What are You Doing to Occupy your Time during this self Quarantine Crap?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I am playing video games (Skyrim and Galactic Civ 3) and doing crafting stuff.

Lord Willing I am going to make some N95 masks using HEPA filters and give them out to family and friends.

Spending a lot of time with the wife.

What about you all?
  • Reading, responding, and writing emails.
  • Checking internet sites. Spending an hour or more a day reading and responding to questions on Quora - which I find fun.
  • Exercise indoors about half hour a day, and take an hour-long walk or bicycle ride.
  • Do little projects both inside and outside the home, clean cars.
  • Taking car and/or motorcycle rides.
  • A nap every afternoon - which I would consider a bad habit to get into, but I'm retired.
  • Watching YouTube videos, often travelogs to places I've been or hope to see in the future.
  • Watching hours of television in the evening - mostly bingeing Netflix and HBO series.
  • Eating three meals a day, plus.

Things I'm not doing that I would normally be doing:
  • golf and practice golf,
  • bowling,
  • doing volunteer stuff (driving a courtesy bus),
  • going to the gym (3 days per week on a regular schedule),
  • eating out at restaurants,
  • going to doctor appointments,
  • going to church,
  • planning future trips and vacation,
  • spending time with grandkids.
75 or so feet of:
Green beans
Onion and giant garlic
Blue corn
Bell pepz
Cuban melon
Pineapple(for giggles)
30 more Papaya trees
Archie bunker and Jefferson reruns
Porn Hub and pretending to make a baby while firing blanks.The swimmers are so old they have walkers and the Cherry has fruit flies.
Wanking off to pictures in gun magazines, peeking through the curtains for zombies, inventorying my stocks of canned kipper snacks and boxes of mac and cheese, sharpening knives, chain smoking cigarettes, drinking vodka and energy drinks, cleaning up cat poop, pissing off liberals on USMB...

But that's what I do every day, so no big deal.
Cutting down on bad food/diet change
Indoor weight loss challenge: walking in house, in backyard, riding stationary bike, pushups
Trying to pray multiple times a day (and hope I am answered)
online courses and education
chatting with you all and other forums
watching Netflix movies I wouldn't normally watch with my wife
Wanking off to pictures in gun magazines
Is that gay?

Yes. I'm gay for guns. I'm also an ammosexual.

You didn't know that? I came out two years ago, where were you?
All that arms wielding guys. What if that isn´t ultimate gay?

You want the Corona Bunny?

I am playing video games (Skyrim and Galactic Civ 3) and doing crafting stuff.

Lord Willing I am going to make some N95 masks using HEPA filters and give them out to family and friends.

Spending a lot of time with the wife.

What about you all?

I did skyrim to. Mostly just playing around with mods. I have also been riding my bike allot. During the day I do domestic duties. My best half is toe only one going to work now so I decided I can earn my dinner by doing laundry and dishes. Also been teying recipes off the inter net. There is a app called "Big Oven" and there is about a billion things to try.
I am playing video games (Skyrim and Galactic Civ 3) and doing crafting stuff.

Lord Willing I am going to make some N95 masks using HEPA filters and give them out to family and friends.

Spending a lot of time with the wife.

What about you all?

Watching history and paranormal videos on the internet and listening to Coast To Coast AM. Developing a new novel. Waiting to go back to work.

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