Welsh Anti Lockdown protest in Cardiff today

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
As organised by neo nazi britain first with a coalition of anti 5G, anti vaxers and some covidiots. Two protesters, two passers by and a reporter from Wales on Sunday.
The meet in Swansea was cancelled through lack of interest. We are severely short of thick wankers in Wales.
Yay! Let's celebrate your collective servitude to a system which wishes to destroy your economy! Yay!

Do you know who is going to have to pay for all of this once it finally ends? YOU. The common person.

So enjoy sitting on your ass and collecting 'free' money...cause you are gonna pay every fucking cent back...and then some.

Yay!! Laziness! Yay!
Yay! Let's celebrate your collective servitude to a system which wishes to destroy your economy! Yay!

Do you know who is going to have to pay for all of this once it finally ends? YOU. The common person.

So enjoy sitting on your ass and collecting 'free' money...cause you are gonna pay every fucking cent back...and then some.

Yay!! Laziness! Yay!
Yay, we dont want to kill our fellow citizens. Yay, neo nazi trash have no traction over here. Yay, who gives a fuck what sub human shite like you think ?
Yay! Let's celebrate your collective servitude to a system which wishes to destroy your economy! Yay!

Do you know who is going to have to pay for all of this once it finally ends? YOU. The common person.

So enjoy sitting on your ass and collecting 'free' money...cause you are gonna pay every fucking cent back...and then some.

Yay!! Laziness! Yay!
Yay, we dont want to kill our fellow citizens. Yay, neo nazi trash have no traction over here. Yay, who gives a fuck what sub human shite like you think ?
...Said the slave. Careful slave...her majesties’ gestapo are watching your every key stroke.
Yay, we dont [sic] want to kill our fellow citizens.

What do you think will be the result of destroying your economy, of destroying the ability of people to obtain food and shelter and all the things that they need to live?

How many people are you willing to kill, to make yourself feel safe from an overhyped flu bug?

If there is any true justice in the world, then those of you who support this economic terrorism will be the first to be thrown out of your homes, and out on the street, before it starts happening to actual human beings, and you will be the first to starve to death or to die of other poverty-relate causes,and you will be the ones to suffer the greatest while you are dying.
As organised by neo nazi britain first with a coalition of anti 5G, anti vaxers and some covidiots. Two protesters, two passers by and a reporter from Wales on Sunday.
The meet in Swansea was cancelled through lack of interest. We are severely short of thick wankers in Wales.

How many different threads do you need to create, to show us what an ignorant, compliant, sycophantic sheep you are, who fully falls for the #CoronaHoax2020, and fully supports, without limits, any level of human rights abuses perpetrated by government based on this absurd hoax?

We all already knew this about you, even before the #CoronaHoaax2020 began.
Yay! Let's celebrate your collective servitude to a system which wishes to destroy your economy! Yay!

Do you know who is going to have to pay for all of this once it finally ends? YOU. The common person.

So enjoy sitting on your ass and collecting 'free' money...cause you are gonna pay every fucking cent back...and then some.

Yay!! Laziness! Yay!
Yay, we dont want to kill our fellow citizens. Yay, neo nazi trash have no traction over here. Yay, who gives a fuck what sub human shite like you think ?
2 hours ago you were talking about how hate needed to be eradicated.
Are you going to eradicate yourself?
Yay, we dont [sic] want to kill our fellow citizens.

What do you think will be the result of destroying your economy, of destroying the ability of people to obtain food and shelter and all the things that they need to live?

How many people are you willing to kill, to make yourself feel safe from an overhyped flu bug?

If there is any true justice in the world, then those of you who support this economic terrorism will be the first to be thrown out of your homes, and out on the street, before it starts happening to actual human beings, and you will be the first to starve to death or to die of other poverty-relate causes,and you will be the ones to suffer the greatest while you are dying.
People over here are furloughed and our government are paying 80% of their salary, at least until October. Its only in frontier type societies where folk are going crazy over this. You should look after people better.
People over here are furloughed and our government are paying 80% of their salary, at least until October.

And from where do you think the money is going to come to pay so many people so much, not to work? Government cannot give to anyone anything that it hasn't first taken from someone, and with too few people working, and too little wealth being generated, there just isn't enough of a taxable base to pay for all the people not working.
People over here are furloughed and our government are paying 80% of their salary, at least until October.

And from where do you think the money is going to come to pay so many people so much, not to work? Government cannot give to anyone anything that it hasn't first taken from someone, and with too few people working, and too little wealth being generated, there just isn't enough of a taxable base to pay for all the people not working.
The money comes from taxes we have paid in. There are a lot of projects that can be paused to pay for this. Keeping people alive is a societal necessity and the correct thing to do. The cost of HS2 would pay for it with money left over
What is more important, shaving 30 minutes off a train journey to London or keeping people alive and well. As a Christian I can see that there is only one answer.
As organised by neo nazi britain first with a coalition of anti 5G, anti vaxers and some covidiots. Two protesters, two passers by and a reporter from Wales on Sunday.
The meet in Swansea was cancelled through lack of interest. We are severely short of thick wankers in Wales.
View attachment 336895
Meet the resistance...Need anymore evidence as to why Wales is under the thumb of another nation.
As organised by neo nazi britain first with a coalition of anti 5G, anti vaxers and some covidiots. Two protesters, two passers by and a reporter from Wales on Sunday.
The meet in Swansea was cancelled through lack of interest. We are severely short of thick wankers in Wales.
View attachment 336895
Meet the resistance...Need anymore evidence as to why Wales is under the thumb of another nation.
The Welsh are under the thumb of the English because they are inbred sheep shaggers.
The money comes from taxes we have paid in. There are a lot of projects that can be paused to pay for this. Keeping people alive is a societal necessity and the correct thing to do. The cost of HS2 would pay for it with money left over
What is more important, shaving 30 minutes off a train journey to London or keeping people alive and well. As a Christian I can see that there is only one answer.

Keeping people alive is entirely dependent on allowing and encouraging everyone who is able to be productive. You seem to believe that your government has a bottomless bucket of money, that can be used to indefinitely sustain a majority of people forcibly kept idle. It doesn't work that way. It is not possible for it to work that way. Government cannot give anything to anyone that it hasn't taken from someone, and with too few people generating wealth, there is too little for government to take to sustain those not producing anything.

There is no other possible result from forcing a majority to remain idle and unproductive for any length of time, than that the economy will crash, people will be unable to obtain food, people will be unable to obtain other things that they need, and people will die as a result.

It is ignorant and insane to believe that you are saving lives by pursuing such an unworkable policy. This is a Great Leap Forward level of insane, and it will unavoidably lead to similar consequences if it is not stopped.
This graph shows globally, the number of deaths each year from 1950 to 2017. In this period of time, we've had wars,we've had natural disasters, we've had epidemics bigger than #CoronaHoax2020. What do you think caused that big spike, near 1960?

If you're thinking it was a war, then you're wrong.

If you're thinking it was a disease, then you're wrong.

If you're thinking it was a natural disaster, then you're wrong.

All those excess deaths took place in China, as a result of an economic disaster, and a resulting famine. This was a result of a bold move in China to move rapidly to a Communist economy, based on some very dubious elements. They called this The Great Leap Forward. The resulting famine is estimated to have caused anywhere from 23 million to as much as 55 million deaths.

This is the kind of fire with which we are playing, by trashing the economy all because the more ignorant and cowardly among us are afraid of an overhyped flu bug.

The money comes from taxes we have paid in. There are a lot of projects that can be paused to pay for this. Keeping people alive is a societal necessity and the correct thing to do. The cost of HS2 would pay for it with money left over
What is more important, shaving 30 minutes off a train journey to London or keeping people alive and well. As a Christian I can see that there is only one answer.

Keeping people alive is entirely dependent on allowing and encouraging everyone who is able to be productive. You seem to believe that your government has a bottomless bucket of money, that can be used to indefinitely sustain a majority of people forcibly kept idle. It doesn't work that way. It is not possible for it to work that way. Government cannot give anything to anyone that it hasn't taken from someone, and with too few people generating wealth, there is too little for government to take to sustain those not producing anything.

There is no other possible result from forcing a majority to remain idle and unproductive for any length of time, than that the economy will crash, people will be unable to obtain food, people will be unable to obtain other things that they need, and people will die as a result.

It is ignorant and insane to believe that you are saving lives by pursuing such an unworkable policy. This is a Great Leap Forward level of insane, and it will unavoidably lead to similar consequences if it is not stopped.
Its not intended to last forever. However the sums spent are a fraction of that spent to bail out the banks during the last failure of capitalism.
Going back too early is counterproductive and will lead to a second spike which could be potentially worse than what we have seen so far.
The US is the richest country in the world and should be leading on this. But your government works for the billionaire elites and not the people who actually vote.
Its not intended to last forever. However the sums spent are a fraction of that spent to bail out the banks during the last failure of capitalism.
Going back too early is counterproductive and will lead to a second spike which could be potentially worse than what we have seen so far.
The US is the richest country in the world and should be leading on this. But your government works for the billionaire elites and not the people who actually vote.

People who are as unimaginably ignorant about basic economics, and even basic math, are why socialism is allowed to take root in many countries.

You just go ahead and stupidly believe the lies that your masters are telling you, and don't bother to try to think for yourself, or even to see for yourself.

And don't concern yourself with worrying about why everyone with better than a room temperature IQ knows that you'r an idiot.
Its not intended to last forever. However the sums spent are a fraction of that spent to bail out the banks during the last failure of capitalism.
Going back too early is counterproductive and will lead to a second spike which could be potentially worse than what we have seen so far.
The US is the richest country in the world and should be leading on this. But your government works for the billionaire elites and not the people who actually vote.

People who are as unimaginably ignorant about basic economics, and even basic math, are why socialism is allowed to take root in many countries.

You just go ahead and stupidly believe the lies that your masters are telling you, and don't bother to try to think for yourself, or even to see for yourself.

And don't concern yourself with worrying about why everyone with better than a room temperature IQ knows that you'r an idiot.
You always resort to abuse when you lose Bob. We will see 1 of your standard memes shortly.

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