violence, criminality and spanking.if we reduce spanking will crime go down?

Just asking, because I would prefer more social harmony.
OK I'll start.

The NYTimes mentioned Risley and his study that showed that middle and upper class kids hear many more words asinfants and toddlers and it correlated to later success in schooll. Should we be making sure lower class people and especially blacks are aware of this? Can we influence culture?

What about spanking? There is a correlation between violence, criminality and spanking.if we reduce spanking will crime go down?

Just asking, because I would prefer more social harmony.

Actually, when spanking was stopped in schools the crime rates shot up didn't they? Un disciplined people commit more crimes.
OK I'll start.

The NYTimes mentioned Risley and his study that showed that middle and upper class kids hear many more words asinfants and toddlers and it correlated to later success in schooll. Should we be making sure lower class people and especially blacks are aware of this? Can we influence culture?

What about spanking? There is a correlation between violence, criminality and spanking.if we reduce spanking will crime go down?

Just asking, because I would prefer more social harmony.

Actually, when spanking was stopped in schools the crime rates shot up didn't they? Un disciplined people commit more crimes.

Perhaps. But do you think spanking is an efficient way to teach discipline? Are there better ways? Do you believe inspanked kids are more criminal or violent? I tend to believe the opposite.
OK I'll start.

The NYTimes mentioned Risley and his study that showed that middle and upper class kids hear many more words asinfants and toddlers and it correlated to later success in schooll. Should we be making sure lower class people and especially blacks are aware of this? Can we influence culture?

What about spanking? There is a correlation between violence, criminality and spanking.if we reduce spanking will crime go down?

Just asking, because I would prefer more social harmony.

Actually, when spanking was stopped in schools the crime rates shot up didn't they? Un disciplined people commit more crimes.

Perhaps. But do you think spanking is an efficient way to teach discipline? Are there better ways? Do you believe inspanked kids are more criminal or violent? I tend to believe the opposite.

I think spanking is ok within reason, but I have seen kids where the parents have not disciplined them, they are animals.
Actually, when spanking was stopped in schools the crime rates shot up didn't they? Un disciplined people commit more crimes.

Perhaps. But do you think spanking is an efficient way to teach discipline? Are there better ways? Do you believe inspanked kids are more criminal or violent? I tend to believe the opposite.

I think spanking is ok within reason, but I have seen kids where the parents have not disciplined them, they are animals.

I don't think it's as black or white as that, IMO.

I've seen the kids who throw a tantrum in the store only for the mothers to beat the crap out of them. That type of discipline, in my opinion, is rather over the top.

I don't spank my daughter and yet she when she cuts up, I take away the things she wants. Is she going to cry and act up a bit still? Well yeah, but now that I've done this often enough, She's learning the consequences of acting out now and is well behaved at school and in public as a result.

Now will that work for every kid? Nope. If spanking works, go with it, but I don't believe it works for every kid as it will effect them in different ways.
A large percentage of the black community involves ignorant people, primarily women, raising babies/kids/children in the same manner in which they were raised, so it's a cycle that just repeats from one generation to the next one on and on.
How can good parenting skills be propagated forward? Everyone knows 2 parent families have more successful children but the O-of-wedlock rate keeps going up.
I'm not seeing a lot of constructive ideas from those posters who complain about hatefacts being posted and backed up with real data. You don't even need to produce data, just the positive ideas and some explanation as to how they might be implemented.
HeadStart and bussingg are two ways of exposing lower class kids to middle class values. While it did not raise IQ scores it did improve socialization skills. Should we be putting more emphasis on teaching social differences and how they pertain to longterm success?
Parental involvement in schools can make significant improvements, just ask Sampson. How do we encourage more parents to engage in meaningful ways in their local schools?
It's really up to the black community to take advantage of the country we have built.

-Black men need to stop going woman to woman. They need to stay home and be a dad. 72% of all black families are single parent and this must end.

*Children growing up to have values and morals
*A work ethic
*This would lower drug use throughout the black community

-This all leads a higher ability to take advantage of the education.
*Opening up small businesses

At the end of the day we have a few questions
1# Can the black family be put back together?
2# Can blacks compete with whites??? I'm not talking about the public sector, but throughout the private.
Maybe an eugenics program where we sterilize all afros with IQs below 100? Or, skin darker than ivory? ('cause that gets ugly)

In all seriousness, how about ceasing to protect afros from criticism for subhuman behavior nor excuse their bad behavior with false charges of racism against whites?
A large percentage of the black community involves ignorant people, primarily women, raising babies/kids/children in the same manner in which they were raised, so it's a cycle that just repeats from one generation to the next one on and on.

In your opinion, how can that cycle be broken?

Only from within. Non-blacks telling ignorant black men to keep their zippers up and ignorant black women to keep their knees together will simply be scoffed at as whitey sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.

Educated successful blacks are the only answer but they're frowned upon from within as Uncle Toms, selling out for acting white, etc. How they can ever break through that racism I haven't a clue. But the vast vast majority of blacks, now and future generations, are screwed until some movement figures out a way.

It should be priority number 1 but that's not what you hear from the usual cabal of race pimps. To them it's always the lack of more money for this or that and never being accountable and responsible for one's own actions. Lock those clowns up for starters would me my suggestion.
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exactly. it has to start in the black community. anybody that thinks whites wouldnt bend over backwards to help is racist. but whites can only help they cant force any positive changes.
What are some realistic and affordable solutions to the current problems?

Education, parenting skills, and law abidingbness seem like a good place to start.

Perhaps we could try to stay positive.
most black fathers are dead beats .it is something that is in their dna .so there is no helping them.
What are some realistic and affordable solutions to the current problems?

Education, parenting skills, and law abidingbness seem like a good place to start.

Perhaps we could try to stay positive.

I agree, but I will also add that the above is a good formula for people of all 'races'. I know PLENTY of people from many different races that have not achieved the above. :)
What are some realistic and affordable solutions to the current problems?

Education, parenting skills, and law abidingbness seem like a good place to start.

Perhaps we could try to stay positive.

I agree, but I will also add that the above is a good formula for people of all 'races'. I know PLENTY of people from many different races that have not achieved the above. :)

I agree that those areas are important for everybody, not just blacks. do you think there is the same rate of inculcating middleclass values in the so-called black community? the recipe for success is fairly well known, eg marriage before kids, earning before spending, lawfulness, etc. is there anyway of convincing more people to follow the recipe? Ogbu found that a lot of black youth dismissed many old fashioned ideas as 'acting white'. can we get past that?
What are some realistic and affordable solutions to the current problems?

Education, parenting skills, and law abidingbness seem like a good place to start.

Perhaps we could try to stay positive.

I agree, but I will also add that the above is a good formula for people of all 'races'. I know PLENTY of people from many different races that have not achieved the above. :)

I agree that those areas are important for everybody, not just blacks. do you think there is the same rate of inculcating middleclass values in the so-called black community? the recipe for success is fairly well known, eg marriage before kids, earning before spending, lawfulness, etc. is there anyway of convincing more people to follow the recipe? Ogbu found that a lot of black youth dismissed many old fashioned ideas as 'acting white'. can we get past that?

It's up to the black community...Whites can only debate them and demand an end to their high crime rates.

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