Wealth Redistribution

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Thomas Sowell has had an interesting series of articles on wealth distribution running in the Washington Times. These articles take a good look into the thinking that government should be in charge of redistributing wealth to makes things more equitable among the different income classes. The series began in December and is up to the fifth installment, if anyone has an interest in reading it. Each edition had a different title, so you will just have to look for articles written by Sowell during the month of December. (Some articles did carry a Roman numeral in the title to indicate it’s a series of articles.)
Sowell is pretty good, thanks for the tip.

Unfortunately, the ship has sailed. People generally accept government wealth redistribution. But even they didn't, they'd be powerless to do anything about it. All the good reasoning in the world has no effect on government.
Thomas Sowell has had an interesting series of articles on wealth distribution running in the Washington Times. These articles take a good look into the thinking that government should be in charge of redistributing wealth to makes things more equitable among the different income classes. The series began in December and is up to the fifth installment, if anyone has an interest in reading it. Each edition had a different title, so you will just have to look for articles written by Sowell during the month of December. (Some articles did carry a Roman numeral in the title to indicate it’s a series of articles.)

There are many ways the rich have redistributed the wealth from us to them.

No more unions. Those jobs went overseas. That helped the rich and hurt working Americans.

Tax breaks to the rich. That is redistributing the wealth

Employees used to be paid more. Today they are not paid more but the CEO is making more than ever.

And immigration

Yes, Immigration Hurts American Workers
I'll explain it quickly.
Bank loans YOU $100,000
They have right to do nine more at $100,000 if they have it or not !
Repeat x 72,000.
Regnecks cant pay back.
Bank owns 72,000 houses but is "bankrupt".
tax payers bail them out.
Bank boards and presidents give themselves hundreds of thousands to millions in annual bonuses !

Understand wealth re-distribution now ?


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