Welcome to Rank-Choice voting

States are beginning to adopt this new voting method.

To save you the time and trouble, democrats love this as to Never Trumpsters

Why? Because had this sort of voting method been used for the election of 2016, Trump never would have won

It's all about stopping Orange man, and anyone like him in the future.

With ranked choice voting, Bush Sr. would have won in '92. That's right. No President Clinton. Think about it. Your partisan brainwashing has you resisting positive change. That's just dumb.

Ranked choice does away the spoiler effect. That's it. It removes the lesser-of-two-evils nonsense that has been poisoning our elections since the beginning.
RCV guarantees permanent DemocRAT entrenchment.
Why? Do know anything about it? Or do you just know that Sarah Palin lost so it must be bad mkay.

This is why winner take all needs to remain and the Republicans need to slaughter the Dems in November.
Why?? There's exactly nothing partisan about his, other than your reaction.

RCV would have prevented Clinton from winning with only 43% of the vote.

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