West Virginia sees 25% increase in deaths of fully vaccinated

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Charleston, WV — West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice shared alarming news in his COVID-19 press briefing on August 23, 2021. And while the small state’s local news is barely a blip on the radar of larger networks, the contents should alarm vaccine advocates everywhere.

During the first weeks of the vaccine rollout, West Virginia won gold stars from experts everywhere for its commendable vaccination rate which nearly doubled the national rate. Programs targeting the elderly and at-risk populations were going above and beyond the call of duty. And for younger populations in the state which suffers from poverty and rampant drug use, the vaccine incentives were particularly effective.

However, as vaccines became more readily available and the gentle nudges became all-out shoves, vaccine rates have leveled off. Currently, they stand at 46% of residents having received at least one dose and 39% being fully vaccinated.

Going back to Gov. Justice’s remarks in his briefing, he expressed extreme concern for the latest rates of infection and COVID related deaths stating,

“Also, over the last eight weeks, health officials have seen a 26% increase in cases among fully vaccinated residents, a 21% increase, among the vaccinated, in cases requiring hospitalizations and a 25% increase in deaths among those who have gotten their shots.”

In the remainder of his briefing, Gov. Justice urged residents to take the vaccine and continue distancing and masking. 6,500 additional vaccinations have been administered since the FDA’s approval of the Pfizer vaccine, a positive trend in the eyes of jab proponents. However, the surprising data from the state’s latest infection and death rates is hard to ignore, especially when other countries are seeing similar trends.

I recommend you shove the jab , the coming boosters,the passports and the fda up your asses ...i'm gonna dance on your nazi graves......
Is that mean ? Like a tweet ?

Yet he does give any figures for the rates for the unvaccinated to compare the difference

He just giving half the story

Then the article uses a spread sheet from England

The vaccination isn't perfect but no vaccination is. There are breakthrough cases. Still this is a game of odds and dice rolling. What give you the better change of survival. Vaccination has better odds. If your a gambler.


August the state had over 1 million confirmed cases.

for the past 2 months they have had about 700 confirmed deaths. He doesn't bother to mention what number were unvaccinated as reported by CDC. Assuming the governor got his facts straight

Politics you got to love it. When things go good they will take credit but when they go bad then they blame other things

They got problems and the governor is ducking for cover

GitHub - microsoft/COVID-19-Widget: Terms and reference files for COVID-19 Widget
as of mid to late July, west virginia had 31 breakthrough deaths according to WV's state health dept. A 25% increase would make it 38. That's an increase of 7 people. Context matters. These sort of hit pieces from extreme right wing "media" outlets like libertyloft are meant to scare people. Don't fall for it like a "sheep."
THEY mean to murder as many of us as possible. Seems like they're doing pretty decent so far. Yes, fuck the vaccine, the "people" behind it, and all those duped into getting it and convincing others to do the same.
God is a life giver, not a life taker. How is a truth teller talking through you?
Charleston, WV — West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice shared alarming news in his COVID-19 press briefing on August 23, 2021. And while the small state’s local news is barely a blip on the radar of larger networks, the contents should alarm vaccine advocates everywhere.

During the first weeks of the vaccine rollout, West Virginia won gold stars from experts everywhere for its commendable vaccination rate which nearly doubled the national rate. Programs targeting the elderly and at-risk populations were going above and beyond the call of duty. And for younger populations in the state which suffers from poverty and rampant drug use, the vaccine incentives were particularly effective.

However, as vaccines became more readily available and the gentle nudges became all-out shoves, vaccine rates have leveled off. Currently, they stand at 46% of residents having received at least one dose and 39% being fully vaccinated.

Going back to Gov. Justice’s remarks in his briefing, he expressed extreme concern for the latest rates of infection and COVID related deaths stating,

“Also, over the last eight weeks, health officials have seen a 26% increase in cases among fully vaccinated residents, a 21% increase, among the vaccinated, in cases requiring hospitalizations and a 25% increase in deaths among those who have gotten their shots.”

In the remainder of his briefing, Gov. Justice urged residents to take the vaccine and continue distancing and masking. 6,500 additional vaccinations have been administered since the FDA’s approval of the Pfizer vaccine, a positive trend in the eyes of jab proponents. However, the surprising data from the state’s latest infection and death rates is hard to ignore, especially when other countries are seeing similar trends.

I recommend you shove the jab , the coming boosters,the passports and the fda up your asses ...i'm gonna dance on your nazi graves......
Is that mean ? Like a tweet ?

As I said to be fully immune you have to catch the virus and survive. colfax_m doesn't seem to understand that.
Means that if you catch it again (highly unlikely) you won't have any severe symptoms from it.
I had a patient who had COVID in the winter. Got vaccinated. Still got COVID again this summer. Spent about a month in the hospital. Left on 3-4 L oxygen.
I had a patient who had COVID in the winter. Got vaccinated. Still got COVID again this summer. Spent about a month in the hospital. Left on 3-4 L oxygen.
That is an anomaly. Was the patient old/sick and or obese? These patients will happen. There are millions of us but they will be few and far between.
Ya know what will help
Especially with progressives

Booster shots

Maskhole needs 14 clot shots

That guy has issues on so many levels--------he is a treat to others btw. For a man to target a woman for harassment especially with other women telling him that he is wrong--indicates mental problems--severe ones and screams mommy issues. NO woman is safe around him.
That is an anomaly. Was the patient old/sick and or obese? These patients will happen. There are millions of us but they will be few and far between.
So as long as it’s just a matter of percentages.

The vast majority of people who are vaccinated won’t get severe COVID and they didn’t have to suffer COVID the first time.

Your definition is arbitrary, which is fine, but I’m not seeing the utility here.
So as long as it’s just a matter of percentages.

The vast majority of people who are vaccinated won’t get severe COVID and they didn’t have to suffer COVID the first time.

Your definition is arbitrary, which is fine, but I’m not seeing the utility here.
If your patient didn’t have COVID initially they would no longer be with us. Obviously the antibodies are great, why else would the Red Cross ask me to donate so frequently at the height of the virus? A nurse should understand this or are you an orderly?
If your patient didn’t have COVID initially they would no longer be with us. Obviously the antibodies are great, why else would the Red Cross ask me to donate so frequently at the height of the virus? A nurse should understand this or are you an orderly?

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