What a sorry excuse for human beings


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Israeli forces demolish 4 Bedouin homes near Beersheba

BEERSHEBA (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces demolished four Bedouin homes in the Tel Sheba area of Beersheba on Tuesday, leaving dozens homeless.

Locals told Ma'an that the homes belonged to the al-Nabbari family.

Israeli forces escorted bulldozers to the area early Tuesday and demolished the properties on the pretext that they lacked building permits.

One of the family members, Sufian al-Nabbari, 20, was arrested after attempting to prevent the demolition.

"We will not let go of our lands. More than 60 police officers arrived in the area and demolished our homes and livestock barns," Muhammad al-Nabbari said.


Israeli forces open fire at Gaza farmers, fishermen

Israeli forces open fire at Gaza farmers fishermen Maan News Agency

First yous create a hell in Gaza and are creating a hell in the West Bank and then say , look look what we have to put up with. Your the disgusting locusts. How you can do what you do to kids and families and then show smiling jewish kids from India on the front page of your news, make my stomach turn. Every night your going in with your bulldozers attacking homes. Keeping their money and shutting of their electric. Sick.
that's not going to make the paid shills for Israel that troll here happy that you have exposed their corruption again.lol. Im surprised their handlers haven't sent them to troll here already the way they are usually so quick when facts like this are brought up.lol.
Oh, they have plenty of trolls to send and they will be here soon. . Look at the posting Phoney does. His username is on nearly very thread. Ruddy, MJ etc. I have decided to call them all Otto as in Otto the Nazirene from Life of Brian.
Oh, they have plenty of trolls to send and they will be here soon. . Look at the posting Phoney does. His username is on nearly very thread. Ruddy, MJ etc. I have decided to call them all Otto as in Otto the Nazirene from Life of Brian.
yeah true enough,their handlers will send them here soon enough.Right now they haven't made it over here yet cause their handlers have instructed them to keep trolling in the Israel section keeping them busy there for the moment now.:asshole:
I don't trust this site with who runs it at all the way they allow them to troll there in that section all the time and everywhere else not banning them like any honest American who cares about this country would.
Israeli forces demolish 4 Bedouin homes near Beersheba

BEERSHEBA (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces demolished four Bedouin homes in the Tel Sheba area of Beersheba on Tuesday, leaving dozens homeless.

Locals told Ma'an that the homes belonged to the al-Nabbari family.

Israeli forces escorted bulldozers to the area early Tuesday and demolished the properties on the pretext that they lacked building permits.

One of the family members, Sufian al-Nabbari, 20, was arrested after attempting to prevent the demolition.

"We will not let go of our lands. More than 60 police officers arrived in the area and demolished our homes and livestock barns," Muhammad al-Nabbari said.


Israeli forces open fire at Gaza farmers, fishermen

Israeli forces open fire at Gaza farmers fishermen Maan News Agency

First yous create a hell in Gaza and are creating a hell in the West Bank and then say , look look what we have to put up with. Your the disgusting locusts. How you can do what you do to kids and families and then show smiling jewish kids from India on the front page of your news, make my stomach turn. Every night your going in with your bulldozers attacking homes. Keeping their money and shutting of their electric. Sick.

Illegal buildings get destroyed the world over, I don't see you complaining when the Palestinians destroy peoples homes in gaza....................
that's not going to make the paid shills for Israel that troll here happy that you have exposed their corruption again.lol. Im surprised their handlers haven't sent them to troll here already the way they are usually so quick when facts like this are brought up.lol.

What facts apart from illegal buildings have been destroyed, just as the American town councils do every day
Oh, they have plenty of trolls to send and they will be here soon. . Look at the posting Phoney does. His username is on nearly very thread. Ruddy, MJ etc. I have decided to call them all Otto as in Otto the Nazirene from Life of Brian.

Just shows how childish and immature you are then doesn't it
Ok, let me see here. The title is about some homes being destroyed in Beer Sheba, the picture is from September of last year at a site where they are talking about Jaffa, and finally the link is to an article about Gaza.

who is handling who?
. Maan News Agency - News .

constant terrorism. I have no pity , just disgust for the Israelites. There is nothing they can do to ever undo the evil they have done. Look how they treated the British. They are inhumane.
The British that constantly abused them?

We don't need your sympathies, anyway.

God bless the IDF. While they're here, mayb'e they'll do something about the bedoiun civilian terror, too.
The British that constantly abused them?

We don't need your sympathies, anyway.

God bless the IDF. While they're here, mayb'e they'll do something about the bedoiun civilian terror, too.

You blew up the King David's hotel and told the British to leave, you bit the hand that fed you the land.
Your IDF love to act tuff against kids with stones, good think you have subs and nukes and tanks with fire bombs. Your not even jew just like most of the jews in Israel. They are Communists.
Just keep it up Loopie. You're doing just fine in your credibility department. Even though you now post the link, the picture is not even from Ma'an as they claim it is. Ever heard of the 'tineye' plugin? Or how to drag photos into google images to debunk the bullshit that you and your ilk post? Let me see, here is where the image first shows, from over four years ago (yes I know it is called a ma'am file photo, but why not be more original instead of using the same heart digging photo over and over again):

Hundreds to protest razing of Arab village Maan News Agency

You see, the pro-pali 'narrative' that you are so enamored with has you by the heart strings. You ignore the why's and just look at the bullshit propaganda that you are spoon fed; the propaganda that fits your narrative. Your narrative that is so well spelled out in the title of your pathetic peace (misspelled on purpose) of shit thread.

Face it. You just hate the Jews. Or actually, you hate the fact that Eretz Yisrael exists.

The British that constantly abused them?

We don't need your sympathies, anyway.

God bless the IDF. While they're here, mayb'e they'll do something about the bedoiun civilian terror, too.

You blew up the King David's hotel and told the British to leave, you bit the hand that fed you the land.
Your IDF love to act tuff against kids with stones, good think you have subs and nukes and tanks with fire bombs. Your not even jew just like most of the jews in Israel. They are Communists.

The King David hotel was warned many hours before that it was to be blown up, and the British ignored the warning

The British murdered thousands of Jews between 1944 and 1948 when they broke the law embodied in the Mandate for Palestine and refused Jews the right to migrate. They then sent them to death camps in Cyprus and many died on their way there and while they were there. The British wanted to give the land to the arab muslims but couldn't as the LoN/UN would not let them. The IDF are doing what any other force would do, arrest those who try to kill or injure others, in the UK the police charge children who throw stones with serious crime and even attempted murder. The communists are on here posing as concerned citizens and unbiased, just look at the posts from some of team Palestine and you will see who are the communists.

Now go away little girl and read up on the reality before you show your complete and utter idiocy
In October 2014 Cairo Conference to ra

A conference was held in Cairo in October, 2014. The conference was to raise money to help Gaza rebuild. Qatar pledged approximately $1 billion. Practically nothing has shown up yet. I bet a few million has made it to ISIS from Qatar. Arab nations love to complain about the problem but won't lift a finger to help.

PressTV-UN Arab League urge world to help Gaza
The British that constantly abused them?

We don't need your sympathies, anyway.

God bless the IDF. While they're here, mayb'e they'll do something about the bedoiun civilian terror, too.

You blew up the King David's hotel and told the British to leave, you bit the hand that fed you the land.
Your IDF love to act tuff against kids with stones, good think you have subs and nukes and tanks with fire bombs. Your not even jew just like most of the jews in Israel. They are Communists.

Hand that fed us what?!

The British occupier never belonged here, if anything, the conflict back then was their fault. Not the Jews, nor the Arabs wanted the British foreign hand here. On that Jews and Arabs were in total agreement. That hand fed us nothing. It settled on our land and had a major part in the rift between the semites of the land.

And who the f** are you to tell me who I am?
The British that constantly abused them?

We don't need your sympathies, anyway.

God bless the IDF. While they're here, mayb'e they'll do something about the bedoiun civilian terror, too.

You blew up the King David's hotel and told the British to leave, you bit the hand that fed you the land.
Your IDF love to act tuff against kids with stones, good think you have subs and nukes and tanks with fire bombs. Your not even jew just like most of the jews in Israel. They are Communists.
The Jewish organization that blew up Kind David's hotel were insanely radical. They were hardcore to the extreme. Not exactly the 'common man on the street' Jew.
Just keep it up Loopie. You're doing just fine in your credibility department. Even though you now post the link, the picture is not even from Ma'an as they claim it is. Ever heard of the 'tineye' plugin? Or how to drag photos into google images to debunk the bullshit that you and your ilk post? Let me see, here is where the image first shows, from over four years ago (yes I know it is called a ma'am file photo, but why not be more original instead of using the same heart digging photo over and over again):

Hundreds to protest razing of Arab village Maan News Agency

You see, the pro-pali 'narrative' that you are so enamored with has you by the heart strings. You ignore the why's and just look at the bullshit propaganda that you are spoon fed; the propaganda that fits your narrative. Your narrative that is so well spelled out in the title of your pathetic peace (misspelled on purpose) of shit thread.

Face it. You just hate the Jews. Or actually, you hate the fact that Eretz Yisrael exists.


PeNAZIlope's credibility was flushed down the toilet a long time ago.

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