What Are Your Predictions For the New Hampshire Primaries?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This thing is getting interesting, but keep in mind that New Hampshire is a proportional delegate system, not 'winner-take-all, so the impact of a win is greatly diminished. South Carolina is winner-take-all and would seem to warrant more attention.

But anyway, here is my feeble effort at calling the results.

Trump 35%
Rubio 20%
Cruz 15%

And the neocons at FOX will declare Rubio the real winner, trying to consolidate the establishment lane to one man only. Trump will weather it out to go to a hyyoooge win in South Carolina, in all likelihood but that is down the road.

Sanders 70%
Clinton 30%

I think that this will give Sanders a further boost into the southern primaries and the other smaller primaries in various states and territories.

Clinton is in for the fight of her political life, and I am praying she loses.
What I wonder is how much plausible depth of support can Sanders realistically get in the South, which is not known for their loveof New England accent heavy pols.
Republicans in New Hampshire generally have little truck for whiners so Trump's chances have dwindled. Still, I think there's a chance he'll do better than 50% but will be not much ahead of whoever is in second place. Not impossible, though, that he would place second.

On the Democrat Party side, if Sanders scores less than 60% I would be really surprised. While I don't expect Mrs. Rodham-Clinton's numbers to fall to single digits, I will not at all be surprised if some write-in name makes it into double-digits.

There is still some hope for New Hampshire but New Yorkers, looking a second place to register to vote, are buying the same sort of annual inroads they did when they took over Vermont.
I predict Cruz will win.

Are you being serious?

By what percentages?

I wouldnt be unhappy with a Cruz nomination, but I dont see him getting from here to the nomination very easily.

Yes I'm serious and I don't care about percentages. The only thing that matters is the outcome.
But the percentages do matter, in the outcome since NH is a proportionate delegate state.

Will the winner get more delegates?


Then nothing else matters.

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