What are the effects of the Roe Overturn today?

And from the Atlantic

In the past few years, though, the anti-abortion movement has moved in a different direction. In 2019, Alabama legislators passed an abortion ban that lacked rape and incest exceptions. Nine other states—Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas—have passed similar laws. Courts blocked all the laws but Texas’s; if Roe is overturned, it will be a felony for any Texas doctor to perform an abortion for a woman who was raped or impregnated by a family member. In March, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed an early-abortion ban without rape or incest exemptions.
It does seem weird, doesn't it? But, why in a nation where at the time of Roe v Wade, 91% of the people believed in God? What happened? Obviously the minority grabbed power by using the SCOTUS to get what they wanted. Population Control. How did that happen and why did it take so long to overturn?

What happened is that we moved on.

When 91% of the people believed in God we also believed in slavery, that only white males should be allowed to vote and that a husband could not rape his wife since it was her duty to submit to his wishes.
Judging by the lackluster turnout for riots and whatnot, seems liberals need a new distraction quick. Baby killing obviously wasn't quite the big ticket item liberals assumed it was. Is time for Harris? That's the only thing left, since nothing Biden does or says nets positive results.
What happened is that we moved on.

When 91% of the people believed in God we also believed in slavery, that only white males should be allowed to vote and that a husband could not rape his wife since it was her duty to submit to his wishes.
81% of the people today believe in God. That's not moving on Captain Kurk. During the Slavery time, the Northern States almost 95% of the people believed in God as well as in the South. Same is true during the time of men only voting rights as well. Same with the idea that husband's could not rape their wives. But, the same things occurred as well in Europe and elsewhere where religion wasn't followed as well. And, again, today in Europe, only 26% believe in God and yet they don't believe in abortion the way the atheist loonies and the liberal religious people do. So, what gives?
Here's my take on it. There was a specific reason for Columbus to have sailed the ocean blue. There is a reason for the migration to the new world in the America's. There are several reasons but only one major reason, freedom of religion. Everything else that came with the migration including slavery and the various teachings of religion was not the reason for finding the new world of the America's. So, what is it and why as the number of believers in God goes down, does craziness, violence, evilness, vileness and other Satanic ways go up? It's the reason the Constitution has in it the 1st amendment for freedom of religion. Not freedom from religion. That's not in the Constitution. Here's my take on this. Jesus established his Church 2000 years ago. Over time, the doctrine, commandments, laws and organization of His Church diminished and finally was destroyed and cast into apostasy. The heavens were closed. No more apostles and prophets. Just Popes, priests, ministers who changed the Gospel and the understanding of God into a supernatural personage that was so big that He filled the universe and yet so small he could dwell in His heart. He could divide into three beings and then come back together into one. These Popes and others have reigned with blood and horror on the earth for centuries and still do. But, a prophecy was given, there would be a restoration of a day where the restitution of all things originally given by Jesus Christ 2000 years ago would happen. But, the restoration could only happen in a land in which there was enough freedom for religious restoration to happen. So, in 1820, the Godhead came to a young man to open up the last dispensation of the fulness of time, Joseph Smith. He was told not to join any of the churches for they were all wrong. Through him, the Gospel of Jesus Christ was fully restored and in 1830, Christ restored His Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
We are a choice land for the restoration and building up of the Kingdom of God on the earth. It has now spread to the 4 corners of the earth. And, for the Church to continue to grow and be blessed, The United States of America must remain a nation under God the Creator. This makes the numbers understandable. And, why it doesn't matter so much about the numbers of people around the world who do not believe in God.
81% of the people today believe in God. That's not moving on Captain Kurk. During the Slavery time, the Northern States almost 95% of the people believed in God as well as in the South. Same is true during the time of men only voting rights as well. Same with the idea that husband's could not rape their wives. But, the same things occurred as well in Europe and elsewhere where religion wasn't followed as well. And, again, today in Europe, only 26% believe in God and yet they don't believe in abortion the way the atheist loonies and the liberal religious people do. So, what gives?
Here's my take on it. There was a specific reason for Columbus to have sailed the ocean blue. There is a reason for the migration to the new world in the America's. There are several reasons but only one major reason, freedom of religion. Everything else that came with the migration including slavery and the various teachings of religion was not the reason for finding the new world of the America's. So, what is it and why as the number of believers in God goes down, does craziness, violence, evilness, vileness and other Satanic ways go up? It's the reason the Constitution has in it the 1st amendment for freedom of religion. Not freedom from religion. That's not in the Constitution. Here's my take on this. Jesus established his Church 2000 years ago. Over time, the doctrine, commandments, laws and organization of His Church diminished and finally was destroyed and cast into apostasy. The heavens were closed. No more apostles and prophets. Just Popes, priests, ministers who changed the Gospel and the understanding of God into a supernatural personage that was so big that He filled the universe and yet so small he could dwell in His heart. He could divide into three beings and then come back together into one. These Popes and others have reigned with blood and horror on the earth for centuries and still do. But, a prophecy was given, there would be a restoration of a day where the restitution of all things originally given by Jesus Christ 2000 years ago would happen. But, the restoration could only happen in a land in which there was enough freedom for religious restoration to happen. So, in 1820, the Godhead came to a young man to open up the last dispensation of the fulness of time, Joseph Smith. He was told not to join any of the churches for they were all wrong. Through him, the Gospel of Jesus Christ was fully restored and in 1830, Christ restored His Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
We are a choice land for the restoration and building up of the Kingdom of God on the earth. It has now spread to the 4 corners of the earth. And, for the Church to continue to grow and be blessed, The United States of America must remain a nation under God the Creator. This makes the numbers understandable. And, why it doesn't matter so much about the numbers of people around the world who do not believe in God.

Years ago I was listening to evil talk radio when a Cuban immigrant called in. He said Castro visited all children in school. He would instruct the little toddlers to close their eyes, hold out their hands, and ask God for candy. Then he told them to open their eyes and to no surprise, there was no candy in their hands. He then instructed them to do the same, except this time as Fidel for candy, and his henchmen would go around the room and fill their little hands with treats. The object of course was to teach the children there is no such thing as God, and the highest power they know is government.

The Democrats have been doing similar in American schools. With their buddies in the ACLU, they managed to strip God out of school and nearly society itself, thus the belief government is the highest power we can count on. After schools, they went after all government buildings like that courthouse that had the Ten Commandments in their doorway, or that cemetery that had a huge stone cross that people could see from the road.

Democrats here get upset when I call their party the Communist party. But there are very few differences in their agendas.
I see 4 basic areas in which the SCOTUS overturn of Roe v Wade will affect the country:
Political: Democrats hope that they can stir up excitement for the 2022 mid-term elections. Before today, there was no enthusiasm in the Democrat Party as Biden has pulled the party down big time. The question is, will this abortion issue get the attention Democrats hope for to win in November? Or, will the Democrats violence and insurrection acts they are calling for cause more people to vote for the Republican candidates? How do Republicans feel about this turn with abortion? Do they think this is bad timing because of the elections and might hurt them?

The Judicial Branch: Roe v Wade created a greater affect on judicial activism. It opened a can of worms in which we see liberal judges legislating from the benches. We have seen the Constitution eroded since 1973 as well. Does the overturn of Roe help with stopping judicial activism? Those doing this know that their cases will end up in the Supreme Court because of this ruling today. Roe v Wade was pure judicial activism as there is nothing in the Constitution about abortion or a woman's right to privacy. And, the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments have nothing to do with privacy. And, Roe wasn't even a case about a woman's right to choose. It was to protect the doctors who were performing abortions.

Religious: Obviously, the religious people are mostly happy except in churches with little moral doctrines to follow. But, the atheist secular radicals will orchestrate violence against religious people and churches as well. They already are. The LDS Church has closed their temples today because of threats by crazy abortion supporters. They will attempt to harm churches as that is Satan's method in these latter days.

Women's Reactions: I've seen and heard now several on the opposite side throw temper tantrums claiming the right are now killing women instead of unborn babies. They believe other rights will be taken away like gay marriage, contraception and other areas of this issue. Even though Alito has already said no in the decision.
Murdering children will be less convenient in some states. As a result some children will survive who otherwise wouldn’t, which is great news.

The decision was deeply flawed as honest, intelligent liberals will acknowledge.
Murdering children will be less convenient in some states. As a result some children will survive who otherwise wouldn’t, which is great news.

I think what will happen is there will be less unwanted pregnancies. As it becomes less convenient, more will practice birth control or otherwise not have sex at all until they do get some protection.
What i quoted was you claiming that choice only had 50% favorability in poll...you stupid fuck

Members of this discussion, I'm dealing with a public school graduate here. Would anybody go to post 599 and tell me what he quoted about me please? He doesn't seem to even know WTF he quoted or is just plain Fn stupid.
Bull shit. Decades of gerrymandering has silenced the majority vote. Just look at the polling, well more than the majority believe the States should not be allowed to ban abortions completely, or sick their neighbors on to reporting them for a $10,000 reward....

What just happened in many of the states that revert to 50 year old state !aw after the SC Dobbs decision, no more represents those women involved today than Adam and Eve....

This is the Tyranny of the MINORITY being forced on to the majority imo.

Oh, that old phony gerrymandering claim again? Gerrymandering doesn't affect state elections, only federal elections, that's besides the fact Democrats do it just as much as Republicans do.

And again, the $10,000 reward only applies to people who report those breaking the law which is no abortions after six weeks.
“This decision is inconsistent with what Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh said in their testimony and their meetings with me, where they both were insistent on the importance of supporting long-standing precedents that the country has relied upon," Collins said in a statement.

She blasted the ruling as "a sudden and radical jolt to the country that will lead to political chaos, anger, and a further loss of confidence in our government."

2018: Sen. Susan Collins says Brett Kavanaugh sees Roe v. Wade as 'settled law'

AUG. 21, 201801:46

Manchin said he's "deeply disappointed" in the justices.

"I trusted Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh when they testified under oath that they also believed Roe v. Wade was settled legal precedent and I am alarmed they chose to reject the stability the ruling has provided for two generations of Americans," he said.

Kavanaugh and Gorsuch provided critical votes to assemble a Supreme Court majority to eliminate Roe v. Wade.

Critics of Manchin and Collins described them as naive, if not willfully ignorant of what some said at the time was the likely endgame if the two conservatives were added to the court.

Kavanaugh told the Senate at his 2018 confirmation hearing that the Roe decision "is important precedent of the Supreme Court that has been reaffirmed many times." Gorsuch, at his 2017 hearing, said of Roe that "a good judge will consider it as precedent of the U.S. Supreme Court."

They lied
“This decision is inconsistent with what Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh said in their testimony and their meetings with me, where they both were insistent on the importance of supporting long-standing precedents that the country has relied upon," Collins said in a statement.

She blasted the ruling as "a sudden and radical jolt to the country that will lead to political chaos, anger, and a further loss of confidence in our government."

2018: Sen. Susan Collins says Brett Kavanaugh sees Roe v. Wade as 'settled law'

AUG. 21, 201801:46

Manchin said he's "deeply disappointed" in the justices.

"I trusted Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh when they testified under oath that they also believed Roe v. Wade was settled legal precedent and I am alarmed they chose to reject the stability the ruling has provided for two generations of Americans," he said.

Kavanaugh and Gorsuch provided critical votes to assemble a Supreme Court majority to eliminate Roe v. Wade.

Critics of Manchin and Collins described them as naive, if not willfully ignorant of what some said at the time was the likely endgame if the two conservatives were added to the court.

Kavanaugh told the Senate at his 2018 confirmation hearing that the Roe decision "is important precedent of the Supreme Court that has been reaffirmed many times." Gorsuch, at his 2017 hearing, said of Roe that "a good judge will consider it as precedent of the U.S. Supreme Court."

They lied

And now as the late Paul Harvey used to say, the rest of the story:

Additionally, Kavanaugh said it can be appropriate for the court to revisit prior decisions. "I listen to all arguments," he said. "You have an open mind. You get the briefs and arguments. And some arguments are better than others. Precedent is critically important. It is the foundation of our system. But you listen to all arguments."

“This decision is inconsistent with what Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh said in their testimony and their meetings with me, where they both were insistent on the importance of supporting long-standing precedents that the country has relied upon," Collins said in a statement.

She blasted the ruling as "a sudden and radical jolt to the country that will lead to political chaos, anger, and a further loss of confidence in our government."

2018: Sen. Susan Collins says Brett Kavanaugh sees Roe v. Wade as 'settled law'

AUG. 21, 201801:46

Manchin said he's "deeply disappointed" in the justices.

"I trusted Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh when they testified under oath that they also believed Roe v. Wade was settled legal precedent and I am alarmed they chose to reject the stability the ruling has provided for two generations of Americans," he said.

Kavanaugh and Gorsuch provided critical votes to assemble a Supreme Court majority to eliminate Roe v. Wade.

Critics of Manchin and Collins described them as naive, if not willfully ignorant of what some said at the time was the likely endgame if the two conservatives were added to the court.

Kavanaugh told the Senate at his 2018 confirmation hearing that the Roe decision "is important precedent of the Supreme Court that has been reaffirmed many times." Gorsuch, at his 2017 hearing, said of Roe that "a good judge will consider it as precedent of the U.S. Supreme Court."

They lied
Lied? The problem with that notion is Senators do not determine what is or isn't settled law. That is the sole purview of the judiciary and even having such expectations is a disgusting breach of powers.
Lied? The problem with that notion is Senators do not determine what is or isn't settled law. That is the sole purview of the judiciary and even having such expectations is a disgusting breach of powers.
There is no doubt that they led Collins and Mancin to believe that they held precedent in high regard and that Roe was settled law.

They lied
There is no doubt that they led Collins and Mancin to believe that they held precedent in high regard and that Roe was settled law.

They lied
The Senators were foolish and wrong to phrase such questions with presumptions. The fault is entirely on those Senators. It is not for Senators to blackmail prospective Justices with a requirement to define law as settled or not.

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