WH reaches deal with major companies to boost employment


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
CNN exclusive: Obama says Walmart, Apple, others to help jobless - CNN.com

(CNN) -- The White House has secured commitments from some of the nation's largest companies to a plan to boost hiring of the long-term unemployed.

"What we have done is to gather together 300 companies, just to start with, including, some of the top 50 companies in the country, companies like Walmart, and Apple, Ford and others, to say let's establish best practices," President Barack Obama told CNN Chief Washington Correspondent Jake Tapper in an exclusive interview.

"Because they've been unemployed ... so long, folks are looking at that gap in the resume and they're weeding them out before these folks even get a chance for an interview," said Obama.

Glad someone is doing something while the Do Nothing Congress sits on their hands. The private sector will do the work that the GOP House has been blocking for years. :clap2:
CNN exclusive: Obama says Walmart, Apple, others to help jobless - CNN.com

(CNN) -- The White House has secured commitments from some of the nation's largest companies to a plan to boost hiring of the long-term unemployed.

"What we have done is to gather together 300 companies, just to start with, including, some of the top 50 companies in the country, companies like Walmart, and Apple, Ford and others, to say let's establish best practices," President Barack Obama told CNN Chief Washington Correspondent Jake Tapper in an exclusive interview.

"Because they've been unemployed ... so long, folks are looking at that gap in the resume and they're weeding them out before these folks even get a chance for an interview," said Obama.

Glad someone is doing something while the Do Nothing Congress sits on their hands. The private sector will do the work that the GOP House has been blocking for years. :clap2:

both sides suck Jim.....in my State all the bucks are going to the wealthy Counties.....everyone else?.....just enough to get by....
I thought liberals say that wal mart is the problem? I wonder if obama will let these companies have a voucher for obamacare?
Right now it is nothing but talk, any company can say they'll get together to establish best practices. Agreeing to them and implementing them remains to be seen.
Desperate times call for desperate measures and it beats stimulating the economy with solid economic principals. Do we need to look up the definition of fascism?
CNN exclusive: Obama says Walmart, Apple, others to help jobless - CNN.com

(CNN) -- The White House has secured commitments from some of the nation's largest companies to a plan to boost hiring of the long-term unemployed.

"What we have done is to gather together 300 companies, just to start with, including, some of the top 50 companies in the country, companies like Walmart, and Apple, Ford and others, to say let's establish best practices," President Barack Obama told CNN Chief Washington Correspondent Jake Tapper in an exclusive interview.

"Because they've been unemployed ... so long, folks are looking at that gap in the resume and they're weeding them out before these folks even get a chance for an interview," said Obama.

Glad someone is doing something while the Do Nothing Congress sits on their hands. The private sector will do the work that the GOP House has been blocking for years. :clap2:

It doesn't sound like they are doing any additional hiring; they are just going to try to hire more long-term unemployed, presumably at the expense of the short-term unemployed. Affirmative action for the long-term unemployed!
Whether you agree with it or not, Obama is trying to help the long term unemployed, unlike the House GOP that is doing nothing to help these people. To the GOP in the House, the long term unemployed are political footballs....nothing more.
The longer you are out of work, the less desirable of a candidate for work you are. This is a good move.

A better move would be bringing manufacturing jobs back to the US...without unions.
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Wal Mart like many,er, all companies lie. What they say or advertise in public is opposite what they will really do. So I call shenanigans!

How can anyone see a problem with this?
I'll have to see more details than has been provided before I decide if its a worthwhile program.

As for your blaming the GOP as a do nothing congress, this makes Me understand that you are nothing more than a lying, POS hack who can't even add. Tell Me, how much is 1 of 3?
How can anyone see a problem with this?
I'll have to see more details than has been provided before I decide if its a worthwhile program.

As for your blaming the GOP as a do nothing congress, this makes Me understand that you are nothing more than a lying, POS hack who can't even add. Tell Me, how much is 1 of 3?

You know everything is blocked in the GOP, Gerrymandered House...right? Or are you happy with a political party that sees its own viability slipping away. The GOP is desperately hoping for an economic downtown to help its position in the mid-terms this year.

The deficit is going down and all they have left is voter suppression and obstruction.
How can anyone see a problem with this?
I'll have to see more details than has been provided before I decide if its a worthwhile program.

As for your blaming the GOP as a do nothing congress, this makes Me understand that you are nothing more than a lying, POS hack who can't even add. Tell Me, how much is 1 of 3?

You know everything is blocked in the GOP, Gerrymandered House...right? Or are you happy with a political party that sees its own viability slipping away.OP is desperately hoping for an economic downtown to help its position in the mid-terms this years.

The deficit is going down and all they have left is voter suppression and obstruction.
You know that the Democrats control two-thirds of the government, right? You ALSO should know that all they have to do is compromise with the GOP.

If you say, "My way or the Highway" then you are at fault for stopping progress.

It really is that easy.
How can anyone see a problem with this?

I don't see a problem with it, but it amounts to nothing.

Like everything with Obama, it's bullshit.

So Obama is asking companies to overlook Resume' gaps when hiring. Splendid. BUT this adds not even one job. It merely reshuffles the applicant pool.

More meaningless shit from the incompetent fuck in White House. :yawn:
I'll have to see more details than has been provided before I decide if its a worthwhile program.

As for your blaming the GOP as a do nothing congress, this makes Me understand that you are nothing more than a lying, POS hack who can't even add. Tell Me, how much is 1 of 3?

You know everything is blocked in the GOP, Gerrymandered House...right? Or are you happy with a political party that sees its own viability slipping away.OP is desperately hoping for an economic downtown to help its position in the mid-terms this years.

The deficit is going down and all they have left is voter suppression and obstruction.
You know that the Democrats control two-thirds of the government, right? You ALSO should know that all they have to do is compromise with the GOP.

If you say, "My way or the Highway" then you are at fault for stopping progress.

It really is that easy.

"My way or the Highway"
is the mantra of the TP in the GOP. Compromise is a dirty word to these loons. The GOP love the stalemate and obstruction that the TP loons create.

BUT WAIT! Is that a GOP immigration bill on the horizon? The TP loons are going to rebel and run their own man in 2016....white man of course.
You know everything is blocked in the GOP, Gerrymandered House...right? Or are you happy with a political party that sees its own viability slipping away.OP is desperately hoping for an economic downtown to help its position in the mid-terms this years.

The deficit is going down and all they have left is voter suppression and obstruction.
You know that the Democrats control two-thirds of the government, right? You ALSO should know that all they have to do is compromise with the GOP.

If you say, "My way or the Highway" then you are at fault for stopping progress.

It really is that easy.

"My way or the Highway"
is the mantra of the TP in the GOP. Compromise is a dirty word to these loons. The GOP love the stalemate and obstruction that the TP loons create.

BUT WAIT! Is that a GOP immigration bill on the horizon? The TP loons are going to rebel and run their own man in 2016....white man of course.
How many bills sit in Harry Reids desk from the GOP and the TP?

The TP won't compromise because the democrats are saying, "no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no"

Why should anyone give these kinds of people any credibility? Besides, the TP is a minority subset of a party that only has 1/3 control. Yet you are telling Me they have so much power that they can stop everything dead in its tracks.

The Dems have only to compromise some and things get done. They don't, so congress is a do nothing congress. Due to Democrats.
is the mantra of the TP in the GOP. Compromise is a dirty word to these loons. The GOP love the stalemate and obstruction that the TP loons create.

BUT WAIT! Is that a GOP immigration bill on the horizon? The TP loons are going to rebel and run their own man in 2016....white man of course.

As white as Herman Cain that they ran last time - which you democrats lynched? :confused::confused:

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