What a surprise

Ben Thomson

Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2020
This is a hint of what you will get with a right wing SCOTUS. Kavanaugh has expressed sympathy to a legal theory that ballots should stop being counted on the stroke of midnight on election day..even though they were received on time. Employees coming in to work on the 4th to continue counting ballots will not be allowed to if these right wingers have their way..Brett Kavanaugh Just Endorsed A Radical Legal Theory That Could Cause Election Chaos
This is a hint of what you will get with a right wing SCOTUS. Kavanaugh has expressed sympathy to a legal theory that ballots should stop being counted on the stroke of midnight on election day..even though they were received on time. Employees coming in to work on the 4th to continue counting ballots will not be allowed to if these right wingers have their way..Brett Kavanaugh Just Endorsed A Radical Legal Theory That Could Cause Election Chaos
All this could of been avoided if just those cowards of the progs would of gone down to their election booths and cast a vote. I have done it twice this year, and still havent met the Kung Flu, because that virus is afraid of me, not the other way around.
This is a hint of what you will get with a right wing SCOTUS. Kavanaugh has expressed sympathy to a legal theory that ballots should stop being counted on the stroke of midnight on election day..even though they were received on time. Employees coming in to work on the 4th to continue counting ballots will not be allowed to if these right wingers have their way..Brett Kavanaugh Just Endorsed A Radical Legal Theory That Could Cause Election Chaos
All this could of been avoided if just those cowards of the progs would of gone down to their election booths and cast a vote. I have done it twice this year, and still havent met the Kung Flu, because that virus is afraid of me, not the other way around.
So mail in ballots should not be allowed at all in other words..
This is a hint of what you will get with a right wing SCOTUS. Kavanaugh has expressed sympathy to a legal theory that ballots should stop being counted on the stroke of midnight on election day..even though they were received on time. Employees coming in to work on the 4th to continue counting ballots will not be allowed to if these right wingers have their way..Brett Kavanaugh Just Endorsed A Radical Legal Theory That Could Cause Election Chaos
All this could of been avoided if just those cowards of the progs would of gone down to their election booths and cast a vote. I have done it twice this year, and still havent met the Kung Flu, because that virus is afraid of me, not the other way around.
So mail in ballots should not be alowed at all in other words..
Correct. Hopefully we'll soon have voter ID laws in place too so your election shenanigans will be harder to pull off. Maybe too hard for your tinny little brain to circumvent.
Perhaps, they should mail in their ballot a couple of days early, huh?
That would make sure there wouldn't be a problem.

Paul Blumenthal
·Reporter, HuffPost
Mon, October 26, 2020, 8:19 PM MDT·7 mins read

The five conservatives on the Supreme Court affirmed an appeals court ruling overturning a decision that would have extended Wisconsin’s mail-in ballot receipt deadline by six days. Absentee ballots in Wisconsin now must be received by the close of polls on Election Day.
This is a hint of what you will get with a right wing SCOTUS. Kavanaugh has expressed sympathy to a legal theory that ballots should stop being counted on the stroke of midnight on election day..even though they were received on time. Employees coming in to work on the 4th to continue counting ballots will not be allowed to if these right wingers have their way..Brett Kavanaugh Just Endorsed A Radical Legal Theory That Could Cause Election Chaos

The correct ruling says ballots shouldn't be counted if they aren't in the hands of those doing the counting by or before election day.

If you're too lazy or too stupid to make sure that your vote is cast on time, then it shouldn't count.
Perhaps, they should mail in their ballot a couple of days early, huh?
That would make sure there wouldn't be a problem.

Paul Blumenthal
·Reporter, HuffPost
Mon, October 26, 2020, 8:19 PM MDT·7 mins read

The five conservatives on the Supreme Court affirmed an appeals court ruling overturning a decision that would have extended Wisconsin’s mail-in ballot receipt deadline by six days. Absentee ballots in Wisconsin now must be received by the close of polls on Election Day.

I mailed mine in 2 weeks ago.

No sense waiting til the last minute.
This is a hint of what you will get with a right wing SCOTUS. Kavanaugh has expressed sympathy to a legal theory that ballots should stop being counted on the stroke of midnight on election day..even though they were received on time. Employees coming in to work on the 4th to continue counting ballots will not be allowed to if these right wingers have their way..Brett Kavanaugh Just Endorsed A Radical Legal Theory That Could Cause Election Chaos

What's radical about that? The election is Nov. 3. you should vote on Nov. 3. People now have MONTHS to vote. I'm in my 60s and never IN MY LIFE have we not known the outcome of the election by then. The only exception should be if the election is literally too close to call. Then we should keep counting until we finish counting ballots received by 8PM election day when the polls close.

Normally, that's not a problem with voting machines. All these fucking mailed ballots is the problem. There has to be reasonable limits. You can't have another debacle like Gore created with an election contested for weeks.

Besides, you folks keep saying Biden will win in a landslide!

I will laugh like hell if Biden wins the election on the 3rd, but they keep counting ballots for days on end JUST LIKE YOU WANT days after the election is over and it FLIPS THE OUTCOME TO TRUMP! :auiqs.jpg:
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Does that include military absentee ballots? They don't get counted if they are received after election day?


Mail service has been purposely slowed in big cities by Trump' s fat cat donor he put in charge of the post office.... nice way to cheat. The P.O. used to deliver 95% of their first class mail in 5 days or less.... once they removed some of the fast mail processing machines in big cities like Detroit, only 60% of first class mail is delivered in 5 days or less, is what it said on the news last night.
Does that include military absentee ballots? They don't get counted if they are received after election day?


Mail service has been purposely slowed in big cities by Trump' s fat cat donor he put in charge of the post office.... nice way to cheat. The P.O. used to deliver 95% of their first class mail in 5 days or less.... once they removed some of the fast mail processing machines in big cities like Detroit, only 60% of first class mail is delivered in 5 days or less, is what it said on the news last night.
A convenient excuse for laziness....Get your ballot in on time and quit sniveling.
Perhaps, they should mail in their ballot a couple of days early, huh?
That would make sure there wouldn't be a problem.

Paul Blumenthal
·Reporter, HuffPost
Mon, October 26, 2020, 8:19 PM MDT·7 mins read

The five conservatives on the Supreme Court affirmed an appeals court ruling overturning a decision that would have extended Wisconsin’s mail-in ballot receipt deadline by six days. Absentee ballots in Wisconsin now must be received by the close of polls on Election Day.
Reading comprehension problems?..AGAIN...even though they are received on time..if they haven't been counted by midnight of election day they become invalid. It would be the first time a court has ruled that way if Kavanaugh has is way.
This is a hint of what you will get with a right wing SCOTUS. Kavanaugh has expressed sympathy to a legal theory that ballots should stop being counted on the stroke of midnight on election day..even though they were received on time. Employees coming in to work on the 4th to continue counting ballots will not be allowed to if these right wingers have their way..Brett Kavanaugh Just Endorsed A Radical Legal Theory That Could Cause Election Chaos
All this could of been avoided if just those cowards of the progs would of gone down to their election booths and cast a vote. I have done it twice this year, and still havent met the Kung Flu, because that virus is afraid of me, not the other way around.
So mail in ballots should not be allowed at all in other words..
Fine by me, why are you whining so much about it??
This is a hint of what you will get with a right wing SCOTUS. Kavanaugh has expressed sympathy to a legal theory that ballots should stop being counted on the stroke of midnight on election day..even though they were received on time. Employees coming in to work on the 4th to continue counting ballots will not be allowed to if these right wingers have their way..Brett Kavanaugh Just Endorsed A Radical Legal Theory That Could Cause Election Chaos
All this could of been avoided if just those cowards of the progs would of gone down to their election booths and cast a vote. I have done it twice this year, and still havent met the Kung Flu, because that virus is afraid of me, not the other way around.
So mail in ballots should not be alowed at all in other words..
Correct. Hopefully we'll soon have voter ID laws in place too so your election shenanigans will be harder to pull off. Maybe too hard for your tinny little brain to circumvent.
LOL!!..good luck with that..mail in voting has been the norm for decades and will be for the future...maybe that's to hard for your little brain to circumvent.
This is a hint of what you will get with a right wing SCOTUS. Kavanaugh has expressed sympathy to a legal theory that ballots should stop being counted on the stroke of midnight on election day..even though they were received on time. Employees coming in to work on the 4th to continue counting ballots will not be allowed to if these right wingers have their way..Brett Kavanaugh Just Endorsed A Radical Legal Theory That Could Cause Election Chaos
All this could of been avoided if just those cowards of the progs would of gone down to their election booths and cast a vote. I have done it twice this year, and still havent met the Kung Flu, because that virus is afraid of me, not the other way around.
So mail in ballots should not be allowed at all in other words..
Fine by me, why are you whining so much about it??
amused, not whining.
This is a hint of what you will get with a right wing SCOTUS. Kavanaugh has expressed sympathy to a legal theory that ballots should stop being counted on the stroke of midnight on election day..even though they were received on time. Employees coming in to work on the 4th to continue counting ballots will not be allowed to if these right wingers have their way..Brett Kavanaugh Just Endorsed A Radical Legal Theory That Could Cause Election Chaos
All this could of been avoided if just those cowards of the progs would of gone down to their election booths and cast a vote. I have done it twice this year, and still havent met the Kung Flu, because that virus is afraid of me, not the other way around.
So mail in ballots should not be allowed at all in other words..
Fine by me, why are you whining so much about it??
amused, not whining.
Stand in line like the rest of us.
Perhaps, they should mail in their ballot a couple of days early, huh?
That would make sure there wouldn't be a problem.

Paul Blumenthal
·Reporter, HuffPost
Mon, October 26, 2020, 8:19 PM MDT·7 mins read

The five conservatives on the Supreme Court affirmed an appeals court ruling overturning a decision that would have extended Wisconsin’s mail-in ballot receipt deadline by six days. Absentee ballots in Wisconsin now must be received by the close of polls on Election Day.
Reading comprehension problems?..AGAIN...even though they are received on time..if they haven't been counted by midnight of election day they become invalid. It would be the first time a court has ruled that way if Kavanaugh has is way.

AGAIN...even though they are received on time..if they haven't been counted by midnight of election day they become invalid.

Thanks for the link.

overturning a decision that would have extended Wisconsin’s mail-in ballot receipt deadline by six days. Absentee ballots in Wisconsin now must be received by the close of polls on Election Day.

Perhaps, they should mail in their ballot a couple of days early, huh?
That would make sure there wouldn't be a problem.

Paul Blumenthal
·Reporter, HuffPost
Mon, October 26, 2020, 8:19 PM MDT·7 mins read

The five conservatives on the Supreme Court affirmed an appeals court ruling overturning a decision that would have extended Wisconsin’s mail-in ballot receipt deadline by six days. Absentee ballots in Wisconsin now must be received by the close of polls on Election Day.
'Absentee ballots in Wisconsin now must be received by the close of polls on Election Day'...and if Kavanaugh has his way must be counted by midnight or thrown out.
Perhaps, they should mail in their ballot a couple of days early, huh?
That would make sure there wouldn't be a problem.

Paul Blumenthal
·Reporter, HuffPost
Mon, October 26, 2020, 8:19 PM MDT·7 mins read

The five conservatives on the Supreme Court affirmed an appeals court ruling overturning a decision that would have extended Wisconsin’s mail-in ballot receipt deadline by six days. Absentee ballots in Wisconsin now must be received by the close of polls on Election Day.
Reading comprehension problems?..AGAIN...even though they are received on time..if they haven't been counted by midnight of election day they become invalid. It would be the first time a court has ruled that way if Kavanaugh has is way.
You might want to go back and read what I highlighted for you. "Extending Wi. mail-in ballot deadline by 6 days." Just what do you think that meant?
By the way, that's from YOUR source.
This is a hint of what you will get with a right wing SCOTUS. Kavanaugh has expressed sympathy to a legal theory that ballots should stop being counted on the stroke of midnight on election day..even though they were received on time. Employees coming in to work on the 4th to continue counting ballots will not be allowed to if these right wingers have their way..Brett Kavanaugh Just Endorsed A Radical Legal Theory That Could Cause Election Chaos

He explicitly endorsed legal theories that could help President Donald Trump stop the counting of mailed ballots after Election Day or, worse, override results with the help of Republican state legislatures.


“For important reasons, most States, including Wisconsin, require absentee ballots to be received by election day, not just mailed by election day,” Kavanaugh writes.

He didn't write what Paul Blumenthal claimed he wrote.

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