What a golden opportunity wasted


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
If the Republicans lose seats in 2018 - they have no one to blame but themselves. Their ineptitude to this point has been nothing short of astounding. Tax reform - done properly - would have all but assured them landslide victories in 2018.

Instead, despite owning the House, the Senate, and the White House, the Republicant's haven't achieved a single thing. No tax reform. No repeal of Obamacare. No cuts in spending. Every single positive action to come out of Washington D.C. has been constitutional Executive Orders by President Trump. But there is only so much he can do there and he's exhausted much of it already.

If I didn't know better, I'd swear that the Republican Party was just an operative arm of the Dumbocrat Party. Just there to intentionally fail, thereby ensuring a return to power for the Dumbocrats by frustrated voters looking for actual results.

Republican Hopes for Rewriting Tax Code in 2017 Are Fading
The "constitutional" bit...that's questionable given the way some of his EO's have been challenged in court.
The "constitutional" bit...that's questionable given the way some of his EO's have been challenged in court.
The questionable nature is given by the fact that the challenges have thus far prevailed in court, not because they were brought.
Remember all those calls for Obama's impeachment for writing unconstitutional EOs?

I bet amnesia has already set in the pseudocons about that. :lol:

I'm sure their propaganda outlets have forgotten to remind them, too.
What we need is for the Republican Party to be abolished and the way made for a new political party that is willing to fight the Democrats and the media without fear.
Republican propaganda created monsters over the last few decades that will end up costing you dumb rubes a hefty price. You poor, ignorant fucks have firmly planted yourselves on the wrong side of history, and indeed wasted your golden opportunity on an orange con man.
What we need is for the Republican Party to be abolished and the way made for a new political party that is willing to fight the Democrats and the media without fear.
No, we just need the Republican party to kick out all you tards who have hijacked it.
I would like to agree with the O.P. Only, I would say it different. I would say that the Republican Caucus in Congress has more Pussies in it than all the Whore Houses in New Orleans....and that's a lot.

And, it is because they are scared shit-less of the New York Media which is in the midst of a co-conspiracy with the Democrat Party to unseat the duly elected government of this country.

Any American who has watched the last few months of media reporting...not of facts...but of propaganda....ought to be concerned about this fraudulent co-conspiracy...which also includes 8 years of Obama Socialists in the vast bloated bureaucracies of the Federal Government.

We are witnessing a virtual coup by the electorally humiliated Liberal/Socialist/Bolsheviks...because the Republicans in Washington are Cowards...i.e Pussies.
WTF is happening iin the political world? Trump has his four month anniversary in office this week and we get profound inane declarations by (fake) republican posters after the greatest political victory in modern history a couple of years after the biggest republican mid term landslide in modern history that after four months ....Republicans have a "golden opportunity wasted"? Fake republicans come an go.

I would also like to add that the poster Coyote...not the moderator Coyote, because you can't say anything about moderators...I'm talking about the poster Coyote and his posts in this thread ....I'm saying he is the worst poster...the most eaten up with party bias and passion...the most deluded...and the most filled with general foolishness...the Worst Poster....since Paint Your House...who I believe is banned for behavior which is presumed to be the result of mental illness.
I would like to agree with the O.P. Only, I would say it different. I would say that the Republican Caucus in Congress has more Pussies in it than all the Whore Houses in New Orleans....and that's a lot.

And, it is because they are scared shit-less of the New York Media which is in the midst of a co-conspiracy with the Democrat Party to unseat the duly elected government of this country.

Any American who has watched the last few months of media reporting...not of facts...but of propaganda....ought to be concerned about this fraudulent co-conspiracy...which also includes 8 years of Obama Socialists in the vast bloated bureaucracies of the Federal Government.

We are witnessing a virtual coup by the electorally humiliated Liberal/Socialist/Bolsheviks...because the Republicans in Washington are Cowards...i.e Pussies.
Shit. It isn't the dems or the media that is making Trump step on his own dick every day. The dems don't have the numbers to stop anything either. Repugs just suck at actually governing.
I would like to agree with the O.P. Only, I would say it different. I would say that the Republican Caucus in Congress has more Pussies in it than all the Whore Houses in New Orleans....and that's a lot.

And, it is because they are scared shit-less of the New York Media which is in the midst of a co-conspiracy with the Democrat Party to unseat the duly elected government of this country.

Any American who has watched the last few months of media reporting...not of facts...but of propaganda....ought to be concerned about this fraudulent co-conspiracy...which also includes 8 years of Obama Socialists in the vast bloated bureaucracies of the Federal Government.

We are witnessing a virtual coup by the electorally humiliated Liberal/Socialist/Bolsheviks...because the Republicans in Washington are Cowards...i.e Pussies.
Shit. It isn't the dems or the media that is making Trump step on his own dick every day. The dems don't have the numbers to stop anything either. Repugs just suck at actually governing.
Just so you know, Ds suck at governing too.
The temporary insanity of the Republican Party in nominating Trump is the root of all of their current problems.

For decades the RWnut wing of the GOP had been demanding that the party stop nominating moderates, or RINO's, or establishment guys, or anything other than someone the RWnut wing wanted.

Well, 'nuts, you finally got your way. How's it working out for you?
I would also like to add that the poster Coyote...not the moderator Coyote, because you can't say anything about moderators...I'm talking about the poster Coyote and his posts in this thread ....I'm saying he is the worst poster...the most eaten up with party bias and passion...the most deluded...and the most filled with general foolishness...the Worst Poster....since Paint Your House...who I believe is banned for behavior which is presumed to be the result of mental illness.

Wow. How much do you normally charge for all this free headspace? Obsessed much? :lol:

Face it - folks elected one of the most incompetent, intemperate, insane candidate to ever hold office.

He can't even work with a friendly congress to pass legislation. In fact, I'm not convinced he knows HOW legislation is crafted and passed - you can't fit it on a tweet. His idea of governance is issuing EO after EO, showing it to the cameras and then tweeting about how great he is and how horrible (insert who ever insulted him at the moment) is.
I would also like to add that the poster Coyote...not the moderator Coyote, because you can't say anything about moderators...I'm talking about the poster Coyote and his posts in this thread ....I'm saying he is the worst poster...the most eaten up with party bias and passion...the most deluded...and the most filled with general foolishness...the Worst Poster....since Paint Your House...who I believe is banned for behavior which is presumed to be the result of mental illness.

Wow. How much do you normally charge for all this free headspace? Obsessed much? :lol:

Face it - folks elected one of the most incompetent, intemperate, insane candidate to ever hold office.

He can't even work with a friendly congress to pass legislation. In fact, I'm not convinced he knows HOW legislation is crafted and passed - you can't fit it on a tweet. His idea of governance is issuing EO after EO, showing it to the cameras and then tweeting about how great he is and how horrible (insert who ever insulted him at the moment) is.
You mean your meat puppet faggot?

The guy who couldn't get anyone in Congress to pass his budget through the entire 8 years in office?

That incompetent, intemperate, insane, bed wetting sociopath pervert?

So far Trump has signed more legislation than he did I think. Obozo signed one fuckin law, and the democrooks party has not held so few seats since 1920 because of it.

I would also like to add that the poster Coyote...not the moderator Coyote, because you can't say anything about moderators...I'm talking about the poster Coyote and his posts in this thread ....I'm saying he is the worst poster...the most eaten up with party bias and passion...the most deluded...and the most filled with general foolishness...the Worst Poster....since Paint Your House...who I believe is banned for behavior which is presumed to be the result of mental illness.

Wow. How much do you normally charge for all this free headspace? Obsessed much? :lol:

Face it - folks elected one of the most incompetent, intemperate, insane candidate to ever hold office.

He can't even work with a friendly congress to pass legislation. In fact, I'm not convinced he knows HOW legislation is crafted and passed - you can't fit it on a tweet. His idea of governance is issuing EO after EO, showing it to the cameras and then tweeting about how great he is and how horrible (insert who ever insulted him at the moment) is.
You mean your meat puppet faggot?

The guy who couldn't get anyone in Congress to pass his budget through the entire 8 years in office?

That incompetent, intemperate, insane, bed wetting sociopath pervert?

So far Trump has signed more legislation than he did I think. Obozo signed one fuckin law, and the democrooks party has not held so few seats since 1920 because of it.

Most of what he's signed has been bills undoing Obama-era rules/regulations/programs. Little legislation moving his agenda forward: Analysis | Trump has signed twice as many bills as Obama had at this point
I would also like to add that the poster Coyote...not the moderator Coyote, because you can't say anything about moderators...I'm talking about the poster Coyote and his posts in this thread ....I'm saying he is the worst poster...the most eaten up with party bias and passion...the most deluded...and the most filled with general foolishness...the Worst Poster....since Paint Your House...who I believe is banned for behavior which is presumed to be the result of mental illness.

Wow. How much do you normally charge for all this free headspace? Obsessed much? :lol:

Face it - folks elected one of the most incompetent, intemperate, insane candidate to ever hold office.

He can't even work with a friendly congress to pass legislation. In fact, I'm not convinced he knows HOW legislation is crafted and passed - you can't fit it on a tweet. His idea of governance is issuing EO after EO, showing it to the cameras and then tweeting about how great he is and how horrible (insert who ever insulted him at the moment) is.

In his defense the repubs in Congress are NOT his friends, nor are they friendly. He is an outsider, and will always BE an outsider. The political class is pissed that they lost. They truly could care less whether it was a repub or a dem in office so long as it is one of them. He isn't, and they will make him suffer for it.

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